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A Bikers Love

for South Park's Trails

Our most recent blog post was written by Jonathan Kersting, the Vice President of Communications and Media at Pittsburgh Technology Council and a Parks Foundation Board Member. In this post, Jonathan shares the story of how he fell in love with both biking and the trails of South Park. Read this wonderfully written story now!

"We’re lucky that South Park will always be here, ready for the next adventure,

changing lives with every ride."

New Inclusion Webpage

We are thrilled to share a new feature on our website that is dedicated to Inclusion in the county parks! We hope this information and the resources are helpful to anyone looking to experience the county parks in new and meaningful ways.

Project Updates

Round Hill Park Ribbon Cutting

You're invited to a Ribbon Cutting for two impactful projects in Round Hill Park, the Allée Restoration and the Visitors Center Rain Garden! Join us on Wednesday, October 30 at 11:00 am at the Visitors Center to honor and celebrate this important work! The event is rain or shine and no RSVP is required.

Deer Lakes Ecological Assessment and Action Plan

The Ecological Assessment and Action Plan for Deer Lakes Park is currently underway! These comprehensive studies evaluate each park’s natural resources and ecological assets and recommend an implementation plan for improving the environment of the park. In mid-September members of our team, Allegheny County Parks staff and staff from the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy met in Deer Lakes Park to evaluate opportunities for green infrastructure within the park. Green Infrastructure projects, such as rain gardens, green roofs, and bioswales, reduce the volume of runoff and improve water quality of stormwater before returning it to our streams and groundwater. A great example of a green infrastructure project we partnered on is South Park's Green Design Parking Solution. We are so excited to see the full assessment and action plan for Deer Lakes Park when it is ready in early 2025!


Park 'til Dark & Pour at the Park | North Park

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Park 'til Dark

Park 'til Dark will once again feature free activities for individuals and groups of all ages and abilities!

  • Tree Planting
  • Tour & Kids Crafts at the Arboretum
  • Family Stroller Strides Class
  • Spooktacular Costume Bike Ride
  • Nature Journaling
  • ACPF Project Tour
  • Mindful Meditation
  • Latodami Barn Open House
  • Power Hike
Register Now!

Pour at the Park

The day will be capped with Pour at the Park, our annual brews, wine, liquor and non-alcoholic beverage tasting! Guests are treated to great tastings, local food, live music by Paging Doctor Moon, Zero-Waste services and awesome raffles. Coach Dave from CDG Sports will be offering children's activities during the event. All proceeds are poured directly back into your parks!

Register Now!

In the News

NextPittsburgh named Park 'til Dark and Pour at the Park to their list of 12 Reasons to Love October in Pittsburgh!

Presenting Sponsor

We would love to add your corporation or organization to our growing list of sponsors

for Park 'til Dark and/or Pour at the Park!

To discuss sponsorship opportunities, email Barbara Brewton or call her at 412.606.9692.

In the Parks
Share your favorite park story, memory or what you love about the parks! We would love to feature your love of the county parks in our newsletter or on our social media.

PRC's Upcoming Collections In Your Parks

The Pennsylvania Resources Council (PRC) will be hosting several collections in your parks this month!

  • Glass can be dropped off in North Park from October 5 through October 10 from 7 am - sunset. Learn more!
  • On Mondays and Wednesdays in October in North Park there will be E-Waste collections from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm.

October Park Ranger

Featured Event

This October, join the Park Rangers for a Guided Hike to learn about the changes of autumn in your parks. From the dazzling colors of the leaves to the fascinating behaviors of wildlife preparing for winter, autumn is a season of change and beauty. The tour is free and offered in Harrison Hills and White Oak on 10/6, Boyce Park on 10/10, North Park on 10/13 and Round Hill on 10/18. Learn more about these events or discover all of Allegheny County events here!

Ways to Support

Plan a Meaningful Gift to Your Parks

Have you ever wanted to make a bigger impact on your community? You can! Make a lasting impact on the parks you love with a planned gift to the Allegheny County Parks Foundation. Consider recognizing us in your will, through an IRA distribution, or by transferring stock or other qualified investments in the form of a planned gift. A planned gift is a commitment made during your lifetime, often without affecting your wallet today, that supports an organization like ours when you are no longer in need of your assets. Learn more on our website or by contacting our Individual Giving Manager, Caitlin Harpster.

Boyce Park | Deer Lakes Park | Harrison Hills Park | Hartwood Acres Park
North Park | Round Hill Park | Settlers Cabin Park | South Park | White Oak Park
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Contact Us:
Allegheny County Parks Foundation | 675 Old Frankstown Road | Pittsburgh, PA 15239