Our Weekly Message

News, Invitations, and Ministerial Reflections

January 13, 2023

Dear Ones:

Our Soul Matters theme for January is Finding Your Center.  Some folks in our Soul Matters small groups have asked me to explain a bit more about what that means. What are you centering? The answer of course is yourself.   

In my sermon last Sunday, I talked about ways to metabolize trauma. I use the term metabolize because trauma lives in the body - you can't think your way out of it. My suggestions came from indigenous practices: being in community, remembering where you come from, connecting with nature. All these are ways to center yourself - to find your own center.  

Our Unitarian Universalist faith can also be part of our center. Rev Roger is preaching this Sunday on "finding the center of Unitarian Universalism."

Where is your center? It is where you feel grounded and connected, solid, and secure.  It’s a place within yourself and a place where you are aware and connected with all beings.  Our lives a buffeted in so many ways these days, we live with significant uncertainty.  Having practices that can help us stay centered gives us the resilience to stay engaged with our world, without feeling overwhelmed or shutting down.   I think of those punching bags which are weighted on the bottom – we had one that looked like a clown in an office where I worked.  When you hit then they flop back and forth, but they always return to their weighted center.

I feel a bit like one of those punching bags right now.  After being sick for more than a week I had tested negative for COVID and felt better, but them WHACK! It came back. It felt like a destabilizing punch. 

So I am back in the sick bay, taking care of myself and already missing you this Sunday.  One practice that helps me find my center is gratitude.  I am so grateful for all of you, for what we create together, for how we love and support each other.  Staying connected to our community helps me to remain resilient while being buffeted by the challenges of life.  Thanks for being a part of my stabilizing force.

Sending love to all,

Rev. Lucy  

Have you noticed the link that says "(Message clipped) View entire message" near the bottom of these e-mails? We have so many invitations and so much news in here sometimes that it does not all show up when you open the email. Scroll down and click on the link to see more!

Sunday Mornings with UUSS 

Masks Recommended but not Required- read more

 Join us for Worship Services in person or on Zoom Zoom links here

 Service time 10:30 a.m.

Did you miss a service? You can find links to past services here

Our January Soul Matters Theme is

Finding Our Center

Here's the link to the Soul Matter materials


Sunday Morning Programs

Join us before the service at 9:30 AM at UUSS

1st Sunday - Labyrinth walk in the meadow (Feb. 5)

2nd Sunday - Racial Equity conversation - Fahs Room (Feb.12)

3rd Sunday Qui Gong/Tai Chi - patio (Jan. 15)

4th Sunday - Exploring Unitarian Universalism:

The UU Principles and Sources of our Tradition (Jan. 22)

Join us for a Newcomer Orientation and Tour the second of every month Sunday right after church in the Welcome Hall; Next one is after church on Sunday, Feb. 12.

Half of all Sunday morning offering donations made in January

will support our local community partner:

Black Child Legacy Campaign

To donate now at the UUSS website, click here.

"May generosity bless our world. May gratitude nourish our spirits."

January 15, 2023 10:30 AM:

Finding the Center of Unitarian Universalism: Imagine a Religion

Rev. Dr. Roger Jones preaching with Worship Associate Courtney O’Neill, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Irina Tchantceva

Some people hear about Unitarian Universalism and ask if it’s really a religion. Some people are surprised and moved to discover there’s a faith community like ours. Even many UUs debate what we are and whether we have a center (and what it might be). While we can’t be everything to all people, UUism has provided a spiritual home and inspired acts of courage for a world that is more just and fair. Speaking of inspiration and courage, today we’ll also recognize the holiday honoring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

January 22, 2023 10:30 AM:

Our Place in the Universe:

from Stardust to You and Me

A Circle Service for All Ages with Rev Lucy Bunch, Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, Worship Associates Dan Myers and Colette Kavanaugh, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Irina Tchantceva, Religious Education Coordinator Crystal Fountain and the UUSS Choir.

