UTSW Black History Month Signature Event Celebration
Wednesday, February 15, 2023 11:30am to 1pm
D1.502 (South Building), D1.502
**Register Here**
Join us for the annual Black History Month Celebration featuring a panel of healthcare leaders. This is UT Southwestern’s signature event to celebrate Black History Month The theme for this year‘s observance is Reflect. Organize. Recognize. Reflecting on the history and contributions of our community; Organizing for an equitable healthcare future; and, Recognizing the need for transformative efforts to advance inclusion. All events and programs during this month will underscore this theme.
The topic of the panel discussion will be Organizing to Make Dallas Healthier. The panel will feature the President and CEO of Parkland Health and Hospital System, Dr. Frederick Cerise, and Assistant Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine, Dr. Ericka Walker Williams. The panel will be moderated by Dr. Shawna Nesbitt, Professor of Medicine, Vice President and Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer.
Doors will open and a reception will precede the event at 11:30 am. This event is hosted by the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, the Office of Institution Equity & Access, and the African American Employees Business Resource Group.