Empowering Our Youth to Strengthen Our Democracy
2022 No. 15
The fall 2022 Students for Justice interns are deep into their work of getting out the vote for the midterm elections in North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Our initial focus has been on getting informational postcards about how and when to vote into the hands of potential voters in rural communities of color in Georgia and North Carolina. 
Of our 80 interns, 84% are students at an HBCU &
75% attend college in NC, GA or FL.
All of our interns are working to increase voter turnout in communities of color in NC, GA, and FL in preparation for the 2022 Midterm Elections.
Our 63 political organizers have been recruiting volunteers to write postcards -- to date, 570 volunteers have been involved in writing almost 19,000 postcards and we aren't done yet!  

Postcard parties are a popular way to get cards written, and we get lots of wonderful photos from our interns. Here are just a few:
One intern is the manager of the Howard men's basketball team. She got the team to write postcards to voters and then created a short video for the team's social media account showing off their political engagement - and shared it with us. A win for everyone involved! Click on the arrow below to watch:
In addition to working on postcards, our interns have begun phone banking and are creating TikTok posts to persuade young people like themselves to vote. More on that in the next newsletter!

As we approach the second most important election of our lives, we find the commitment and energy of our interns and their friends inspiring and reassuring! We hope you do, too.
With hope for our democracy,
Claire Ullman & Sandra Radoff
Help us find opportunities for our former interns!
We work hard to make Students for Justice a career stepping stone for our interns. One of the ways we do this is by sharing job and internship opportunities with our program alumni. If you know of an opportunity for current college students or recent graduates, in any field, please email us to let us know about it so we can share it with our intern community. You might even consider having one of our former interns work for you this summer!
Want to make a difference?
The ongoing success of the internship program has been made possible largely by the Zoom house parties we've been organizing (more than 50 since Spring 2021!) Thank you to our AMAZING house party hosts for pulling their friends, co-workers, neighbors, and families together to educate people about the program and how they can engage in its on-going growth and success. To learn more about hosting or co-hosting a virtual party, please email Deb Wachspress, Development Director, at

Help us reach more people! Please forward this newsletter to everyone you know who might want to help young people save our democracy.
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Tax ID # 82-4589218
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