View as Webpage ....................................................................March 2025
From the Office of the Bishop
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Convention will reconvene on Thursday, March 27th
5:30pm via Zoom
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PART III – VIA ZOOM: Meeting ID – 859 3827 8718
Thursday, March 27th: 5:30pm (Registration opens at 5:00pm)
The 157th Diocese of Easton Convention will reconvene for Business Session Part III on Zoom Thursday, March 27th with a staggered check-in process as follows: 5:00pm Northern Convocation, 5:10pm Middle Convocation, 5:20pm Southern Convocation (opening prayer at 5:30pm). This zoom is only for those with voice and/or vote. Guests, including Alternates, are encouraged to watch via livestream on the Diocese of Easton YouTube page
Please take a few minutes to complete our convention survey. Your voice and your opinions are invaluable to shaping the future of Diocesan Convention. Survey will remain open until April 4th, 2025.
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It's Not too Late to Support Camp Wright! Thank you to all who donated to Camp Wright during convention! We are extending the opportunity to contribute! Please use the QR code or click here to help Camp Wright grow! Let’s work together and support this ministry!
| | | The 2025 Clergy Conference "The Church's One Foundation" with our keynote speaker, The Rev. Dr. Katherine Grieb, will be at the Princess Royale Oceanfront Resort in Ocean City from April 28th - April 30th, 2025. Registration is due by March 28th. Visit our website for more info and to register. | |
Bishop’s Lenten Reflection
"The Season of Lent is once again upon us. Ash Wednesday is traditionally earmarked in our liturgical calendar as the beginning of Lent when the faithful gather to commemorate the commencement of this solemn season. The Church invites all of us to enter into a period of solemn reflection and contrition leading to repentance. One that leads to reconciliation, amendment of life and a commitment to a new and more transformative life at Easter." Read full Reflection here.
Bishop San's 20th Anniversary as Bishop: On Saturday, April 5th, 2025, Bishop San will celebrate his 20th Anniversary of Ordination and Consecration as bishop in Christ's one holy catholic and apostolic church. Read more about Bishop San on our website here.
| | Diocesan Committee for Rising Generations: The Diocese has newly reformed a Committee to tend to the needs and interests of those working in Formation around our Diocese, with particular attention to Children, Youth, Young Adults, and Young Families. "The mission of the Diocesan Committee for Rising Generations is to support Lay Leaders and Clergy in their ministry to and with Rising Generations (birth through early adulthood)." We are inviting each of our parishes to identify members invested in reaching these age groups to become a part of our "Champions Network". To add your name or the names of parish members to this list, please email The Rev. Joanne Fisher. We will be compiling this list over the next several months. | |
Diocesan Youth Events - 2025 Offerings The Diocese of Easton is excited to be offering three Youth Events in 2025. Visit
The Diocese hosts three events for youth annually, the Spring Youth Summit, the Summer Mission, and the Fall Retreat. In 2025 the Summit will be held once again in partnership with Province III (our 13 regional Dioceses) and is called "PYE25" (Provincial Youth Event 2025). In 2025 the Mission Trip will be a domestic mission to Wilmington, NC where we will help with local ministries and hurricane relief efforts. New in 2025 our Fall Retreat will shift to a bus trip to Washington DC for the Annual Acolyte Festival. Learn more here.
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Supplement to the Parochial Report – Action Required
Despite the changes to the 2024 Parochial Report, the diocesan office will continue to calculate parish apportionments based on operating income only, just as we have in the past.
This will require completion of a brief online supplemental form by each parish which will allow us to deduct non-operating income from the figures on your Parochial Report.
Please be on the lookout for this important form to arrive by email before the end of the month.
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Church Pension Group - Planning for Wellness - April 2nd & 3rd in Baltimore, MD Church Pension Group invites all clergy and spouses in our Diocese to join others from our region at this conference focused on financial, mental and physical wellness. $75 for clergy members and $25 for spouses or partners. The agenda includes topics such as:
- clergy pension benefits
- paths to wellness
- social security and medicare
- managing debt and financial risks
- navigate stress, achieve balance, and build resilience
To learn more and to register - Summary - 2025 Planning for Wellness (PFW) - Baltimore, MD
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Start purging your file drawers - Shred Day 2025 is Monday, March 31st!!!!
