The Newsletter of
Bellevue High School PTSA
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请在AmazonSmile购物并支持Bellevue High PTSA!
BHS 的家庭、朋友们和社区,你们好。

我们已经筹集了将近 69, 869 美元!
我们的目标是今年筹集 70,000 美元。您还有机会捐款以支持我们 PTSA 的项目和社区!实现这一筹款目标将使我们能够充分资助所有的 PTSA 项目,其中包括:

  • 向学术活动、体育活动和学生组织提供超过 35,000 美元的直接资金支持
  • 筹办教职员工答谢活动
  • 支持 Youth Eastside Service
  • 支持学校的心理健康咨询
  • 支持Giving Closet,为有需要的 BHS 学生和家庭提供生活必须品
  • 通过 Blast 和 BHS PTSA 网站与我们的社区共享信息
  • 等等,等等,更多活动!

如果您的公司提供配捐,请花一点时间完成并上传一个配捐请求来增加您的捐款. Bellevue High PTSA的税号是 91-1459440。

如果您通过 Benevity 捐款,您的名字将被延迟列入我们的荣誉榜。 如果您希望您的名字现在被添加到荣誉榜中,请将您的全名和您的捐赠号码通过电子邮件发送至

如果您想要使用支票,请支付给Bellevue High PTSA 然后邮寄到 10416 SE Wolverine Way, Bellevue, WA 98004。

如有疑问,请用邮箱联系Loretta Tao Liu

亲爱的 BHS 家庭, 


新学期已经开始,我们诚挚地邀请您加入 BHS PTSA。
我们本学年的目标是拥有600名PTSA会员。 直到今天,我们仍然需要160个(很多!)家庭的注册才能实现我们的目标。
您的会员身份对于通过支持许多课外活动和丰富他们的教育来帮助 BHS 学生至关重要。

亲爱的 BHS 家庭,

农历新年快乐! 2023 年 1 月 22 日 - 兔年的开始。祝大家新年快乐,万事如意!我们的 PTSA 将于 2 月 8 日(星期三)举办 2023 年的第一次教职员工答谢午宴。


Rachel Li & Hyun Jin Kwon
贝尔维尤 2023 届毕业生之夜派对 
Class of 2023





2022-23 年Wolverine Guard程序进行得很强劲! 我们已经收到了一些学生的志愿时间申请。 对于那些不熟悉它的人,WOLVERINE GUARD(WG)是贝尔维尤高中 PTSA 赞助的奖项,旨在表彰在每个学年的 5 月 1 日至 4 月 30 日的 12 个月期间完成 100 多个小时的社区服务的学生。 完成 WG 要求的学生将获得认可证书,并且在高中两年获得 WG 的学生,在毕业时会获得一个特殊的流苏。

有关 WG 2022-23 的当前指南、规则和所需表格,请访问 BHS PTSA 网站 Wolverine Guard Program


提醒一下:PTSA 计划与贝尔维尤学区的毕业志愿时间要求是分开的。 但是,为满足毕业要求而获得的小时也可用于满足 WG 的要求。 您需要从我们的网站下载 WG 表格以记录您的工作时间(并获得主管的签名!)和 WG 申请表。 感谢那些付出了时间和精力来帮助民众的学生。 你们的作为有目共睹!

如有任何问题,请通过 联系 Patti Liffick 或 Lucille Tam(您的 WG 联合主席)。 
您对明年的 Running Start 计划感兴趣吗? Running Start 是一项很棒的项目,11 年级和 12 年级的学生可以通过在大学校园上课同时获得大学和高中学分! BHS 辅导员将于 2 月 9 日星期四下午 4:00 在 Microsoft Teams ( 线上为学生和家庭举行Running Start信息会议。 他们将介绍申请流程、录取、入学选项和毕业要求。 对于明年选择 Running Start 的同学,此信息会议是强制性的。
Here is the latest update on Pre-Season Activities for BHS Baseball.

BHS Baseball Boosters and Player/Parent Meeting with Coach Parthemer
Tuesday February 7, 7pm
BHS Library
Parents and Players Invited

The pre-season meeting for players, parents, coaches, along with Boosters, is Tuesday February 7, 7pm, at the BHS Library.

The meeting will open with required Boosters' business in electing the board, and will move to introductions and discussion with Coach Parthemer and the BHS Baseball Coaching staff.
Winter Conditioning and Weight Training Underway

Winter Conditioning sessions are currently underway at BHS Baseball Field on Wednesdays from 1:30- 3:30 and on Saturdays from 10:00-noon. Players are expected to be at the field 30 minutes before practice time in order to warm up. Wednesday is a player-led practice; Saturdays, Stephen Englund will be leading the practice. BHS Baseball Boosters covers field and personnel costs for Winter Conditioning.
Pre-season Weight training sessions for Baseball are also happening weekly in the BHS weight room, with supervision from BHS employees. Those dates and times are:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 6-7pm
BHS Weight Room
Players are strongly encouraged to attend field practices and to have supervised weight work when their schedules (including select ball training) allow.
If you are not yet registered for BHS Baseball TeamSnap, please contact Janet Daly <> to add yourself to the All-Teams roster and continue to receive relevant information and updates.
Impact testing is Baseball, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball and Water Polo prior to the season beginning.