Let’s explore the fact (and the miracle) that our lives are connected to distant stars, ancient explosions, and every creature that has ever lived. Let’s ground ourselves in this precious planet! Today’s shared ritual activity will be painting the universe. We’ll hear from a UUSS astronomer (Jack, age 7) and hear the choir sing.

In Loving Memory

We extend our condolences and love to our members Dan and Frances Myers on the sudden passing of Dan's brother, Rick, in St. Louis, on New Year's Day. He was 57.

We extend our condolences and love to our member Diane Doddridge and her family on the unexpected loss of her grandson Michael, who was 32, several days before Christmas. Michael was an attorney in Indianapolis.

We extend our care and condolences to our member Jan Kelley on the passing of her nephew John Schmeltzer, of pneumonia and sepsis. He lived in the UK and was 55.

We extend our care and condolences to our UUSS receptionist, Elaine Cooper, on the passing of her sister Dorothy Allen on Christmas Eve in Hillsboro, OR. Dorothy was 81.

We extend our care and condolences to Gene Anderson and family on the loss of her husband, Bill Anderson, in Salinas. They are former members of UUSS and UUCC.

Travis Silcox, who was a newcomer to our congregation, but one who felt great affinity for our community, died last week. She was a retired educator, a committed horse owner, and a loving daughter, sister, wife and friend.   Her passing gave life to three individuals who received her kidneys and her liver.   We send our love and support to her family and to her mother, Betty Travis, who is also part of our community.  

Prayers of Joy & Support in the Congregation

We extend healing prayers to Jerry Lopes, the father of our member Janet Lopes, who was hospitalized for breathing problems and is back home.

Our member Max Soucia is happy to have returned home after pneumonia and covid and is building lung strength. He anticipates a reunion with the Monday Ukulele group!

To submit a Joy, Sorrow or Prayer to our ministers, and to indicate if it may be spoken in the Sunday service, please use this link.

Joys and Sorrows: If you would like to have a joy, sorrow, concern, or milestone spoken by a minister at Sunday’s prayer time, at this link. You may use that link to inform us of a joy or sorrow and let us know if you do not want us to mention it aloud, or if you would like a phone call by a minister.

Member Directory Pictures: This Sunday!

Is your photograph in the UUSS Member Directory? It's a great way for folks in the church to get to know you at Sunday service. Look for the photo display in the welcome hall before church on Sunday, January 15. You can update your address, phone number or name in the directory, even if you don't want us to take a new picture of you. (You may also provide your own photograph to the church office for the directory.)  

Religious Education Programs

Childcare--available from 9:15 to 12:15 most Sundays.

Soul Kids -- will meet again Sunday, Jan. 15. Kindergarten to grade 5 (10:30 start in sanctuary before the program).

Junior High Youth Group (JHYG) -- Grades 6-7-8 on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month (10:30 start in sanctuary); meets again on Jan 15, this Sunday. Theo Claire will lead an activity of mini time capsules-- "We're going to be writing letters to ourselves that I will mail out at the end of the year."

Senior High Youth Group (SHYG) -- Grades 9-12 on the 3rd Sunday (Jan. 15)

Takes place AFTER the service. This Sunday is a good one for youth to attend the service first, and hear Rev. Roger's sermon about finding the center of Unitarian Universalism.

Also, note that SHYG meets with Kids Freedom Club on the 1st Sunday of each month.  Contact shyg@uuss.org to find out more!

Kids Freedom Club  -- MEETS 11:30 am the first Sunday of every month!

All age levels gather to build community and raise awareness of modern slavery and raise money to help to free enslaved people around the world. (next meeting is for planning the February Fair-trade Chocolate Tasting event for the congregation, in conjunction with Kids Freedom Club, after church). Meets AFTER the service so you can hear the sermon. Contact freedom@uuss.org to find out more!

