Upcoming Events

Please Support the Coconut Grove Crisis Food Pantry - July 10th

NCJW, Kendall Section, in partnership with St. Louis Catholic Church, is doing a food drive for needy residents in Coconut Grove, July 10th. We will be collecting canned or packaged foods at the St. Louis Catholic Church (7270 SW 120th St., Pinecrest, 33156). Drop off times are 4pm to 6pm. Please check expiry dates of the cans before donating. Tax forms are available when the food is dropped off.

If you cannot make it on July 10th, please bring the canned food to Judith Villar del Saz's house on Saturday, July 8th or Sunday, July 9th: 10210 SW 59th Ave, Pinecrest, 33156. Judith's phone number is: 305-667-0818. You may also donate on Amazon and have them deliver the food. To do so, please click here. If you choose this option, please mention that you're a member of NCJW. 

The following items are needed: 

  • Canned fruit & vegetables
  • Canned soup, stew, chili
  • Canned tomato products, spaghetti sauce
  • Canned pasta (Beefaroni, Spaghettios, ravioli) 
  • Canned tuna, chicken, SPAM, Vienna sausage
  • Dry pasta (boxed macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, noodles)
  • Rice, dried beans, lentils
  • Peanut butter 
  • Cereal        

Thank you to all of you who help this Crisis Food Pantry feed the less fortunate.

Judith Villar del Saz & Sally Russomanno

Committee Reports

Thank You Letter From Alper JCC

Dear NCJW/Kendall,

Three amazing girls will benefit from scholarships made possible by NCJW/Kendall this summer. Generous funding from NCJW/Kendall Section allows two girls to attend our performing arts camp this year.  Additionally, thanks to the NCJW/Kendall Section - Barbara Wolfsdorf Memorial Scholarship Fund, another nine-year-old girl will be able to attend the Alper JCC’s performing arts camp. This camper is being raised by her grandmother with no financial support from either parent. Without this financial assistance, it would be impossible for her to attend camp this summer. The child’s grandmother was so moved and overjoyed when we called to give her the great news that her granddaughter would be joining her friends at camp this year, fully funded by the NCJW/Kendall Section - Barbara Wolfsdorf Memorial Scholarship fund. 

Thank you!!

Best regards,


Irene Tzanani / CEO

Alper JCC

NCJW/Kendall Recognized at the

JCS End of the Year Banquet

Jen Resnick, Susan Malca and Vicki Einhorn were invited by Debbie Hurwitz to the JCS End of the Year Banquet, where NCJW/Kendall Section and other community partners were recognized. JCS appreciated the food drives and donations made during the past year by our section that helped provide food for their needy families and Holocaust survivors.

Toiletries Donated to Lotus House 

Lotus House was very grateful for the 80 toiletry bags donated by Kendall Section and delivered by Louise Stubins and Judith Villar del Saz.  

For over the past 25 years NCJW/Kendall has also donated 1000's of toiletry bags to charities such as: Casa Valentina, Kristi House, Mujer, Human Trafficked individuals and State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle's closet for victims in need.  As you travel over the summer please keep bringing back your toiletry items that you receive from your hotel stays. Also please ask your dentists and doctors if they have toothbrushes, tooth paste, skin creams and sunscreen samples that they might be willing to donate.  

Toiletry items can be dropped off at Louise's - 11630 S.W. 72nd Ave and left by her door with your name on the bag.

Thank you to Vicky Einhorn, Mindy Finkelman, Susan Schnur, Debbie Gomberg, Gail Appleruth, Sally Russomanno, Candy Fein and Nadine Pertnoy for your donations and to Elisabeth Frank for her help in assembling them with Louise.  

Louise Stubins, Toiletry Bag Chair




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The next scheduled Newsletter will be published July 17th. Please make sure all articles and photos are submitted by July 14th.

Please email all submissions to with the word "Newsletter" in the subject area.