Wednesday – January 11th, 18th, 25th and February 1st & 8th
ImPACT Testing will begin promptly at 1:30pm
Room 1113 – 1st floor, history hallway
No registration needed, just show up – the impact test takes approximately 30 – 45 minutes
Students must bring their fully charged laptop to take the ImPACT test
Impact testing is good for 2 years for student athletes, you can check your student information in FinalForms, our athletic database.
Fresh off a road win vs Juanita, your girl's varsity basketball team returns home to face Interlake on Wednesday the 25th at 7:15 pm. JV will tip off at 5:30 pm. Wednesday is USA night so dress up in your Red, White, Blue, and Gold. On Friday, January 27th, the Wolverines celebrate Senior Night Vs. Hazen with festivities beginning at 6 pm. Come out and recognize your seniors and cheer on the team to victory. JV begins at 5 pm. Friday is also Black Out Night. Show your spirit and let's bring it on Friday. On Saturday the 28th the team takes on West Valley of Yakima in a 4:30 start at Bellevue High with JV playing at 3 pm. Wear your Bellevue blue and represent versus an Eastern Washington opponent. These are the final regular season games of the year so let's show our girls some support and pack the house
BHS 舞蹈队
上周末,Bellevue舞蹈队前往 Redmond High School 参加了 Pom 和 Dance 类别的比赛,在两个项目中都获得了高分并获得了 Districts 的资格!

我们的下一场比赛将于 1 月 28 日在 Tahoma 高中举行。 加油Wolverines!
体育赛程表 1月23日到28日
Monday January 23rd
Tuesday January 24th
Boys JVC, Junior Varsity, and Varsity Basketball v. Interlake High School @ Bellevue High School JVC 4:00pm, JV 5:40pm, Varsity 7:15pm
Supervisor Katie Klug
Gym Manager Minh Nguyen
Tickets Jerry Iseman & Deb Andrews
Table Crew Jeff Cato, Dave Sherbrooke, Jim Butcher, Will Linser
Boys Swimming and Diving v. Liberty High School @ Mary Wayte Pool, Mercer Island 8:30pm
Wednesday January 25th
Girls JVC Basketball v. Woodinville High School, Girls JV and Varsity v. Interlake High School @ Bellevue High School JVC 4:00pm, JV 5:40pm, Varsity 7:15pm
Supervisor Vic Anderson
Gym Manager Minh Nguyen
Tickets Jerry Iseman, Deb Andrews, Cathy Lanning
Table Crew Jeff Cato, Dave Sherbrooke, Jim Butcher, Will Linser
Thursday January 26th
Wrestling at Lake Washington High School with Juanita High School and Mercer Island High School 6:00pm & 7:15pm
Gymnastics at Highline High School with Evergreen High School, Interlake High School, Lindbergh High School, Tyee High School 7:00pm
1 月 27 日星期五

女子篮球 JVC 对 Issaquah 高中 在 Bellevue High School Lower Aux 运动馆举行,4:00pm

男子和女子篮球校二队和校队对 Hazen 高中 在BHS举行
男子校二队 3:30pm, 女子校二队 5:00pm, 女子校队 6:30pm,
男子校队 8:00pm

主管: Vic Anderson 和 Thomas Gangle 健身房经理: Minh Nguyen
票务:Jerry Iseman, Deb Andrews, Israel Perez
门票工作人员 : Jeff Cato, Dave Sherbrooke, Jim Butcher, Will Linser

1 月 28 日星期六
舞蹈队在Tahoma 参加高中邀请赛,全天

女子篮球 JVC,校二队和校队对West Valley高中, Yakima

男子篮球JVC 对Hazon高中

男子和女子比赛在BHS举行。 女子JVC 1:30pm,女子校二队JV 3:00pm,女子校队4:30pm,男子JVC 6:00pm

主管:(女子校队比赛)Jess Moyer 
健身房经理: Minh Nguyen
票务:Deb Andrews和Cathy Lanning
门票工作人员 : Jeff Cato, Dave Sherbrooke, Jim Butcher, Will Linser

BHS 加油!!!祝你们取得好成绩……
提交 Bellevue Blast 文章的截止日期如下:
  • 学校新闻和 PTSA 文章 – 周五下午 6 截止日期
  • 体育和活动文章 - 周日下午 6 点截止
PTSA 执委会 / 快速链接
PTSA Presidents

PTSA Vice President Fundraising

PTSA Board
Committee Chairs
PTSA Vice Presidents Communications

PTSA Secretary

Krista Heys

PTSA Treasurers

BHS Administration

Asst. Prin: Katie Klug
Asst. Prin: Thomas Gangle

BHS Athletics/ Activities
Director: John Hill
Asst.Dir: Kelli Mayer

BHS Main Office
