They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; one nation shall not raise the sword against another, nor shall they train for war again. Isiah 2:1-5

Little Suzy is walking to the mailbox. In her hand is her letter to Santa Claus. Out of the corner of her eye she sees her nemesis, six-year-old Calvin, ready to hurl a big, fat snowball right at her noggin.

"I see you, Calvin," Suzy warns, "and you'd better not throw that snowball! I'm mailing a letter to Santa right now."

"Is the envelope already sealed?" Calvin shouts back with the snowball in his mittened hand, set for launch.

"Yes. But I could write a P.S. on the back."

"Do you have a pen?"

"As a matter of fact, I do."

The chastened Calvin sadly drops the snowball as the triumphant Suzy walks away.

"I'll bet she's bluffing," Calvin thinks. "But this isn't the time of year to tempt fate."

                            [Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson, December 9, 1995.)


This weekend, with the season of Advent, a new time has come. A new year has dawned. Advent reminds us that the time we have is precious and limited. Our God gives us this lifetime in order that we might discover God and come to know God in the love of others and in the goodness of this world. 


Every day of our lives is an Advent of hope, expectation, and preparation. Every day is an Advent that compels Calvin to put down the snowball. Every day is an Advent to beat our swords into plowshares. Advent is the season to let God's peace ring out. This year begin Advent in this spirit of peace. 


Practice the three “R’s”. 

Resist any anger and practice more tolerance. 

Release your forgiveness and soothe any hurt. 

Reign in harshness and practice more gentleness and compassion.

Advent is a new season. Don’t drag any old dirt into it! Put down your snowballs!

Fr. Don




Eucharistic Adoration will be held on November 29th from 9:00am - Noon.

All are welcome!


The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will take place on Sunday, December 4th after the 11:00am Mass.


We are continuing our tradition of giving gifts to our Nursing Home residents. Check the bulletin for the QR code to search online OR look for tags on trees. Deadline will be December 14th.


Tuesday, December 6th - 6:00pm - 8:30pm. Featuring speaker, Sr. Mary Ann Spangler, HM. Sister will speak on "Conversations with God & One Another." Check the bulletin for full details.

For up to date information and a calendar of events,

please check out the bulletin and/or the website at www.stlads.org