September 18, 2024 Vol. 54, No. 9


And the Winner is... | A Note from the President

Join Us! | 2025 Annual Meeting Dates | FREE Board Training Session

Upcoming Parent Coaching Events | Grant Recipient Recap

Member Profile: Geist Orchard Cooperative Preschool | Navigating a Move

The school year is underway, which means our calendars are full of community events, fundraisers, and co-op days! We hope your students, teachers, and families are settling in and getting ready for all that is to come this fall.

A lot is on the horizon for PCPI as well, and we're excited for some upcoming parent education offerings as well as grant opportunities that will open next month! Below you'll find an update from one of last year's grant recipients, and be on the lookout for more information coming soon.

We're also happy to introduce you to one of our school tour hosts from this past spring, and don't miss their story of resiliency in quickly and impressively securing a new location after learning that they needed to move. We think you'll be inspired by this example of how our co-op communities come together!

Cooperatively yours,

Melissa Ranck

Editor, Cooperatively Speaking

And the Winner is...

We hope last month's poll brought a smile to your face! You may or may not be surprised to hear that nearly 40% of our respondents agreed that BIRDS would be the most annoying if animals could talk.

Another question to make you chuckle this month...

If you could have any superpower, but it had to be completely useless, what would it be?
Turn invisible for 0.5 seconds every hour
Create a tiny spark every time you snap your fingers
Make inanimate objects glow in the dark for 10 minutes a day
Make plants grow 1mm taller every time you whistle a tune
Make your voice sound 10% more robotic every time you shout

(Visit Brightful for more interactive games and polls.)

A Note from the President

By Dianne Rose

October is National Co-op Month, which for us presents an annual opportunity to raise awareness about the many ways in which our early childhood programs provide a trusted, proven way to do business and build resilient, inclusive communities. 

The Future is Cooperative, this year’s theme, should make you feel good! Perhaps you hadn’t given it much thought, but the fact is that your early childhood cooperative is helping to shape a more equitable, innovative, and sustainable world.

I’m sure that as you bring new families into your program each year, you meet a few who aren’t quite sure what a cooperative is or how it could work for them. You can confidently assure them that a co-op is always the right kind of preschool because the whole reason for a cooperative to exist is to satisfy the needs of its members. Co-ops with members who work together to create exactly what they need right in their own community has huge advantages over a large corporation or a school district making decisions that impact your life but over which you have little control. 

Throughout Co-op Month (and every month), let the world know you’re there, doing good work with and for your community!

Join Us!

Thinking about becoming a member of PCPI? Membership is open to schools, councils, libraries, and individuals who recognize the value of parents as teachers and the necessity of educating parents to meet the developmental needs of their children. Cooperative Month is the perfect time to join us! During the month of October, new members joining PCPI are eligible for a special, buy one-get one offer!

Current members: Be on the lookout for a mailing with details about dues for the 2025 calendar year, which must be paid in order to remain on the website directory and continue to receive PCPI benefits.

Thank you for your continued partnership with PCPI!

Save the Date!

The date has been set for PCPI's 2025 Annual Meeting! We'll be gathering in Vancouver, British Columbia, April 10-13, and we'd love to see you there. Please save the date and watch for more details coming soon!

Board Training Session

Let PCPI help get your board members up to speed! This virtual training will cover topics like duties as a board member, best practices for governance, financial responsibility, and more. Training is expected to last two hours to allow for Q&A, and attendees will receive a certificate.

Two opportunities to attend!

Sunday, September 22

7 pm EDT/4 pm PDT

Monday, September 23

1 pm EDT/10 am PDT

Register here!

Offered via Zoom

This training is FREE for PCPI members. If you are a staff member or caregiver at a member school, this means you!

Parent Coaching Events

Join PCPI sponsor Jennifer Watanabe, Certified Positive Discipline Parenting Educator and Parent Coach for an upcoming event! Jennifer is a Child Behavior Consultant & Parent Coach. She helps parents help their children. For 24 years she taught positive parenting classes for Bellevue College in Washington state. She’s taught hundreds of parents how to help their young children have better behavior. She offers private coaching & teaches Positive Discipline classes.

