Weekly eNews

July 21, 2023

Bombas Giving Partner

1,000 Pairs of Free Socks!

Perhaps you've heard one of Bombas apparel company's commercials referencing "one purchased = one donated" in their mission to help homelessness. Deacon Gary applied for St. Michael's to become one of Bombas' 3500 giving partners who have so far donated over 75 million socks, t-shirts, and underwear to those in need. Our first 1,000 pairs of free socks arrived, and some were already distributed at Laundry Love this week. Grateful to Gary for this opportunity to reach beyond our walls!

Creating Space:

This Saturday, July 22, 9:00 AM

Join for Christmas in July!

'Twas the night before Christmas and in every house 

a crafter was crafting and starting to grouse, "If I'd only started when this popped in my head, I'd have long since been done and asleep in my bed."

Come when you can between 9:00 AM and noon in the Parish Hall to work on any project you'd like. Contact Mary Hattick at or Sandra Willey at with any questions.

Creative Arts Festival

Information Table this Sunday

This Sunday morning, July 23, representatives of the Creative Arts Festival will have a display in the Gathering Space to share more information about this upcoming event scheduled for the morning of Sunday, August 13. This festival will not only involve parishioners sharing their creative endeavors, but also will include the use of an alternate liturgy for the services and special music featuring a jazz pianist. Please CLICK HERE to learn more or to participate on August 13.

DOK Information Session

Thursday, July 27, 6:00 PM

The Daughters of the King (DOK) is seeking new members who have a desire to get closer to God and to help others do the same. Join them this Thursday in the downstairs Chapel for a “no commitment” information session about the group and how its members support our St. Michael's community. Light refreshments will be served. For questions, please contact Regina Winters at

Purple Tea Party

Friday, July 28, 2:30 - 4:30 PM

We are excited about the response thus far to our 1st Annual Purple Tea Party designed to provide intentional space to acknowledge the challenges arising as the result of dementia while also honoring a member of the St. Mike's community affected by dementia. This is not a "ladies only" event. All are invited, and encouraged to wear purple, for what promises to be a lovely time together. CLICK HERE to sign up and email with any questions.

Backpack Donation Drive

Deadline Next Sunday, July 30

What a heartwarming sight to see the back wall of the Gathering Space lined with backpacks and school supplies! You still have a week left to contribute so CLICK HERE to print/download the supply list or skip the store and buy online through Amazon with a CLICK HERE. Donations can be dropped off on Sundays or during the week, Mondays through Thursdays, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM.

This Sunday, July 23

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

Nursery Care Available for Children 5 and under 10:15 - 12:00 PM.

Join us for coffee hour and fellowship after each service.

Worship with Us

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist

9:45 AM Summer Choir in Choir Room

10:30 AM Holy Eucharist

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- Worship Bulletin

Worship Volunteers Needed

Can you be an usher, greeter, lay reader, or help with coffee hour?

Click below to sign up today & thank you!

July & August Volunteer Sign Up

Blessing of the Backpacks

Sunday, August 13 at both services

Students, teachers, and all involved with education are invited to bring their backpacks, briefcases and/or notebooks to one of our services on August 13. We will be blessing all of these and those who carry them as they move into a new school year!


Saturday, August 19, 5:00 - 8:00 PM

The BBQ Ministry is once again hosting its annual Rib-a-Palooza for the men of the parish. Just bring your appetites and beverage of choice for a wonderful evening of finger lickin' fun and fellowship. CLICK HERE to attend and/or to help with the event.

Acolytes & Donuts

Sunday, August 20, 9:15 AM

Our new acolyte leaders, Elena Zarecky and Sarah Wettemann, are eager to expand St. Mike's acolyte program, and they hope you will join them for donuts and information sharing on Sunday, August 20 at 9:15 in the Sanctuary. Questions? Contact Elena at or Sarah at

Colorado Rockies Faith Day

Sunday, August 20. 1:10 PM Game

Join your St. Mike's family and friends at Coors Field as the Colorado Rockies celebrate their 18th annual "Faith Day." Your $25 ticket includes the Rockies - White Sox game as well as a special post-game concert featuring Hillsong UNITED! CLICK HERE to reserve your seats. Contact Amalia at with any questions.


St. Mike's Golf Outing

Sunday, September 17

Get ready to hit the links! The 5th annual St. Mike's Golf Outing will be held at Patty Jewett Golf Course on Sunday, September 17, with tee times beginning at 1:30 PM. The $77 registration fee includes 18 holes of golf, a cart, and a goody bag of balls, tees, divot repair tool and ball marker. It will be a Scramble format with prizes awarded to the lowest scoring team. CLICK HERE for more information and to register by the deadline of September 5. Contact Jim Dennison at with questions.

This week at a glance... (All blue links are clickable)

Friday, July 21

4:00 PM - Private Event in Parish Hall

7:30 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer

Saturday, July 22

9:00 AM - Creating Space in Parish Hall

Sunday, July 23

10:15AM - 12:00 PM Nursery is Open for children 5 and under.

8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist

9:00 AM - Coffee Hour

10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist

11:45 AM - Coffee Hour

Monday, July 24

9:00 AM - Laundry Love Offsite

Tuesday, July 25

8:00 AM - Virtual Men's Fellowship

9:15 AM - Staff Meeting

11:15 AM - Yoga in Multi-Purpose Room

12:00 PM - Community Lunch Outside

1:00 PM - Monthly Pastoral Care in Chapel

7:00 PM - Boy Scouts Meeting in Various Rooms

8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Wednesday, July 26

12:00 PM - Healing Service and Eucharist in Chapel

12:30 PM - Bible Study in Chapel

2:30 PM - Virtual Contemplative Prayer

3:00 PM - SJB Think Tank in Chapel

6:30 PM - Stratus IQ Community Meeting

7:00 PM - Virtual Pilgrimage Bible Study

Thursday, July 27

6:00 PM - DOK Info Session in Chapel

8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Friday, July 28

1:00 PM - Friday Book Group in Prayer Room

2:30 PM - Purple Tea Party in Parish Hall

7:30 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer

Saturday, July 29

No events currently on calendar

Birthdays This Week:

July 23 - Cassie Sears

July 23 - Devin Stoller

July 24 - Curt Wiedey

July 25 - Ella Cunningham

July 27 - Sarah Fleischmann

July 27 - Wolfgang Hoot

July 27 - Bob Pettis

July 28 - Rico Lerena

July 28 - Elena Wood

July 29 - Maggie Brooks

July 29 - Roger-Max Cunningham

July 29 - Clare Greenlee

July 29 - Steve Shively

July 29 - Mark Wilsey

Anniversaries This Week:

July 23 - Curt & Diné Wiedey

July 24 - Chris & Darlene Greenhut

July 24 - Chuck & Karen Stubbs

July 28 - Cindy & Les Krohnfeldt

St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

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