news & events
August 11 - August 20, 2023
This past Sunday, August 6, 2023, was indeed one to remember for me. I was blissfully exhausted from all the hospitable happenings at Saint Paul’s. I am deeply grateful to each member for extending such a warm and authentic welcome on my first Sunday. It was a joy to experience the smiling faces, firm handshakes, meaningful hugs, and kind words that filled my heart with thanksgiving. I know this is where God has called me to serve, to love, to be loved, and grow.
Our programing has been set and is ready to be shared and experienced. Please look to sign up for the Barbara Brown Taylor book study, Speaking of Sin: The Lost Language of Salvation. This one-hour study will be on Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm on Zoom. I will be facilitating our discussion. Please purchase and pick up your book from the Narthex or Parish office. More information is available below.
I would be amiss to fail to recognize my first Sunday at Saint Paul’s was also the Feast of the Transfiguration in which we celebrate and remember the glorious revelation of God in Jesus Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit. I take this timing as a message to both Saint Paul’s and myself to mean the glory of God is vibrantly present and always ready to be experienced in ways to vitalize and promote transformation and evolution in the name of Love. I am all in to welcome this experience with Saint Paul’s. Together we will be present to multiple opportunities to extend our reach locally and beyond across cultures, ethnicities, and socio-economic spaces to our neighbors in need as well as those who may desire to come alongside us to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The time is now. The time is very present. The time is full of opportunity. The time is full of possibility. Let’s grow and go together! Amen.
Reverend Deacon Kimberly E. Dunn
After the sleepy days of summer break, this Sunday—even more than last Sunday—is going to be a welcome shock. After the choir's triumphant return last Sunday, most of the rest of our regular ministries and programs come roaring back in the next week. On Sunday, we'll have church at 8:00, biscuits in Tyler Hall at 9:00, children's choirs rehearsals at 9:25 followed by children's formation at 10:00, the beginning of our adult series on the Epistle to the Romans at 9:30, church at 11:00, Second Sundays with Creation Care at 4:30, and then church again at 5:30. On Tuesday night, our zoom book studies resume with the first session on Barbara Brown Taylor's Speaking of Sin. Other regular ministries are continuing or resuming and even more new ministries are brewing.
The church calendar is stacked, and I think that warrants some comment. Because some of our familiar temptations are to choose busy-ness over meaning, to treat rest like a vice, to shun quiet as a danger. Our demanding calendar is not, I trust, a caving to these temptations. It is instead a reflection of our gratitude, our excitement, and our love for God's people and world.
We serve God and our neighbors together out of a deep well of gratitude for what God has already done and is still doing for us—not to earn our salvation, but in joyful response to our salvation. We have for some time been saying to each other, "bring your gifts, your talents, your passion forward." And we've heard each other and responded. As each of us brings, in excitement, our gifts forward for the service of God, the church calendar will keep filling up. Part of the reason that we are busy is that we have taken stewardship seriously—and many of us are eager to give time and talent.
And also, yes, the needs of the world are vast. Here in downtown Augusta, we are through word and action proclaiming the hope of God's good news to a world enticed by despair and cynicism, weighed down by poverty, distracted by expensive ephemera. We respond to these needs because we love.
It's a busy week leaning into a busy year. You shouldn't do everything we offer this year. But those things you can do from gratitude, with excitement, and because of your love for God's people and world, do! Thanks be to God.
Foyer Dinner Groups (from the French word "foier" meaning "hearth" or "home") are a way to foster connection among parishioners in a smaller setting outside of our larger, parish-wide events. Foyer Groups provide time to be with one another so that friendship may grow. They are not a study or prayer group; they have no agenda other than spending time with one another.
Each group of 8-10 people meets once a month for a simple meal and relaxed conversation in the homes of members. The gatherings last approximately 2 hours. Generally, the host provides the main dish and others bring the rest of the meal (appetizer, salad, side, or dessert), but groups can be organized in many other ways. If you're concerned about accommodating a group in your own home, please sign up and share hosting with another, or consider hosting a casual backyard evening.
We will schedule groups for fall and new groups for spring. Each group will meet 3 times.
Use the link below to add your contact information and complete a very quick 3 question form. The Hospitality Group will organize the groups and send information by September first to get you started.
Sunday Worship Schedule
8 AM Rite I
11 AM Rite II
5:30 PM - Celtic Evening Prayer with Communion
All of our Sunday worship services are in-person.
St. Nicholas Choir (age 5 - grade 2)
Canterbury Choir (grades 3-9)
Rehearsals begin Sunday, 9:25 AM
The Canterbury Choir (children in grades 3-9 and the St. Nicholas Choir (age 5 through grade 2) begin rehearsals Sunday, August 13, 9:25 - 10:00 AM. There are no weekday rehearsals for the children’s choirs; all rehearsals are scheduled on Sunday mornings to accommodate busy family schedules!