Parishes and parishioners are welcome to drop off boxed documents at the Diocesan offices for shredding during business hours, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, March 26th, 27th & 28th. No drop offs on March 31st. Please keep the weight of each box manageable to prevent injuries to yourself and others who may have to carry them. Please remove your documents from three-ring binders or plastic covers, however staples, binder and paper clips are allowed. We have arranged for "Shred Instead" to pick up all materials on March 31st. The Episcopal Church Archives has a Records Management for Congregations guide that you may find helpful; thank you to Jefferson Moak for sharing this resource. Contact Megan Timms with questions or if you need to schedule a time other than the dates above to drop off documents.
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Transition Web Page
The Diocese of Easton has entered a Season of Leadership Transition. The Standing Committee has developed a webpage to keep our members up-to-date on the process. Stay up to date here.
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CPR/First Aid Training
The Diocese of Easton recently held a CPR & First Aid Training event that was attended by the diocesan staff and several of our local parishes.
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March 27th Reconvene Convention 2025, 5:30pm Via ZOOM
April 8th Renewal of Vows, Trinity Cathedral, 10:30am
April 28-30th Clergy & Spouse Conference, Ocean City, 3:30pm
For Clergy-specific Save the Dates, click here.
| | Bishop's Institute Spring Trainings: Upcoming Spring Offerings in April: Training Classes for Eucharistic Minister, Eucharistic Visitor and Worship Leaders. Join the network of those serving across the Diocese! Learn about these Ministries here. | |
Camp Wright is Hiring! Ready to spend your Summer by the bay, surrounded by trees and endless activities at Camp Wright? As a camp counselor you will lead campers through activities like kayaking, tennis, arts and crafts and songs around a campfire every week. Come out and develop career skills and lifelong friendships. Everyday brings excitement, growth, and laughter. Learn more and apply here to join our team!
Save the dates July 26 - 27, 2025 - Camp Wright's 95th Anniversary Celebration! We hope to see you there! Join our mailing list to stay up to date with developing plans for a weekend of fun, nostalgia, and Camp Wright spirit!
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Retreat House Happenings:
To receive the Retreat House newsletter and other email offerings, sign up here. View their calendar for programs and special events. For more information, call (410) 364-7069 or contact Francie Thayer.
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Latino & Hispanic Ministry: Is your parish hosting Latino & Hispanic Ministry events? If so, please remember to send information to Mark Hansen our Missioner for Latino/Hispanic Ministries for the Diocese of Easton.
| | HAPPENINGS AROUND THE DIOCESE | | Trinity Cathedral & Christ Church Easton are partnering for Lenten Services Trinity Cathedral and Christ Church, Easton, along with its clergy and Sr. Wardens have spent the past months building relationships and a shared Lenten worship program for their congregations. Accordingly, the membership of the Cathedral announces it will close its doors on Good Friday and join Christ Church members in their worship space. The combined clergy will lead Good Friday services along with guided group walks of the fourteen Stations of the Cross located on the grounds of the Cathedral. Learn more here —all are welcome! | | Trellis Ministries offers on site and online Stations of the Cross 14 shrines designed during COVID by Fr. Charlie Barton of Trellis Ministries will be on the grounds of Trinity Cathedral for Lent 2025. But anyone, anywhere, can participate via the website. Hear 14 members of the Cathedral, Christ Church Easton and Trellis Ministries share their own experiences of sacred encounter. Scripture becomes a light in the darkness when we see a connection in our lives. Please share the site, and password, on your own social media pages so that others who are seeking might have their own spiritual encounter. Go to the website here, (the password is Stations). | | St. Paul's by-the-Sea, Ocean City On Sunday, March 23rd, the Very Reverend Ian Markham, Dean and President of Virginia Theological Seminary will preach at the 10am mass at St. Paul's by-the-Sea in Ocean City, Maryland. He will also lead a parish healing forum following the mass. Everyone is welcome. | | St. Phillip's, Quantico 2025 Guest Lecture Series beginning in April. Meetings are on the second Monday of the month (except for Dec.) at 1 PM and are provided as a free community outreach program, Apr.-Dec. Please register at or call 410-742-1837. Click here for full list of dates and details. | |
Church of the Holy Trinity, Oxford - Oxford Day Holy Trinity Plant Sale
Spring is here……. please plan on buying your flowers and garden plants at the
Holy Trinity Plant Sale on Oxford Day, Saturday, April 26, 2025, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
All proceeds go to support Local Missions!
Christ Church, Easton is looking for a full-time parish secretary - Working alongside the Rector’s Secretary, the successful candidate will be intricately involved in all facets of parish life. Expertise with Microsoft Office required. Resumes may be sent to Chris Rigaux, Parish Manager, at
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Church of the Holy Spirit, Ocean City enjoying food, fun and fellowship (and wine!) at Windmill Creek Vineyard and Winery on a recent outing.
