Worship Sundays at 9:15am in person or online!

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Vol. 36 September 4, 2024

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Bible Study

James 2:1-17

My brothers and sisters, do not claim the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ of glory while showing partiality. For if a person with gold rings and in fine clothes comes into your assembly, and if a poor person in dirty clothes also comes in, and if you take notice of the one wearing the fine clothes and say, “Have a seat here in a good place, please,” while to the one who is poor you say, “Stand there,” or, “Sit by my footstool,” have you not made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? Listen, my beloved brothers and sisters. Has not God chosen the poor in the world to be rich in faith and to be heirs of the kingdom that he has promised to those who love him? But you have dishonored the poor person. Is it not the rich who oppress you? Is it not they who drag you into the courts? Is it not they who blaspheme the excellent name that was invoked over you?

If you really fulfill the royal law according to the scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you do well. But if you show partiality, you commit sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors. 10 For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become accountable for all of it. 11 For the one who said, “You shall not commit adultery,” also said, “You shall not murder.” Now if you do not commit adultery but you murder, you have become a transgressor of the law. 12 So speak and so act as those who are to be judged by the law of liberty. 13 For judgment will be without mercy to anyone who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment.

14 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but does not have works? Surely that faith cannot save, can it? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and lacks daily food 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and eat your fill,” and yet you do not supply their bodily needs, what is the good of that? 17 So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.


+Has there been a time when someone has shown you favoritism? When you've shown favoritism to someone else?

+How might we be judging others when we show favoritism?

+Why do you think this is sinful?

+What does mercy look like through the eyes of God? 

+How can we show mercy to others? 


Pastor Ann

Bulletins Click HERE to see the bulletins for Pentecost!

This past Sunday's service in case you missed it!


Attend a Sending Service for Mother Lea

Mother Lea has accepted a call to Estes Park, Colorado

Her last day will be September 8th.

Note there will NOT BE a 9:15am service the 8th.

Get ready to raise your steins and join the fun at New Day Lutheran Church's Oktoberfest celebration at Idaho Brewing Company! We're serving up a hearty potluck with delicious meats provided, but we need YOU to bring your favorite side dish to share! This is the perfect opportunity to whip up something scrumptious and share it with friends old and new. It’s all about coming together as a community, embracing our diverse backgrounds, and creating a warm, family-like atmosphere where everyone feels welcome. So, let’s make this festive event a feast of flavors and fellowship, where laughter and connection fill the air. Bring your dish and let's celebrate the joy of being together in faith and friendship!


Thank you to those who have signed up! You made this easy!

There are extra plates and cups downstairs. We will restock other supplies this week.

People IN CHARGE Signups:

Leftovers of any kind, including milk, cheese and butter are not to be left in the refrigerator. The counters and serving areas need to be sanitized, and nothing left in the draining rack. If you brought it, take it home with you, please!

September 8 There will NOT be a 9:15am service! Are you staying for the reception after the 10:30 service for sending Mother Lea? Could you help us with cleanup?

September 15 Nancy & Marlene

September 22 Mary

September 29 Julie

People to bring treats:

September 8 NOT Needed

September 15 Nancy & Marlene

September 22 Mary

September 29 Julie


The month of September has many designations for awareness:

  • Hunger Action Month
  • National Literacy Month.
  • Hispanic Heritage Month
  • Suicide Prevention Week: September 8th-14th
  • 9/11 Day of Service & Remembrance (Patriot Day) Wednesday September 11th.
  • International Day of Peace: Saturday September 21st
  • Native American Day: September 27
  • Diaper Need Awareness Week

There are so many people that might be neglected or in need. There are also people that we might want to recognize for their service, and maybe even for giving their lives. As followers of Christ, we are called to care for and love our neighbors. Are there any of these groups that tug on your heart strings? How might you help your neighbor this month? 


9-3 Alan Kirsch

9-9 Elizabeth Miner

9-19 Nancy Mahoney-Martian

9-21 Wayne Stevens

9-26 Alan Christensen

9-27 Tayte Backstrom

9-27 Zayne Backstrom

9-28 Aaron Wilson

9-30 Kortney Klinkel


9-2 Dick & Mary Johnson

9-2 Ron & Rhonda Olson

9-13 Kortney Klinkel & Aaron Wilson


There is a big push to collect supplies through September 15th,

although we can donate anytime!

Individuals are needed to help pack the collected school supplies M-F from 9-11am

as well as individuals to help deliver backpacks beginning at 10:30am or so.

Contact Bev Kemp at 208-569-6149 if you need more information.

FISH, a recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is currently seeking donations of school supplies to assist in filling backpacks for local students in need. This initiative aims to ensure that every child has access to the necessary materials required for a successful academic year, promoting educational equity and support for families within our community. By contributing to this effort, we not only provide essential resources but also foster a sense of belonging and compassion among our youth, empowering them to thrive in their educational pursuits.

