November 2022


New Staff Join WIHA

Please join us in welcoming WIHA's newest staff members - Suzanne Schreiner and Amie Rein. We're we're looking forward to working with them to forward WIHA's mission.

Amie Rein

Chronic Conditions

Program Coordinator

Amie Rein joined WIHA as the Chronic Conditions Program Coordinator this month and will be your go-to person WIHA's chronic disease self-management education (CDSME) programs. Prior to coming to WIHA, Amie was an ADRC Specialist with the Aging & Disability Resource Center of Vilas County where she gained experience both as a program provider and as a workshop facilitator for several of WIHA's evidenced-based programs. Amie has a bachelor's degree in social work from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. When not working, she enjoys spending time with her family, camping, swimming, and kayaking. 

Suzanne Schreiner

Falls Prevention

Program Coordinator

Suzanne Schreiner also joined WIHA in November as the Falls Prevention Program Coordinator. She will be the point person for Stepping On and Pisando Fuerte in addition to coordinating the development of the Falls Free Wisconsin Center at WIHA. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point with a degree in Health Promotion/Wellness and a desire to work in community health and prevention. For a short time she worked for LiFE OF HOPE, a suicide prevention non-profit in Washington County, and for the past five years she was a Community Health Specialist with Adams County Health & Human Services, Division of Public Health. In her free time, Suzanne loves to be active and outdoors hiking, biking or lifting weights as well as spending time with her son and fiancé.

If you missed it . . .

WIHA Office Hours

If you weren't able to join us for November Office Hours, you can catch up by checking out the recording below.

This month we discussed WIHA's new Falls Free Wisconsin Center initiative along with our consumer-focused content and resources designed to engage and motivate older adults to improve their health.

Watch for these and other efforts coming in 2023. As always, if you have questions, please contact us.

Click above to watch the November Office Hours recording.

Registration Open!

2023 WIHA Leader/Facilitator Training Schedule

The 2023 facilitator training schedule is now available. We know you like to plan ahead. So do we! So, it's a great time to check out the 2023 trainings and get your applications in. 

Find information on facilitator requirements along with the 2023 facilitator training schedule on the new WIHA website and apply for the training that matches your needs.

If you have questions, contact Jill Renken.


Program Questions?

Contact WIHA's program staff leads for answers!

Chronic Conditions

Staff Leads

Jill Renken

Amie Rein


Living Well w/ Chronic Conditions

Tomando Control de su Salud

Healthy Living w/ Diabetes

Vivir Saludable con Diabetes

Healthy Living w/ Chronic Pain

Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder

Physical Activity

Staff Lead

Erin Eggert


Physical Activity for

Lifelong Success (PALS)

Stand Up & Move More

Walk With Ease

Falls Prevention

Staff Leads

Erin Eggert

Suzanne Schreiner


Stepping On

Pisando Fuerte

Caregiver Support


Judy Rank

Powerful Tools for Caregivers

Thank You, WIHA Leadership Circle!


Have a colleague who would benefit from receiving information from WIHA? Let us know and we'll add them to

our subscriber list.

Email Kris Krasnowski.


Thanks for all you do to support healthy aging in your community. If you're interested in making a contribution to the work of the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging, please visit the link below. 
Make a contribution

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service mark of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Used with permission. Participation by WIHA does not imply endorsement by HHS/ODPHP.