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ENEWS Events & Article Submission Deadlines
If you have something to submit for our upcoming Enews please send them to Beth Devenny before these dates:
April Enews - Deadline April 1st
May Enews - Deadline May 1st
ALL articles and photos received after the deadline will not be published, but will be reserved for upcoming issues.
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Pastoral Concerns
We pray for the repose of the soul of Mrs. Patricia Michaud, mother of the Very Rev. David Michaud. We ask your prayers be with David,
and the Michaud family as they grieve their loss.
We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families: for Peggy Beers. Nancy Dick. Janice Flood. Gordon Fronk. Doug Girardeau. Babs Glancey. Archbishop Drexel Gomez, Former Archbishop of the Province of the West Indies and Bishop Diocesan of the Bahamas and Turks and Caicos Islands. Pastor Mark Hanson. The Rev. Jim Kamihachi. The Rev. Jack Mason. The Rev. Claire Nevin-Field. The Rev. Canon Charlie Osberger. The Rev. Nathaniel Pierce. Pamela Quarstein. The Rev. Joe Rushton. The Rev. Peggy Samuels. Tom Shuster. Don Sutherland. Goldey Vansant.
We continue to pray for those affected by the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine. Click here for printable prayers.
Submit prayer requests to:
Names are listed only with permission and will remain on our list for four weeks unless otherwise requested.
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Diocesan Prayer Calendar
Today we pray for you
Third Sunday in Lent
March 23rd
We pray for all Bishop’s as they gather for the House of Bishop’s meeting this week.
Fourth Sunday in Lent
March 30th
We give thanks for our Deacons in the Diocese: Laura, Melody, Buddy, Don, Penny, Sherry, Dick, Loretta, Lisa, Alisha, Chris, Barbara, Peggy, Jim, Lynn, Joanne, Kelsey, Jessica and Michael.
Fifth Sunday in Lent
April 6th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people and ministry at Bayleigh Chase. For our Deacon, Sherry Snyder, and all caretakers that minister to its residents.
Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday
April 13th
We pray for the ministry of La Iglesia de la Sagrada Familia de Jesus, Kennedyville, and for their Lay Pastor, Dr. Mark Hansen, and his spouse; Heather; and for their lay leaders.
Easter Sunday
April 20th
We pray for the Rev. Deacon Les Roberts, and his spouse, Jennifer; for their Wardens, Vestry and People of St. Paul’s, Trappe. We give thanks for the new ministry of Deacon Les.
Second Sunday of Easter
April 27th
We give thanks for the Rev. Canon Dr. Dan Dunlap, and his spouse, Donna; for their Wardens, Vestry and People of Old Trinity, Church Creek.
We give thanks for the gathering of our Clergy & Spouse Retreat in Ocean City this week. May it be a time of reflection and respite.
For additional weeks, please visit our website or contact Lynn Anstatt.
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Immigration Action Toolkit
Many leaders in our Diocese and around the Church are asking question about how best to help our migrant neighbors in uncertain times. The Episcopal Church has a long history of education and support in these matters and has a plethora of resources in their Immigration Action Toolkit. "In its ongoing support of migrants, and those living in our communities who face uncertain futures, obtaining and sharing accurate information is critical."
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Forma Monthly Cohort: Larger Church Contexts
This member cohort meets monthly, generally on the first Wednesday of the month. Link available in The Forma Space in VTS Plus
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Those who work in larger churches and/or as a full-time Christian formation professional.
Forma Monthly Cohort: Intergenerational Ministry
This member cohort meets monthly, generally on the second Wednesday of the month.
Link available in The Forma Space in VTS Plus
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Those curious about or already engaged in ministry with all ages.
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Episcopal Church offers free Lent resources
Find new and updated Lent resources for individuals, small groups, and congregations. Check back for updates as more material becomes available, and review each listing for available languages.
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Gratitude: Lenten Resources, Kits for Spring/Summer, Free VBS Program
If your congregation is in the midst of planning your semester formation programs, UTO is here to help. Find out about all of our free formation resources. Read more
| | ‘40 Days of Welcome and Gratitude’: Lenten resources - United Thank Offering and Episcopal Migration Ministries are offering a multifaceted program this Lent to help people of all ages consider ways they both experience and provide welcome. Learn more here. | |
Thank you for your continued support
of the mission and ministries of our Diocese.
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