Upcoming Coaching Talks:

Temper Tantrums & Anger Mountain

Sunday, September 29

5 pm EST/2 pm PST

Becoming a Friend, Being a Friend

Monday, September 30

7 pm EST/4 pm PST or 10 pm EST/7 pm PST

Caring for YOU First

Tuesday, October 1

3 pm EST/12 pm PST or 10 pm EST/7 pm PST

Coaching talks are FREE!

Parenting Essentials for Parents with Young Children:

4-Weeks of Coaching in Small Groups

Coaching topics include: compatibility in the family, cooperation: help your child "listen," communication, conflict resolution

Start dates:

Monday, October 7, 10 pm EST/7 pm PST

4 Mondays plus weekly group coaching

Tuesday, October 8, 3 pm EST/12 pm PST

4 Tuesdays plus weekly group coaching

Saturday, October 12, 1 pm EST/10 am PST

4 Saturdays plus weekly group coaching

The cost for these sessions is $250 per family

Grant Recipient Recap

Did you know that the window for PCPI grant applications opens next month? Be on the lookout for more information--we hope you might consider how your school community could benefit from grant funding! To get your creative juices flowing, we wanted to share an update from one of our 2024 grant recipients, Connecticut co-op Valley Pre-School.

"On May 18th, Valley Pre-School held a "Garden Party" thanks to the funding awarded from the Anne Eddowes Cooperative Spirit Grant. We were able to purchase three new raised garden beds and plant flowers, herbs, and vegetables! Families came together to get this project done, and it was a great example of what it means to be a cooperative school. We are all so excited to watch our garden grow and for the children to be able to tend to the garden and take pride in their work. We had about 30% of our families actually participate in the day, but several more families helped by planning ahead of time, dropping off extra gardening supplies, and by agreeing to help water the garden while school was out.

"Over the summer, families took turns watering the garden and picking the produce we were able to grow. We are not expert gardeners, but it was exciting even to get a few cucumbers. Now that the children are back in school, these garden beds provide an opportunity to pick herbs for their mud pies, smell the beautiful flowers, and have fun with watering cans. The gardens really have added something special to our outdoor area!"

- Heather Tokarz, Valley Pre-School Managing Director

Thank you to Valley Pre-School for sharing an update with us! Applications for several PCPI grants are coming soon, and we can't wait to hear your ideas!

Member Profile:

Geist Orchard Cooperative Preschool

This month we're happy to introduce you to another of our host schools during PCPI's Annual Meeting this spring in Indianapolis, Indiana. Say hello to our friends at Geist Orchard Cooperative Preschool.

What is special about Geist Orchard Cooperative Preschool?

Our families! We love when the whole family gets involved! We have grandparents who are the participating parent in the classroom, families that go above and beyond to help keep the school running behind the scenes, and many opportunities for families to come together and do life with each other. We all come together to make this the best experience for our kids. Our families support each other in and outside of the classroom, whether it's helping with childcare, having weekly playdates, or having a special treat for birthdays. We love our families, and we would not be Geist Orchard without them!

What are one or two events your school holds that are a highlight each year?

Our summer playdates! We like to stay connected during the summer months when school is not in session, and we invite alumni, current, and new families to our favorite neighborhood parks to catch up and get to know each other better. We also enjoy our fall and spring field trips, especially to Tuttle Orchards, where we learn about how the farm works and pick our own apples and pumpkins to take home! We love to include the whole family in our field trips and special events, including siblings and even grandparents!

What else is unique about Geist Orchard Cooperative Preschool?

We are resilient! Over the span of the last few years, we have had teacher turnovers as well as having to pack up and move locations. We have always been able to come together to use each our skills and time to find solutions to keep our program thriving. 50 years and going strong!

