December 23, 2022

Aviation Weather Handbook


Pilots and dispatchers must learn to deal with all aspects of weather, including how to appreciate good weather, recognize and respect marginal or hazardous weather, and avoid violent weather. This knowledge and the ability to make sound weather decisions are critical to the successful outcome of all flights. This book discusses each aspect of weather as it relates to aircraft operation and flight safety and provides information on the tools available for flight planning and inflight weather decisions, including observations, analyses, and forecasts.

The information in this handbook applies to students, experienced pilots, and flight instructors alike and is a key reference for meteorology and weather services pertinent to FAA Knowledge Exams and airman certification. It is a comprehensive resource for what you need to know about weather to fly safely in both visual (VMC) and instrument (IMC) meteorological conditions. Subjects covered include the U.S. aviation weather service program; weather briefings; weather theory and aviation hazards; meteorology; mountain, tropical, arctic, and space weather; observations (ASOS, AWOS, METAR, PIREP, radar); weather charts; advisories (including AIRMET, SIGMET, wind shear); forecasts (TAF, FA); online weather resources and flight planning tools; and much more.

The individual ACs that have been combined into this publication are still valid and will remain so for a period of time after the 8083-28 is published. These include:

• AC 00-6, Aviation Weather

• AC 00-24, Thunderstorms

• AC 00-30, Clear Air Turbulence Avoidance

• AC 00-45, Aviation Weather Services

• AC 00-54, Pilot Windshear Guide

• AC 00-57, Hazardous Mountain Winds

The AC00-6B (Aviation Weather) and AC0045-H1 (Aviation Weather Services) will remain current for use in Spring 2023 classrooms.

Softcover, 8.25 x 10.75 inches, 552 pages, illustrated in color. Available in print and eBook formats.

Shipping January!

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Aviation Weather Handbook (Softcover)


ISBN 978-1-64425-296-3


Aviation Weather Handbook (eBook PD)


ISBN 978-1-64425-298-7


Aviation Weather Handbook (eBook EB)


ISBN 978-1-64425-297-0


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Header Image: 1942 Grumman Widgeon owned by Jim Moriarty, photo by Burke Mees, author of

Notes of a Seaplane Instructor and Notes on the Tailwheel Checkout and an Introduction to Ski Flying