September 6, 2024 | Issue #227

Dear Bellefield Family,

‘Managing expectations’ is a term that has crossed over from the business world to regular life, probably because so much of life is about having proper expectations. Young adults new to the working world are always asking what’s reasonable and unreasonable in a job. Couples getting married seek to enter into marriage with a shared sense of what to expect. And all of us as Christians are seeking to understand: what should I expect a relationship with God to be like?

The Bible has many passages in Scripture that call us to a kind of familiarity and intimacy with God that seems surprising: “taste and see that the Lord is good”, “I don’t call you servants, but friends”, “the Spirit testifies with our Spirit that we are children of God”.

Yet there are other passages that indicate a distance in our relationship with God, how we “walk by faith and not by sight.” It seems that there is this tension in Scripture, with promises of deep intimacy and assurance along with admonitions to continue in faith, even when we do not see what has been promised. What should our expectations be for a relationship like this?

Sitting on a neighbors’ porch looking at Dave Callen’s house on Sunday, I was thinking about a passage that reflects this tension, 1st Corinthians 13:12: “For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” Now, we know in part: Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit into our lives (Acts 1:8), which is able to know and speak into our hearts in a way no other person is able to. You are, in Christ, fully known. And yet, since he is the Holy Spirit, we do not see him. And our intimacy with him can be hindered by the world, the flesh, and the devil, those great enemies that we face daily. And so, like Paul in this passage, we long for the day when we will see face to face, to know God as fully as we are known.

Dave, like the rest of us, knew in part: the intimacy of the Spirit, the beauty of Jesus, the majesty of Father. He pressed into these things enough to glimpse how much more there was of each than he could see; to recognize that he was only seeing through a “mirror dimly” (ESV), and not face to face. As I considered the delight that Dave had in seeing these glimpses, I was overwhelmed with the thought of what it must be like to encounter God’s beauty and majesty face to face. And that thought made me want to glimpse that glory and beauty more.

I hope and pray that as you reflect on the incredible possibility of knowing, even through a mirror dimly, the glory and love of God, that you will press into him more this day and every day.

If you were unable to come to Dave’s memorial service Friday but would like to watch it, please email the office ( for a link to the video.

In Christ

-Greg Burdette

Announcements & Events

Sunday Classes

Begin September 8th, 9:45am

This Sunday, we'll be kicking off our fall Adult Sunday School class looking at World Religions and Christianity. In a city like Pittsburgh, many of us encounter neighbors and friends from other major religions. However, we often don't understand what those religions teach or how to talk to them about Jesus. So, we will be taking the semester to look at several different world religions, examining their beliefs and practices and how Jesus answers some of the big questions of the religion. In addition to Bellefield teachers, we will also be bringing in local missionaries to hear about how they minister to people from these different religious backgrounds. Join us at 9:45am in Fellowship Hall!

Youth: Our Youth class meets in room B5 (the Student Lounge, with the couches!) from 9:45 to 10:45 am. Our class welcomes any student from 6th through 12th Grade (ages 11-18). The Youth Sunday School class uses the Dwell Dive curriculum from Faith Alive Resources. This year we will be looking at living out God's calling in our lives, focusing on justice, prayer, and stewardship! Our teachers this year are Mrs. Sarah Egeland, Mr. Kyle Buchheister, and Mr. Matthew Jones.

Children's: Elementary Sunday School - Our Elementary class meets in room 203 from 9:45 to 10:45 am. For children from PreK through Fifth Grade (ages 4-10), the Elementary Sunday School class uses Dwell Flex curriculum from Faith Alive Resources. This year we will be looking at how God worked through the events and people of the Old Testament to implement his plan for our salvation, and how we are part of God's Big Story! Our teachers this year are Mr. Charlei George, Mrs. Jeanette Kreutzer, Mrs. Jill Benson, and Mrs.Tanya Carter.

There is childcare for infants and toddlers provided during the Sunday School hour!

Women's Bible Study

September 9th, 9:30am

This fall join other women at Bellefield for a hybrid Bible Study with in-person and Zoom participation (link to join online is in the calendar below). We're studying Ephesians this fall.

Childcare available.

If you have any questions, please email Jeanne Griffith.

Church Picnic

September 15th @ 12:30pm

Following the 11am worship service on the 15th, we'll meet on the Sci-Tech lawn across the street for our Annual Church Picnic!

Meat will be provided and grilled on charcoal grills, otherwise it'll be a potluck. Please bring side dish or dessert to share.

Bring a chair or blanket to sit on, accessible seating will be provided.

If you'd like to volunteer to help with set up, clean up, or grilling food for the picnic, please sign up here.

Parenting Seminar

September 21st, 9am-12pm

The 4 Seasons of Parenting Seminar - for parents of children of all ages and life stages. Led by Dave Martin, parenting coach for Women's Choice Network.

Childcare for infants and toddlers is provided.

Register Here

Women's Quilting

September 28th, 10am-2pm

All Bellefield women and friends are invited. Bring your own lunch and stay as long or short as suits your schedule. If you don't sew, no worries! You can iron, cut fabric, coordinate colors for a quilt. You can also just come to mingle and meet new friends and connect with old friends. The baby quilts are gifts to new babies in our congregation and are also shared with our ministry partners in Guatemala.


Saturday, September 7th

  • Men's Group @ 7am, Offsite, email Ron for details

Sunday, September 8th - Sunday Classes Begin

  • Classic Worship @ 8:30am, Sanctuary
  • Sunday Classes for all ages @ 9:45am
  • Modern Worship @ 11am, Sanctuary
  • Worship Online, Livestream @ 11am
  • Relaxed Worship Service @ 5pm, Fellowship Hall

Monday, September 9th

  • Women's Bible Study @ 9:30am, Conference Room & Online
  • UNIV Small Group @ 12:00pm, Room B5
  • BYG Youth Group, Email Matthew for details

Tuesday, September 10th

  • UNIV Upperclassmen Bible Study @ 5:45pm, Room B4

Wednesday, September 11th

  • BYG Wednesday Hangouts Outreach (Youth), Email Matthew for details
  • UNIV Cornerstone Fellowship @ 8pm, Fellowship Hall

Thursday, September 12th

  • YA Small Group @ 7pm, Room B6
  • UNIV Freshman Bible Study @ 7pm, Room B5

Friday, September 13th

  • UNIV Men's Night @ 6:30pm, Room B5

Saturday, September 14th

  • Men's Group @ 7am, Offsite, email Ron for details
  • Women's Small Group @ 10am, Conference Room

Sunday, September 15th

  • Classic Worship @ 8:30am, Sanctuary
  • Sunday Classes for all ages @ 9:45am
  • Modern Worship @ 11am, Sanctuary
  • Worship Online, Livestream @ 11am
  • Church Picnic @ 12:30pm, Sci-Tech Lawn
  • Relaxed Worship Service @ 5pm, Fellowship Hall

To watch our worship service online after Sunday morning, head over to our YouTube page, click Videos and then Past Live Videos. On Tuesdays you can find the recorded live stream on the front page of our YouTube channel.

UNIV: Events for undergraduate college students

YA: Events for Young Adults & Graduate students

BYG: Events for middle & high school students

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