Singing in the choir gives youth and children a lifetime love for music and their own connection to worship.
The Epistle to the Romans
Sunday, August 13, 9:30 AM, Berlin Room
Join us Sunday at 9:30 AM in the Berlin Room as begin a new study of Sr. Paul's Epistle to the Romans.
Someone reading St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans has repeatedly been a turning point in Christian history: whether it’s Augustine becoming a Christian through hearing Romans, Martin Luther starting the Protestant Reformation after teaching a class on Romans, or John Wesley feeling his heart “strangely warmed” while dropping into a bible study on Romans. This fall we’ll have our own encounter with Romans, reading the whole book over nine weeks. For more information contact Fr. Eric.
Coffee with Rev. Kimberly
Sunday, 9:30 AM, Tyler Hall
Our new associate priest, Rev. Kimberly Dunn, will drop by Tyler Hall to sit and enjoy coffee and conversation with parents of our children and youth. This will be a wonderful time to get to know her and share your experiences and hopes for Saint Paul’s.
The Nursery will be open Sunday, August 13
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
We are pleased to announce that the Saint Paul’s nursery is open for children 6 months to 4 years of age. The nursery will be available this Sunday morning beginning at 9:30 A M.
For more information, please contact Kim Butler, Director of Children, Youth, and Intergenerational Ministries.
Children and Youth Formation Class
Sunday, August 13, 10:00 AM
The Saint Patrick's Room, Children's Minstry Center
Our Saint Paul’s Children and Youth will have the opportunity to connect with our friends in Ecuador and experience the outreach ministry and partnership we have started in Quito, Ecuador. The morning will include a FaceTime with our friends and a chance to experience Ecuador without getting on a plane
Second Sundays with Creation Care
Sustaining Sacred Sites
August 13, 4:30 PM, Berlin Room
Come learn about the Creation Care team’s newest initiative and what it takes to be good stewards of the land. Our roundtable discussion on local preservation includes Joyce Law, Diversity Scholar, National Trust for Historic Preservation; Erick Montgomery, Executive Director of Historic Augusta; Jennifer McKee, Creation Committee Chair; and Kevin de l’Aigle, Coalition for Action in Downtown Augusta. After the panel, please join us at the Celtic service. For more information, contact Jennifer McKee.
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
with Prayers for Healing
Sundays, 5:30 PM
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion is a candle-lit service that emphasizes the contemplative side of worship, features some of Augusta’s best Celtic musicians, and offers prayers for healing for those attending, for others, and for the world. Come as you are and enter into a place of rest, prayer, and reflection.
Rob Foster will be our musician this week.
EVENTS THIS WEEK| August 14 - August 20
Book Study
Speaking of Sin by Barbara Brown Taylor
ZOOM beginning Tuesday August 15, 7:30 PM
Led by the Rev. Kimberly E. Dunn
Barbara Brown Taylors brings a fresh perspective to the language Christians use to identify and talk about the condemnation sin. "Sin," according to Barbara Brown Taylor, an Episcopal priest, "is our only hope, the fire alarm that wakes us up to the possibility of true repentance." She contends that sin can be "a helpful, hopeful word" that can move us from "guilt to grace." Taylor motivates and empowers Christians to talk about sin in a way that is necessary for understanding and accepting salvation, as well as how it could be translated into our daily lives.
Books are available in the Narthex this Sunday and in the Parish Office during the week. $15 donation. Sign up using the link below. The class schedule and zoom link will be emailed by the leader to class participants.
Wednesdays, 8 - 8:15 PM Social time follows worship on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 595 177 454
Dial-In: (646) 876-9923
Compline is a beautiful, simple, and quiet service to end the day together in prayer with God. This service is led by members of the parish using an on-screen bulletin so everyone may pray together.
Following the prayers, those who gather through Zoom have an opportunity for a mid-week visit.
Mid-Week Eucharist
Thursdays, 11:30 AM
A mid-week Eucharist in the Chapel begins at 11:30 AM. Lunch in the Berlin Room follows at 12 noon with a weekly Bible study (more information below.) Join us as your schedule allows: Come for Eucharist and lunch, lunch and Bible study, or stay for all three. (So that we may honor mid-day schedules, lunch is scheduled for 15 minutes and will continue through the Bible study conversations.)
Lectio at Lunch
Thursdays, 12 Noon, Tyler Hall
Join us for lunch and a Bible study – we've made it easy!
This small group format begins with lunch. As we continue sharing a meal, three biblical lessons are read aloud by members of the group, followed by a reflection from Brian McLaren’s We Make the Road by Walking. We conclude our time together engaging with the reflection. Much of the work of the Holy Spirit in formation is in forming relationship. We invite you to join this small group as your schedule allows.
You may bring your own lunch or share in the meal provided. Donations accepted.
