July 2023

The STATUS Newsletter is published every month after the STA Board meeting to inform the public and our stakeholders of what’s happening with transportation in Solano County. 

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  • Pedestrian Advisory Committee (PAC) in Suisun City and via Zoom on 8/3/23 at 6pm 
  • Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Advisory Committee in Suisun City and via Zoom on 8/16/23 at 1:30pm
  • Transit Committee in Suisun City and via Zoom on 9/13/23 at 4pm
  • STA Board Meeting in Suisun City and via Zoom on 9/13/23 at 6pm
  • Paratransit Coordinating Council (PCC) in Suisun City and via Zoom on 9/21/23 at 1pm


  • Suisun City & STA break ground on new Suisun City Mobility Hub
  • STA Board adopts Overall Work Plan for FY 2023-24, 2024-25
  • Caltrans updates STA Board on I-80 Closures 
  • STA Board authorizes Safe Routes To School (SR2S) Public Safety Education & Enforcement Grant Cycle 6 Call for Applications
  • Solano Mobility Express Vanpool Pilot Program to provide service between Vacaville/Dixon and Sacramento
  • SF Bay Ferry, Capitol Corridor, and Solano Mobility provide updates at CTP Transit Subcommittee
  • STA Board allocated funding for Rio Vista’s Community Based Transit Plan (CBTP)
  • STA awarded Kaiser Benefit Grant Award to expand Solano Mobility Medical Trip Concierge Program
  • STA extends contract for Xplore Solano/Outerspatial App
  • Openings Available for STA Advisory Committees
  • STA Staff Update

Suisun City & STA break ground on new Suisun City Mobility Hub

On Thursday, July 6th, the City of Suisun City and Solano Transportation Authority (STA) broke ground on the Suisun City Mobility Hub. The groundbreaking was attended by local officials, business leaders and community members, including Suisun City Mayor and STA Board Member, Alma Hernandez, and Mayor of Benicia and STA Board Chair, Mayor Steve Young. This multi-use parking facility was designed based upon feedback received as part of Suisun City’s Community-Based Transportation Plan Development Process. The Suisun City Mobility Hub will be located near the historic Suisun City Train Depot and scenic downtown waterfront to support future micromobility options, such as shared e-scooters and e-bikes, which will encourage active transportation and support the local economy. STA will utilize one corner of the Mobility Hub to house and charge electric Suisun Microtransit vehicles, secure the Safe Routes to School van and trailer, and provide parking for the new STA building. Over 60 public-use spaces will be available for Suisun City community events and residents. It will also host two level-2 electric chargers to encourage greater EV vehicle adoption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Construction is expected to be complete in July 2024 and is estimated to cost $3 million, with STA contributing two-thirds of the funding and Suisun City providing the remaining one-third. Suisun City’s portion will be financed by Transportation Development Act funds over the course of several years.

STA Board adopts Overall Work Plan for FY 2023-24, 2024-25


On Wednesday, July 12, the STA Board approved the two-year Overall Work Plan (OWP) for FY 2023-24 and 2024-25. The 61 work tasks contained in the OWP includes plans, projects, transit/mobility programs, and coordination of funding programs, and represents an increase over the 56 items from the current FY 2022-23 OWP. To review the Overall Work Plan for FY 2023-24 and 2024-25, please click here.

Caltrans updates STA Board on I-80 Closures

Caltrans staff provided an update at the July STA Board meeting on the upcoming highway closures for the Contra Costa I-80 Pavement Rehab Project, which will significantly impact traffic in Solano County. Caltrans is scheduled to close eastbound and westbound I-80 between mid-July 2023 and early September 2023, consolidating over 120 nights of closures into a four-weekend timeframe. One traffic direction on I-80 will be worked on at a time, and detours in and around Solano County will be in effect.

For more information on this project and the latest detour maps, please visit Caltrans's Contra Costa I-80 Pavement Rehab Project webpage at

STA Board authorizes Safe Routes To School (SR2S) Public Safety Education & Enforcement Grant Cycle 6 Call for Applications

At the July 2023 Board meeting, the STA Board authorized the STA to issue a call for applications for the STA Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Safety Education and Enforcement Grant Program with a minimum grant request for $50,000 and a maximum for $75,000, allowing for potentially two to three grant awards this year. The SR2S program supports a variety of engineering and enforcement strategies as part of its comprehensive approach. The main goal for SR2S enforcement strategies is to deter unsafe behaviors of drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists, and to encourage all road users to obey traffic laws and share the road safely. Education and Enforcement are two of the complementary strategies that SR2S programs use to enable more children to walk and bicycle to school safely.

Solano Mobility Express Vanpool Pilot Program to provide service between Vacaville/Dixon and Sacramento

At the July STA Board meeting, the Board authorized STA to launch the Solano Mobility Express Vanpool Pilot Program between Sacramento, Vacaville, and Dixon. This service will complement the Solano Express Blue Line, which will no longer service stops in Sacramento, Dixon, or Vaca Valley, creating a need for alternative modes of transportation for Solano County residents commuting to Sacramento. For more information on the Solano Mobility Express Vanpool Pilot Program, please visit or call the Solano Mobility Call Center at 800-535-6883. 

