Jeff Herbst, Founding Managing Partner at GFT Ventures
As an investor in AI startups (including last year’s Visual 1st Best Technology Award winner, BRIA), Jeff went the farthest by proclaiming he’s now referring to AI as “Augmented Intelligence:” The essence of AI is not “Artificial,” AI is all about intelligently augmenting solutions and processes, according to Jeff.
Douglas Edric Stanley, Professor of Algorithmic Design and Playable Media at the Geneva University of Art and Design
Resisting the lure of generative AI as an easy way to crank out vanilla-flavored visuals that all look like variations of the same, Douglas’ art students use AI in innovative ways to augment the creative process and enable interactive engagement with their art projects.
One of his examples: The Reading Lantern: 2600-year-old Chinese folktale is sent into the cloud of speech detection algorithms while a parent reads an illustrated printed book to their child. The AI-powered Reading Lantern recognizes the words as they are read out loud, animating its colors to reveal the characters and landscape of each page — creating a special atmosphere to accompany the storytelling.
Tom Bishop, CTO & Co-founder at Glass Imaging
Tom and his team at Glass Imaging use AI with the goal of ultimately bridging the quality gap between smartphone and “DSLR” (interchangeable lens) cameras.
They deploy AI tech to design a new breed of smartphone cameras (as well as to optimize existing ones) that enable photographers to tap into more of the data originally captured by the image sensor than is currently feasible, resulting in much higher image quality.
Their AI-augmented camera design is fundamentally different from existing methods that use either computational photography or generative AI to enhance already captured visuals by changing or inventing additional pixels.
Panel: Innovation in photo print products, technology, and manufacturing. Where is the money?
According to two of the world’s largest photo print networks represented in this panel (Krista Minekime, Vice President, US Operations at Gelato, and Hans Scheffer, CEO of HelloPrint), smartly using an unprecedented amount of data is the key to successfully building a network of hundreds of photo print partners across the globe that can produce a near infinite number of SKUs.
What better technology than AI to augment all these business relationships, workflow implementations, quality control processes, and customer support practices, so that these photo print networks can efficiently and effectively operate at a previously unimaginable global scale?
Panel: Photos & videos are more than a collection of dead pixels. But how to empower consumers to engage with their imagery?
Each of this panel’s speakers have developed innovative AI solutions that enable their customers to engage with their photos and videos in new and exciting ways.
Remento uses AI to prompt primarily elderly users to record their memories, while augmenting these recordings by creating digital as well as printed visual keepsakes for these users and their family members.
Augie Studio empowers enterprises to produce social media-ready video clips at scale. Its AI-powered features enable users to write scripts, to automatically turn long form videos into digestible clips, or (yes, that too) to start the creation of a video by means of text prompts.
Honeycomb’s AI feature set makes it easy – and affordable – for parents of young children to turn their kids’ photos into pro studio-like visual memories.
Magic Memories empowers its volume photography clients (such as museums or theme parks) to capture, curate and automatically enhance the most engaging photos & videos at scale and in nearly real-time.
Panel: Scalable imagery for ecommerce. The new frontier for innovation.
How can businesses generate imagery, at the quality, scale, segmentation, and channel diversity that today’s market requires?
Imgix uses AI to automatically enhance large collections of photos or videos by means of a variety of production- and creative-focused features.
Catch+Release uses a suite of AI features to enable its enterprise customers to discover authentic user-generated content for their campaigns, to engage with the Creators through automatic personalized communication, and to license content efficiently and at scale.
Genero’s uses AI to enable efficient workflows and to connect brands directly with Creators to produce on-demand visual content according to the brands’ creative briefs.