Sit and Wait Meditation Group
Thursdays, 6-7 PM, Chapel
Thursdays begin in the Chapel with a reading or other offering to enhance this space before the “Sit” begins. After the 20-minute Sit, an open discussion follows until 7:00 PM. This is an open group with no limit on the number of participants. Please email Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau or contact by phone at (706) 910-9331 for further information and/or to enroll in the sit.
Saint Paul's Night at the Ballpark
August 26, 6:05 PM
Deadline to purchase Tickets August 11
Join us on the "E-Z-Go Picnic Patio" at SRP Park as we celebrate the end of summer and our return to the program year. Your ticket includes the Greenjackets ballgame, an all-you-can-eat buffet, and closing fireworks.
The 90-minute all-you-can-eat buffet menu includes: all beef hot dogs, hamburgers, pulled pork, cole slaw, baked beans, chips, watermelon, cookies, Coca-Cola drinks, sweet tea, and water.
You may reserve a ticket using the link below. Tickets $22 adults; children/youth age 18 and under $15. The deadline for us to reserve group tickets is August 11.
This is a fellowship event for the full parish, and we do NOT want cost to be a reason for anyone to miss this event. Please contact Fr. Eric. We will have sponsored tickets available.
Master's Table Soup Kitchen
Saturday, August 19, 8:30 AM - 12 PM (2 shifts)
The Master's Table Soup Kitchen at 702 Fenwick Street will be staffed by Saint Paul's Church volunteers on Saturday, August 19th. This is a good opportunity to get to know other parishioners while preparing and assisting in cooking hot meals for our neighbors in the community who are food insecure. If you wish to serve, please RSVP on the website or using the link below. Contact Al or Laraine Yarbrough for more information.
August 21 - Vestry Meeting
August 26 - Saint Paul's Night at the Ballpark
Sept. 3 - Veterans' Ice Cream Social
Sept. 6 - MMM (Men's Monthly Meal) Low-Country Boil
Sept. 8 - Acolyte Lock-in and Training
Sept 19 - Tuesday's Music Live Begins
Sept. 23 - Manna Pantry
Sept. 23-24 - Ironman Weekend
Sept. 30 - Flower Guild Breakfast & Meeting
Sept. 30 - Hymn Festival
Third Sunday Breakfast
Sunday, August 20, 9:00 - 10:30 AM
The Parish Life and Hospitality Committee invites you to our Third Sunday Breakfast in Tyler Hall, next Sunday, August 20, 9:00 - 10:30 AM. Menu available next week. A RSVP helps us be the best host. Please sign up in using the link below. Donations welcome.
We also need volunteers to help the team captain prepare breakfast.
Book Drive for Hornsby
August and September
Through September we’ll continue a book drive for Fourth and Fifth grade students at Hornsby Elementary, our partner school. We’re collecting new and gently read books especially for the intermediate readers in 4th and 5th grades at Hornsby. The books will be used in the school’s book vending machine, the library, and in the classroom reading centers. A list of suggested books is available in the Weekly Postings and in the Narthex.
Calling all Acolytes (Ages 9+)
Training and Lock-in Sept. 8
Anyone ages 9 and up interested in becoming an acolyte is encouraged to contact Meg Horton. Acolytes help guide the service in the processions and assist the clergy at the altar. Training and a Lock-in will be held September 8. More details to come.
Join the Choir
Rehearsals Wednesdays, 7 PM
The Saint Paul’s Choir (older teens and adults) began rehearsals Wednesday, August 2, 7 PM.
Auditions are not required to join the choir. You don’t have to be a soloist or even a member of Saint Paul’s. If you can sing and blend with others, email Director of Music, Keith Shafer or call (706) 724-2485 ext. 215.
Buy a Raffle Ticket
Recteq Wood Pellet Smoker Grill
Funds benefiting Saint Paul's Outreach Programs
Raffle tickets for a Recteq RT-590 Wood Pellet Grill ($10) are available from any Outreach Committee member and in the Parish Office (see Hannah Purvis). Most folks pay $971 ($899 + tax) for this grill -- but it could be yours for only $10.Drawing will be held September 23. Proceeds benefit Saint Paul’s Outreach Ministries.
New Forward Day by Day Available
The new Forward Day by Day issue for August, September, and October has arrived and is available in the Narthex. Forward Day by Day is a booklet of daily, “page-a-day,” inspirational meditations, each reflecting on a specific Bible passage from the daily lectionary readings of the Episcopal Church. The meditations are rich in substance and offer a wide range of witness and experience.
Saint Paul's Faithfulness
as of 8/9/23
Offerings Pledged this Week $13,942.31
Pledged Offerings Received this Week $12,430.00
Total Operating Expenses to Date $559,003.93
Total Operating Income Received to Date $678,117.45
Are we missing your birthday?