Scholar in Residence: Rabbi Ysoscher Katz
March 10 - 11
This Shabbaton is lovingly sponsored by Brenda and Harold Walt in memory of Brenda’s parents Cynthia “Toeks” Plax and Jack Plax z”l.
Friday Night
Oneg Shabbat with Rabbi Katz, 8:15 p.m: What Does a Nice and Happy Satmer Boy Do at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, and Why Is He Causing So Much (Good) Trouble?
Rabbi Katz's Personal Journey from Ultra-Chassidish to Modern Chassidut.
Home of Brenda and Harold Walt (9332 Airdrome Street, LA 90035)

Shabbat Morning
Shiur (20 minutes after davening ends in the Beit Midrash, approx. 11:30 a.m.): 
Me’dor Le’dor: When Our Children Stop Being Observant: Halakha, Hashkafah and Best Practices. 
Shabbat Afternoon
Seudah Shlishit Shiur 5:30 - 6:15 p.m. in the Beit Midrash:
When Our Current Theology Does Not Suffice: Are Modern Observant Jews Due for a New Theology that Accounts for our Devotion to Torah Alongside Our Commitment to Modern Values?
Rabbi Ysoscher Katz is the Chair of the Talmud department at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah and the past Senior Rabbi of the Prospect Heights Shul in Brooklyn. He has composed responsa on vital contemporary halakhic issues and writes extensively about Jewish society for Forward, The Jerusalem Post, Makor Rishon, and The Times of Israel. He studied at Satmar, Brisk, and Beit Yosef Navaradok yeshivot and is a graduate of the HaSha'ar educators fellowship program. 
In recent years, Rabbi Katz taught weekly Jewish thought and Talmud classes for professionals in New York and at the NYU Skirball Center. Previously, he directed the Lindenbaum Center for Modern Orthodox Halakhah and taught at Ma'ayanot, SAR, and Ramaz high schools and the innovative Luria Academy.