Tips and Tricks Videos

Hello Measure User,


The object of Measure is to make efficient use of your time as you work on projects. Measure has many tools and functions to achieve this, but if you don’t know about them, you won’t be using them.


To get the most out of Measure and Measure Mobile, each month, we will send you a short video (no longer than three minutes) to show you functions you might not be using. We will also share a link to a library of similar videos if you want to learn more.


Of course, if you want further training you can always reach out to the team and we will be happy to assist.


These videos will be sent out in a monthly email (much like this one), and the option to unsubscribe will be available.

Please enjoy viewing the first set of videos below.

From the Team at Measure by RFMS Australasia.

Multi-Sheet Allocation

Measure Premier

Multi Area Tool

Measure Mobile

Multiple Segment Edit Tool
View more training videos here
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