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Vintage Scouting Memorabilia On eBay
For going on six weeks now I've been part of an excellent small book club reading Donald Miller's Building A Story Brand. It turns out in many ways my Scouting Hot Finds and website have followed his script for having a story. But as I look at it Best Hobby Pages is part of my business that needs that element to be improved.
As I explained in Book Club last night when I purchased BHP from Joe Klos some years ago I felt like my only job was to be efficient and keep a good thing going. Get customers their orders promptly, maintain the relationship with the manufacturer and just don't screw it up. With maybe a little debate I think over the last 5+ years I have done a good job of that. But I have treated it a bit like a vending machine where it's put your money in and out pops the product versus giving a compelling story to this brand. A bit like the t-shirts Joe and his buddies would wear "Got Plastic? We Do".
So I've started playing with the story brand framework that the author lays out in the book. I have a lot of work to do in the next few weeks to update the website and create this element for the brand. But this is why having a small mastermind or book club of people that you can bounce ideas off of is so valuable.
This week I am back to schedule with 140 live auctions featuring some ending every night of the week. The heavy focus here is OA especially some really cool issues from the lodges from Hawaii.
I sent out a request some weeks ago for anyone that is a long time Best Hobby Pages to let me know if they would be willing to get interviewed. Russell Baker raised his hand and I'll reach out to him this week to do that call. I would also like to talk to others so I can hear from the customer side about the product and why it works so well for them.
Jason Spangler
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