What's New, What's Next?

To: Parents of Annie JR.

Photos are Here!

FCT ANNIE JR. - Musical Intensive Camp 2023


We loved working with your children and those performances shined like the top of the Chrysler building, to borrow a line from the show! This email is to let you know that we created a Facebook Group entitled, "FCT Annie JR Summer 2023" and that is where the photos can be viewed. Many thanks to Kerry Molina for doing the photography!

Here is the link to join the Facebook Group:


If you are not on Facebook, we can figure out another way for you to access photos.

Regarding the video, FCT purchased the video license to record and information about access to the recording will be sent to you when it is ready.

Thank you.

With kindest regards to all,

Debra Smyers

Executive Director

[email protected]