September 3, 2023

Dear Hermosa Valley,

My name is Nate Vasquez and I’m joining Hermosa Beach City School District as the HVS Athletic Director. 

At HVS, we believe in striking a harmonious balance between intense competition and unwavering professionalism. Our goal is to provide an environment where athletes can excel in their chosen sports while also learning important life skills that will serve them beyond the playing field.

1. Commitment to Excellence: Our athletes are the embodiment of excellence. We encourage each individual to set high standards for themselves, fostering a culture where hard work, dedication, and continuous improvement are celebrated.

2. Sportsmanship and Respect: While competition is an integral part of athletics, we emphasize the importance of sportsmanship and respect above all else. Our athletes are ambassadors not only for our school but for the values we hold dear. Treating opponents, officials, coaches, and teammates with respect is non-negotiable. We take pride in our ability to win with humility and lose with grace.

3. Integrity and Ethics: Maintaining the highest ethical standards is fundamental to our program. We expect our athletes to uphold honesty, fairness, and integrity in all their actions. This includes adhering to rules and regulations both on and off the field, as well as demonstrating integrity in academics, community involvement, and personal conduct.

4. Collaboration and Teamwork: Athletics teach the invaluable lesson of working together toward a common goal. Our athletes learn the power of collaboration, communication, and synergy. 

5. Personal Growth: While excelling in sports is a central aspect of our program, we equally prioritize personal growth. We want our athletes to become well-rounded individuals who exhibit resilience, adaptability, leadership, and a strong work ethic.

As we embark on this journey together, I want to assure you that the safety, well-being, and development of your student-athlete are our top priorities. Our goal is to provide a safe and supportive environment where your child can thrive as both an athlete and a person.

I encourage you to engage with our program and attend games. Your involvement is essential to the success of our athletes, and we value your partnership in their athletic endeavors.

Thank you for entrusting us with the privilege of shaping the future of your student-athlete. Let us work together to create an atmosphere of excellence, sportsmanship, and professionalism that will lay the foundation for their success in all their future endeavors.


Nate Vasquez

HVS Athletic Director 

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