December 2022
Barbara "Barbie" Marquez
Welcome to the Team!
We are excited to introduce you to our new Secretary, Barbie Marquez! Please join us in extending a warm welcome.

A note from Barbie:
I am a native Cuban and have lived in Miami for over 40 years. I have known UF/IFAS Extension since I was young, as I was a 4H’er. My first summer job was with 4-H EFNEP as a nutrition educator. I previously worked at UF/IFAS Family Nutrition Program as a nutrition educator for over seven years.
Introducing: Member Spotlight!
Is there a 4-H member going above and beyond? Did your club do something unique and meaningful? This space in our newsletter will highlight a youth member, club, or adult volunteer who deserves recognition for a project they are working on!
Youth Fair Updates
Fair Entry Forms Due
January 24th, 2022
If your youth are planning to enter items into the 2023 Youth Fair and Expo, entry forms need to be submitted before January 24th. Click the image on the left to download the Fair Entry Form cheat sheet.

Students exhibiting in the fair should create items that reflect the theme "World of Fun."

To learn more about the fair entry process, click the button below:
As you are creating your entries, it is important to familiarize yourself with all of the important dates, rules, and regulations. Below you will find three very important handbooks to help you along the way!
Important Dates
January 21st, 2022 - Heart & Hands Club Yard Sale & Fundraiser
January 24th, 2022 - Fair Entry Forms Due
February (Date TBD) - Volunteer Retreat
University of Florida is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. For disability accommodations such as sign language interpreters and listening devices, please contact Kenan Bridges, , 305.769.4050 at least 1 week in advance. Advance notice is necessary to arrange for some accessibility needs.
An Equal Opportunity Institution.