Introducing Our New Religious Education Coordinator

We are happy to introduce you to our new Religious Education Coordinator, Crystal Fountain! She will join our staff on Jan. 8 but is familiar to many in the congregation. Crystal and her husband and children began attending UUSS in 2019. Crystal and Sean Fountain have one child in the nursery and two in our elementary-aged program, Soul Kids, but they have all been visible at many church activities in person and on Zoom. A Sacramento-area native, Crystal brings experience with teaching, curricular design, and pedagogical approaches for various age levels. She has skills in research, public speaking, writing, social media, and following safety requirements and financial procedures. She holds a bachelor’s degree, cum laude, in art history from Vassar College, and has been a graduate teaching assistant and foreign-language tutor. At UUSS she is in a Ministry Circle and serves as a Soul Matters small group facilitator.  Recently she coordinated our holiday party.

The hiring team was impressed by Crystal’s creativity, adaptability, and collaborative style. In working with children, parents, and volunteers, she is a thoughtful listener who seeks to discover connections and build on them.  She welcomes new ideas and divergent interests, celebrating the differences embodied in our community. She seeks to bring more visibility to our programs of Religious Education and Family Ministry and to encourage broader participation by the congregation.

We welcome her to this role, which is a half-time position. We hope you will consider how you can support our goals of community-building across all ages and stage of life and spiritual formation based on our Unitarian Universalist values. Reach her at re@uuss.org or at CrystalFountain@uuss.org.

Be a Force for Healing in the World

Sandwich Brigade January 18.

Please bring your lunches to UUSS by 10am on your date. Questions? Sally Wilkins - see directory or check with office.

Groups, Gatherings, and Classes

Depression Peer Support Group Sunday, Jan. 15, 12:30pm Room 7/8 Are you living with depression? You are not alone. Our confidential, in-person is for adults with depression.

Email peersupport@uuss.org or Rev. Roger for information.

Reading & Responding to Poetry with JoAnn Anglin

Monday, January 16, 10:00 am, Zoom

This Monday, January 16, our Zoom gathering will feature the poem,  Instructions on Not Giving Up, by Ada Limón, the U.S. Poet Laureate. The title may sound familiar. If so, you are remembering when Rev. Lucy included this same work in a service last March. 

We have previously considered other poems by Ada Limón. This one still seems very apt, given the many, often discouraging, challenges we currently face — climatological, political, etc. You can find the poem at: https://janicefalls.wordpress.com/2017/06/19/instructions-on-not-giving-up-ada-limon/

Enter the discussion via the UUSS website, just as you would attend a service.

UUs for Justice in the Middle East UUJME will meet on line Monday Jan. 16 at 6:30 PM online. It will be a short meeting. Please use UUSS.org website to join the zoom call by pressing the to participate rectangle in the center.

InterPlay with Rev. Lucy and Friends In-Person! Tuesday, January 17, 7:00- 8:30 PM in the Welcome Hall. We're back! We've moved to the third Tuesday of the month in person at UUSS! each month. Join us for movement, storytelling, laughter, and fun. More info here.

Theology on Tap is meeting Thursday Jan. 19th from 7pm to 9pm at The New Helvetia Brewing Company, 1730 Broadway, Sacramento www.newhelvetiabrew.com Note: This location does not serve food. Please eat before attending.

Reception with the Artist!--Thursday, January 19, 5:30 to 7 pm in the main hall/sanctuary there will be a reception with artist Sean Bonito. 

All his paintings are done using graphic pencil on paper and are all black and white. He enjoys working with animals and had the opportunity to work in a local wildlife animal refuge. Many of his drawings are the result of this experience. You can see his work every time you visit UUSS; however, on this night you get to meet the artist. Note that 30% of all sales goes to UUSS. All are welcome; light refreshments served. For information contact Patricia Pratt art@uuss.org

Click to read the complete Bluesheet

Staff and Minister Availability

Rev. Roger (Roger's day off is Monday; study day is Friday) Rev. Lucy (Lucy's day off is Monday; study day is Friday). Both are available for pastoral support by appointment by phone, Zoom or in person, and the Pastoral Volunteers are available for support by phone. Schedule an appointment with Lucy at calendly.com/revlucyb.


Our office staff (office@uuss.org or 916-483-9283) are available to respond to your calls and emails weekdays 8:30-4:30. Pianist and Music Director are available by email.


January 16 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

UUSS Mission 

We come together to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world.  

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