St. Paul's Weekly Enews
March 5, 2025
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"Stardust" by Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity
Inspired by Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
Acrylic on raw canvas with digital drawing
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March 5, 2025. Lent is upon us. "Ashes To Go" will be in the parking lot from 7-9 am with Rev. Anthony Guillen and Drew Darby. There will be two Ash Wednesday services, one at 12 noon, and the other at 7 pm with choir.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent, our time of preparation and introspection leading up to the great celebration of Easter. Today we begin this six-week journey with the imposition of ashes on our foreheads to the words, "Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return." We remember our mortality and consider whether we are using this precious gift of life in the best way we can. This is a time to reconsider our goals, reevaluate our priorities and reconcile ourselves to the God who lives in us through us and will one day call us home. We invite you to join us as we observe a holy Lent.
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March 9, 2025. Lent is upon us. On the First Sunday in Lent we hear the gospel story of Jesus being tempted in the wilderness and we pray that God will come quickly to help us when we face temptation, too. Join us as we set off on a Lenten journey that will lead to Jerusalem and beyond.
The Children's Choir will be singing this Sunday. There are many Lenten activities and studies to partake in your Lenten journey! Join us!
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(Photo: the Children's Choir with their new white boards!) The Children's Choir will be singing in church on 3/9 during communion! Parents, don't forget to have your children in the choir room at 9:45 am that morning. The children's choir also received a grant for supplies and sheet music! Thank you Jordan Daniels for applying for the grant, and Felix and Tara Eisenhauer for assisting! This is a big help.
The Anthem Choir is busy also preparing Lenten Compline for 3/9 as well, which will be sung in Kahler Hall, an experience you won't want to miss with the wonderful acoustics, intimate setting, and sunset by candlelight! Invite a friend.
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Tues Men's Group Book
The Men's Group meets on Tuesday evenings at 6 pm at Winchester's Grill (632 East Main Street) for dinner, fellowship and study.
Beginning March 11, they will begin a new study of Bishop Michael Curry's book "Love Is The Way." Please join!
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Lent Madness!
Who will win the golden halo!? Join us as Fr. Greg Larkin leads this fun “tournament” of the Saints. We will meet Sundays in Lent, at 11:45 am in the Community Room. Here’s how Lent Madness works: on the weekdays of Lent, information is posted at about two different saints. Each pairing remains open for 24 hours as participants read about and then vote to determine which saint moves on to the next round. Fill in your “brackets” and see how you fare! This is a unique opportunity to learn about the Saints and have some light-hearted competition. We will teach you how to participate, and meet up weekly to discuss and learn!
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Ways to Pray
Sometimes we can benefit from new ideas to keep our prayers meaningful, heartfelt, and engaging with God. God hears us in many ways. This Lent, join us as we discover "Ways to Pray" (Daily Office, Labyrinth, Anglican Rosary, Lectio Divina, etc.)
Tuesdays during Lent 3/11 - 4/8
5:30 pm - Prayer in Side Chapel
6:00 Light Soup Dinner - Community Room
6:45 Class - Ways to Pray
7:45 Compline (spoken)
8:00 Head home
Contact Seminary Intern Drew Darby or visit our website for more details!
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Please join Rev. Vicki for a St. Paul's Book Read: Sacred Soul Sacred Earth: Celtic Wisdom For Reawakening To What Our Souls Know And Healing The World by John Philip Newell
When: Saturday, March 22 from 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in Kahler Hall. Light morning refreshments offered.
Who: Our Book Read is open to all, even those who are unable to finish the book!
RSVP: Please respond to the church office so we can prepare for the number of people attending: 805.643.5033 or
Newell's book can be purchased in stores or online.
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Remember to tell your friends, too! Thank you for supporting St. Paul's programs! | |
Create in me a pure heart,
O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10
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- Tuesdays - Men's Group Bible Study 6 pm Winchester's
- Thursdays - Bible Study 10 am Library
- Fridays - Men's Group Breakfast 7 am Black Bear Diner
- Fridays - Women's Book Study 9 am online
- Sundays - Children's Choir - After Church, Choir Room
- Weds & Thurs - Tax Prep Services, Community Room, 9 am-1 pm
- 3/5/25 Ash Wednesday, (Ashes to Go 7-9am) Services- 12 Noon, & 7 pm (with choir)
- 3/9/25 Lent Madness, 11:45 am after church, Community Room
- 3/9/25 Lenten Compline in Kahler, Anthem Choir, 6 pm
- 3/11/25 Buildings & Grounds Meeting, 1 pm, Library
3/11/25 Lenten Study: Ways to Pray, 5:30 pm - see website for detailed locations
- 3/15/25 Vestry Retreat 9 am - 2 pm, Kathleen's home
- 3/16/25 St. Patrick's Day Dinner 5:00 - 7:00 pm, Kahler Hall
- 3/22/25 St. Paul's Book Read "Sacred Earth" 9:30 am - 12 noon, Kahler Hall
- 3/22/25 Spirituality in Nature Group trip to Santa Cruz Island, 8:15 am - 5:30 pm
- 3/23/25 Fair Trade Sunday, after church, Kahler Hall
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Check -mail to office - 3290 Loma Vista Road, Ventura, CA 93003
- Txt - Just text StPaulsVentura to 73256
PayPal - You can use debit or credit cards, plus set up a recurring donation
Facebook Donate - Our Facebook Donate button goes to our PayPal
- QR code -peek left, scan with phone!
Your pledge or gift is an opportunity to put your faith into action. Your donations help us continue the mission and ministry of the church! Thank you for your support!
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Want something in the Enews or Sunday Bulletin? Make sure you get it to us by Mondays at the latest! Otherwise, it will go in the following week. Thank you!
- Enews:
- Bulletin:
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St. Paul's Ventura |
3290 Loma Vista Road, Ventura, CA 93003
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