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National Governors Prayer Team


In Cooperation With

July 25 , 2023


The same Meeting ID and Passcode will work every week

If you have Zoom installed on your mobile device or computer please join with video using this link
Meeting ID: 687 639 4893

You can ALSO dial in WITHOUT Zoom by using ANY of the numbers below
301-715-8592 US (Washington DC)
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253-215-8782 US (Tacoma)
346-248-7799 US (Houston)
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You will be prompted to enter the Meeting ID: 687 639 4893#
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You will be prompted to enter the meeting passcode, Passcode: 53787#

 With Our Regular Honored Guest

Kathleen D Mitchell,
Cleft in The Rock Ministries International

Expansion - Growth - Blessing
Governors' Prayer Team

"The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (James 5:16)

Tom WalkerDear Saints of the most high God, Paul has demonstrated the impossibility of man's acquiring righteousness by himself. Night cannot produce day. Water will not rise above its level. RIGHTEOUSNESS IS RECEIVED THROUGH FAITH IN CHRIST. This faith is not the mere belief in a doctrine, but active trust in Christ, practical reliance on His grace, obedient loyalty to His will (John 15:10).

This call is open to ALL callers. If led, please partner with us.

Remember you can call in like a usual conference call by using one of the numbers like 312-626-6799 US (Chicago). You will be prompted to enter the Meeting ID: 687 639 4893# You will be prompted to enter the Participant ID: just press # You will be prompted to enter the meeting passcode, Passcode: 53787#

You can also see me and many others by installing the ZOOM app on your phone or other portable device or on your PC and enjoy the full video conferencing experience by then using this link  Meeting ID: 687 639 4893 Passcode: 53787

Link to last weeks video recording with Tom Walker, NGPT. Like all of our calls they can only be found with this link. They can not be sampled or embedded.

God's mission is accelerating - He is calling those who are contributors to give generously Romans 12:8

We are 100% dependent on the support of God’s people. Help us stay on track for 2022. We invite you to partner with us in prayer and financial support. To help sustain our work please drop a check in the mail or if you like make an online  contribution Mailing address, NGPT, 865 Country Walk Ct, Brownsburg, IN 46112-1770 Bless you for sewing into prayer for our nation ,Israel and the world!

As the Father advances a deeper call into each state and adding territory as well He is offering the blessing of leadership to some and the supplying of resources from others and yet still others to do both. It is understood that together we are so much stronger. Together let us prepare for the demands of the march ahead of us. Would you pray daily for this ministry's continued focus of being led as to the point of God's spear? That we remain under the blessings of our heavenly Father. That we remain malleable in His hands. Pray this privately and declare this in prayer together as often as you meet in your groups. Our faithfulness in praying in unity will allow us to see a shift and bring us to a new level of provision and stability. - Tom 

On Line Giving Seedling

Planting a Seed in Good Soil

Please join me as together we enjoy the leadership of Kathleen Mitchell, Cleft in The Rock Ministries International. Kathleen has joined us as a regular monthly guest for 2023.

Prayer Points for the National Governors’ Prayer Team Conf. Call … 7.25.23

We are in the time period of the Jewish calendar known as the Dire Straits. This Wednesday evening begins the day of fasting known as Tisha b’Av … a 24 hour period in which many catastrophes, and terrible losses, historically happened to the Jewish people.  We certainly have some dark things on the horizon that demand our intercession.

--Israel is in a state of utter turmoil. PM Netanyahu just had a pacemaker put into his heart. Many thousands of protestors have gathered and marched against the government’s judicial reform being passed in the Knesset. At the same time, supporters of the reform, and in agreement with the PM, have assembled against the anti-reform protestors. Meanwhile, an announcement has gone out from the Palestinian terror organizations, and from other Arab nation Islamic groups, suggesting that now is the time to attack this greatly divided/distracted Israel, and to destroy/replace her. Something is going to give under pressure. We must seek the Lord to control the explosion and to reset this nation.

--The possibility of replacing Biden is increasing each day. His dysfunction is obvious to all the nations, as well as to the US citizenry. He has been a pawn, who appears to have outlived his usefulness to the cabal. How will he be removed and who will replace him?