A big thanks to Geist Orchard President Courtney McGann for sharing your school with us this month, and thanks to your whole community for the warm welcome you gave PCPI last spring during our Annual Meeting! Read on to learn more from former President Alison Fields about how Geist Orchard recently showed just how resilient they are in orchestrating a move to a new location.

Navigating a Move

It’s a difficult and time-consuming task finding a new location for your co-op. Geist Orchard was lucky enough to have a home for many, many years, but nothing is forever, and in 2023 we needed to find a new location in just a few months' time. We would not have been successful without a hard-working team and a passionate community. Below are some thoughts that may help your school if you ever need to look for a new space.

Tips for searching and moving locations:

  • Start a committee and hold regular meetings. Our committee consisted of Board members, teachers, and families. We tasked someone besides the president to help lead the committee to share the load: moving is not a one-person job. You will need a community effort to make the move successful.
  • Figure out your search parameters. We set up a geographical zone of our searching area, reviewed our budget to come up with an appropriate rent amount, and looked at our wants and needs for the interior space, such as number of classrooms, and outside space.
  • Create a spreadsheet of possible locations within the parameters. The locations we considered were churches without preschools, non-profits, and community buildings. Then we tasked each committee member with locations with whom they were responsible for communicating.
  • Outreach. We created a location inquiry letter to send and take to the locations on our list. We pounded the pavement, dropped off flyers at the locations, made calls, and sent emails. We also reached out to our alumni and social media community for help. 
  • Continue business as usual. We proceeded with tours for prospective families in our current space and focused on our philosophy, families, and teachers. We were transparent about our ongoing location search when meeting prospective families and held regular park meet-ups in the community to continue to build relationships with them.
  • Tour possible locations. We kept our initial tours of locations to a select few board members and teachers. The teachers’ preferences and input were very important to our selection process since they would be spending the greatest amount of time in the space.  
  • Find a good match. Be upfront about your needs, budget, and philosophies with your future landlord. It was important for us to find a location where all our members felt welcome and safe in our space. We crossed several locations off our list because our needs and wants did not mesh fully with those of the potential landlord. The goal is to find a space where you won’t have to move again in another year.
  • Don’t forget your in-kind contributions. It was helpful for us to include all the non-monetary support that we offer to our location when it came to negotiations. We have regular indoor and outdoor clean-up days to help maintain the environment, and we also regularly spend our fundraising money on developing our outdoor space. We also included in our lease two workdays to help the building with projects like window washing, painting, and various other upkeep tasks of their choosing. Another idea would be for members to volunteer for festivals or events to support the location.  
  • Foster a strong relationship. We had an amazing relationship with our previous location. They provided plenty of notice that their future plans for the space had changed, and they helped us with the physical move. Before you even consider moving, make sure to form a good relationship with your landlord, and foster open communication between the co-op and the landlord. Our current lease establishes that we are to meet every six months to discuss the relationship. That way, the co-op will have plenty of notice before having to make another move.

We were fortunate to have counsel and insight from the Indiana Council of Preschool Cooperatives and the Directors of another area school that had previously navigated a move, Edgewood Preschool Cooperative. Thank you for your support!

And thank YOU, Geist Orchard and Alison, for sharing your experience and insightful tips. We wish you a long and happy future in your new school home!

Is there something special about your school community that you just can't help but share? Interested in being highlighted in Cooperatively Speaking? Reach out and tell us more!

Join Our Google Group

A PCPI Members Google Group has been created to give us another avenue to share ideas and information. This has replaced the Yahoo Group which is no longer active.

Joining is easy!
  1. Click the button below to send an email to
  2. Use the subject line: Add to Google Group.
  3. Include your first and last name, your school and/or council name, and the email address you'd like to have added. (If there are multiple people in your school who should be added to the group, you are welcome to include all of their information in one email.)

Group members will receive a daily digest of messages exchanged. Message threads will be grouped by topic for easy searching later. Spread the word!
Join PCPI Members Google Group
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