You can bring supplies to church and we will ensure they receive your donations. This is an urgent need as schools are starting back soon if not already!




  • Sunday September 15 at 10:30am upstairs conference room.
  • All congregants are welcome to attend council meetings.
  • If you would like to request time to address the council please contact Merlene Brockway at (208) 317-3757 or email

Thrivent Choice Dollars & Action Grants

  • Do you have Thrivent Choice Dollars that need to be allocated? This is your friendly reminder that New Day would appreciate your generosity if you choose us as your recipient.
  • Are you able to help New Day fund projects through an Action Grant? Pastor Ann can help you with ideas or assist you in applying. 

Health and Safety Committee

  • If you would like to be CPR/first aid/AED trained please contact us at

Worship Committee

  • Pastor Ann, Linda Reuter, Nancy Duff, Mary Johnson, Dianne Yonk, Vicki Krogstrand, Paulette Kirsch
  • If you want to help with worship setup, tear down, reading, or communion contact one of the people above.


OUR VISION: Passion for God, Compassion for All means we strive to be a loving, Christian community who are excited and passionate about sharing the love and grace of Jesus Christ with everyone. Regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religious background or health, you are welcome here!

OUR MISSION: Love Christ and others by accepting and welcoming all in worship, fellowship, Bible study, and community outreach while celebrating our gifts and talents. Jesus said, “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another…” John 13:34.

For us it’s simple – Jesus loved all people and so we want to love all people.


Because we are loved by God, New Day Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation that welcomes all people. We invite you to join us in our commitment to support and advocate for:

People of every color, culture, and ethnic background

People of every gender identity and sexual orientation

People of all mental and physical abilities

People who are single, widowed, divorced, separated, partnered, blessed or married

People of all ages, political persuasions, levels of education

People of every economic circumstance or social status

People of any religious affiliation or none

People of all family configurations

People who speak languages other than English

People who have felt excluded or marginalized

We commit ourselves to embracing the work of anti-racism, social and economic justice, and environmental care.

We encourage all people to participate in the sacraments and all aspects of the life of our church


(Northwest Intermountain Synod)

Twice a month the NWIMS sends out a newsletter. If you would prefer to receive the newsletter directly though you can sign up HERE.

Click the links below to see their newsletters as webpages.

September 3, August 19, August 5

Dear Friends in Christ,

We are finally posting the application form for the Lay Ministry Associate (LMA) formation program run by one of our sister synods—Montana. We are leaving the LMA Handbook as is, with all the Montana Synod references. If you are a member of the NWIM Synod, you need to apply through our synod office.

This application is just the first step in enrolling; read more at the end of the application. Send your completed application to Cathy Steiner: This is all new for us, so please be patient and check the synod website (—look under Ministries/Mission) for updated information.

We hope Lay Ministry Associates will help with pulpit supply, pastoral care, faith formation, or church leadership. What you do with this formation will depend on your gifts and passions and the needs of local ministry sites.

Important Dates for Fall 2024:

  • Reading the Bible through a Lutheran Lens, Zoom, Sept. 10 at 6pm Mountain Time
  • Introduction to Preaching, Zoom, Sept. 23 and Oct. 7 from 6-8pm Mountain Time
  • Preach, Pray, Preside Retreat in Spokane Oct. 26-28

If you would like to hear what several Montana Synod LMAs are doing, visit the Northwest Intermountain Synod YouTube channel, go to Playlist, and watch the Lay Ministry Associate Interviews. We hope to also link these to our website.


Bishop Meggan Manlove

Apply Here


We are an owner of Luther Heights Bible Camp - so it is important we are invested in the things they are up to! If you need more info on them, call 208-886-7657 or email them at To subscribe to receive their newsletter directly go HERE.


Looking for a quick getaway or making Labor Day Weekend plans? Select cabins are available for rental July through September. Reservations must be made two weeks in advance by someone 18+.

Cost: Two night stay: $200 for cabin, including food + $75/each additional person; or $150 for a cabin, food not included + $30/each additional person. 5 years old and under are free. Cabins can sleep up to 12 (6 bottom bunks).

Dates: Contact and/or to request dates and make reservations.


Click the logo to see news from St. Luke's not listed here

Mother Lea has accepted a call to Estes Park, Colorado and her last day will be September 8th. Join us for a joint sending service at 10:30am. Note there will NOT BE a 9:15am service. Reception to follow service.

Contact Us
  • You can use the button below to give online!
  • You can also mail a check made out to New Day Lutheran to:

New Day Lutheran Church

2184 Channing Way #474

Idaho Falls, ID 83404

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