SF Bay Ferry, Capitol Corridor, and Solano Mobility provide updates at CTP Transit Subcommittee

The STA kicked off the Solano Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) update and hosted the first CTP Transit Committee meeting on Wednesday, July 12. The meeting focused on an overview of Solano County’s transit systems, with a spotlight on ferry services provided by the San Francisco Bay Ferry, which is operated by the Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA); passenger rail services provided by the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (CCJPA), and Solano Mobility programs provided by the STA.  

The Transit Committee’s second meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 13th, from 4:00PM-5:30PM. Solano County’s six bus operators are invited to present each of their transit services at this meeting and will be available to answer any questions regarding their service. The committee meetings are open to the public. For more information about any of the committee meetings for the CTP update, contact Director of Planning, Robert Guerrero, at  

STA Board allocated funding for Rio Vista’s Community Based Transit Plan (CBTP)

The STA Board approved the allocation of $120,000 of State Transit Assistant Funds (STAF) towards developing Community Based Transportation Plans (CBTPs) for the City of Rio Vista and the City of Dixon in FY 2023-24 as a match to MTC’s One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) funding. This will be the first Community Based Transportation Plan that STA will develop for Rio Vista. Starting in September, the STA will engage Rio Vista community residents as a Consolidated Transportation Services Agency (CTSA) and in coordination with the Solano County Equity Working Group, using the recently adopted STA Equity Guiding Principles and partnership with City, community, and local transit operators (Delta Breeze and Dixon Readi-Ride). STA will also gather feedback from each community via both online and a hard copy mailer sent to each household. The overarching goal of working with these communities is to gather feedback and prioritize transportation projects in the future. STA had previously developed CBTPs for the City of Vallejo and Suisun City. The Dixon CBTP will begin in 2024.

STA awarded Kaiser Benefit Grant Award to expand Solano Mobility Medical Trip Concierge Program

STA was awarded a $75,000 grant to expand the Solano Older Adults Medical Trip Concierge Program, which utilizes GoGo Grandparent, a concierge service that schedules rides utilizing Uber and Lyft. STA was approached by Kaiser Permanente to discuss grant funding opportunities as some Kaiser members recently had changes in their coverage that impact transportation to/from medical appointments, many of which were dialysis patients.

Initially, the Medical Trip Concierge Program provided up to 20 one-way subsidized rides to and from medical appointments to Solano County residents, who are aged 60 and over. Low-income Medicare recipients receive an 80% subsidy, while non-low-income individuals receive a 60% subsidy. Thanks to Kaiser Permanente’s grant funding, program participants will now have up to 30 one-way trips for medical and other essential appointments if needed, and the program can now provide service to surviving spouses of veterans.

STA extends contract for Xplore Solano/Outerspatial App

The STA extended its contract with Outerspatial for an additional two years to continue promoting outdoor access and walking and biking in Solano County. In mid-2021, the STA partnered with the Solano Land Trust, Solano County Parks and Recreation, Solano County Public Health (ParkRX), City of Fairfield, City of Vacaville, Greater Vallejo Recreational District, and Solano County Office of Education to launch the Xplore Solano community on the Outerspatial App. Xplore Solano is a community mobile application with the goal of being a one-stop shop to help residents and visitors find trails, parks, and open spaces in Solano County. If you have a smartphone, you can download the OuterSpatial app at the Apple Store or on Google Play to access the Xplore Solano Community account and get outside today! Visit STA’s Active Transportation page for more information on the Xplore Solano app, which has a list of biking, hiking trails, upcoming active transportation events, and more.

Take the #IFoundItOnTheApp Challenge

Openings Available for STA Advisory Committees


STA is asking for your help to build a more bicycle and pedestrian-friendly Solano County. The STA currently has open positions on our Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (PAC). The BAC and PAC advise the STA on the development of bicycle and pedestrian facilities as an active mode of transportation in Solano County. Committee members also help STA develop countywide transportation plans and projects and provide funding recommendations for active transportation projects.

We are looking for the following representatives:

Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC)

  • City of Fairfield 

Pedestrian Advisory Committee (PAC)

  • City of Dixon
  • City of Vacaville
  • City of Suisun City
  • Member-at-Large
  • Member-at-Large (Solano Community College)

For more information on the BAC Open Positions, click here, and click here for more information on the PAC Open Positions

STA Staff Update

Robert Guerrero was recently promoted as the Solano Transportation Authority’s new Deputy Executive Director/Director of Planning. He grew up in Suisun City, is a graduate from Fairfield High School, and a resident of the City of Fairfield. His planning career began with the STA 23 years ago as the agency’s first college intern.

April Wells was recently promoted from Senior Customer Service Representative in the Solano Mobility Call Center to Program Coordinator I in Transit Services. She will report to Ron Grassi, STA’s Director of Programs, and she will be supporting Brandon Thomson’s innovative efforts in microtransit in Rio Vista and Suisun City.

On July 5th, Crystal Peacher joined STA’s Safe Routes to School Program as a part-time Program Coordinator. She is a resident of the City of Fairfield.

Janelle Gregorio started on July 19th as the full-time Program Coordinator for STA's Safe Routes 2 School (SR2S) Program. Janelle also is a resident of Fairfield.

Leigh Moilanen was hired to fill a vacant part-time Safe Routes to Schools Program Coordinator position. She is a Fairfield resident, and her first day with STA was on July 21st.

Crystal Peacher, Janelle Gregorio, and Leigh Moilanen will be supervised by Amy Antunano, Safe Routes to School Assistant Program Manager.

2023 STA Board Members

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