--The people are waking up. The whistleblowers testimonies, uncovering the Covid plandemic and vax agenda … uncovering the election fraud … uncovering the Biden crime family, and even the Ukraine war agenda of the cabal, are taking place on a massive scale. What kind of event will be used by the cabal to halt the loss of their power? We need to be praying against every kind of false flag attack. Many of the people, waking up to the truth, don’t know what to do about the distress they are feeling. We must pray.

--Cognitive Ai is in the process of replacing human beings. That has been the goal of the vax depopulation program (limiting the global human population to 500 million souls) and of the WEF Reset. We have little time to stop/limit this technology, which has come from the 2nd heaven. Even now, monitoring of all communications, and the control of information, are being placed in the hands of Ai. We can no longer wait to address this in the Spirit.

MASON, OH 45040
PO Box 498548 Cincinnati, OH 45249-9998

All 50 state coverage!

NGPT Ecclesia


As intercessors we understand operating in the form of a remnant. So, it is easy for you to understand that this would not be the first battle where victory was found even when the numbers didn’t prove out. This is why our Savior desires that we act as one body. He understood that our weight would not be found in sheer numbers but that our weight would be found in unity. That is where our strength lies. It is in our unity where each joint provides that victory is found.

Yes, this is why you hear me often speak to this point and why I ask for your ministry efforts to be delivered jointly.  State Prayer Conference Calls are an example of this. The reason why we invite another prayer streams efforts to join us on our calls any why we roll our sleeves up and get in the trenches with them in there efforts.  Simply said, in unity we cannot lose in causes derived within the will of the Father in the cause of Christ as led by the Holy Spirit. 

For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister." (Hebrews 6:10)  


Greater State Focused Prayer

With our national weekly calls holding even more of a national, international and presidential flair it is important now more than ever that we follow protocol established during our founding, that “all State Prayer Leaders are encouraged to hold weekly or monthly prayer calls in their state using a similar format to the national calls”. This was to insure a detailed focus of prayer was established covering the needs of each state and not done alone but in concert with other statewide prayer groups. You are the front line in answering your states prayer needs. What I'm trying to say here is you've got this! Together the state and national calls insure that all are broadly informed, up to speed and prayed up. As issues of great importance arise in a state that issue is conveyed to me via email or phone for consideration of being included as a topic in the weekly national prayer call or to determine if a special call to prayer is required.

Likewise national focuses are covered in our one hour national calls and this information can be shared by inviting your teams on the national calls (preferred method), forwarding the invite details or your notes taken from the call and/or sharing national data on your state calls. All can certainly make use of the national call recording links on the website for playback. State Prayer Leaders are welcome to share State Call recording links of their state prayer calls on their State Group pages or in there communications with their teams. May God bless you all!

  • Defending America
  • Israel
  • Our State Prayer Leaders Focus’ as they arise.
  • NGPT Needs of Prayer and of Leadership.
  • Also remember our focus on individual prayer shields of three or more trusted individuals to be established for each team member made up of their closest family members and friends.





God's mission is accelerating -- He is calling those who are contributors to give generously Romans 12:8
By partnering with us you will enable the 1TIm2 - Seven Mountain Mandate:

And these are they who on the good ground have been sown: who do hear the word, and receive, and do bear fruit, one thirty-fold, and one sixty, and one an hundred. Mark 4:20

Thanks to those of you who have sown in to NGPT

It's a blessing to partner with you! God is using the National Governors' Prayer Team throughout the nation. There is much work being done to encourage ministers, pastors, intercessors and the body across the world to join hands together to change America and bring a world-wide revival. Our needs continue and when you plant a seed, God will bring the harvest. When you give He will open the windows of heaven and pour you out a great blessing. We are asking for a new season of givers to the Governors' Prayer Team to help us with the ministry in intercession as well as the everyday bills that have to be paid for by all of us. It's the lights, the gas bill, and other bills just like you pay. Would you consider blessing us by covering one of these monthly bills for us for even one month? As a guideline pick one of your own bill amounts and send it along to us in a check or take advantage of our on line giving. We are a non- profit 501 (c)(3). Use are available on-line giving or just drop a check in the mail to NGPT, 865 Country Walk Ct, Brownsburg, IN 46112-1770. We look forward to continuing to serving with you month after month, year after year.


May God continue bless you and all those you love,


Thomas C. Walker - Founder/ National Director National Governors' Prayer Team
865 Country Walk Court Brownsburg, Indiana 46112-1770
317.286.1117 Office
Twitter: @governorsprayer
A Ministry Project of One Accord Ministry Inc.