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Week of Jan. 9, 2023

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Construction Activities

Contractors are expected to continue electrical work, as well as construction of a retaining wall on Pullman Street between MacArthur Boulevard and Dyer Road, weather permitting.

This work may be loud. The schedule is subject to change due to inclement weather or unforeseen operational issues.

Coming Soon!

MacArthur Boulevard Barrier Demolition

Contractors are planning to demolish the concrete barrier along the east side of the SR-55 bridge at MacArthur Boulevard to accommodate the freeway widening. Demolition is tentatively set for late January and will require short-term closures on MacArthur Boulevard and on northbound SR-55. More information will be available in upcoming communications.

Business Spotlight: WaveMAX Laundry

This week's Focus on 55 business spotlight is WaveMAX Laundry, a premier laundromat that offers self-serve laundry machines and drop-off services. Visit today to get 20% off your first drop-off order!

412 E. First Street, Tustin, CA 92780


To learn more about OCTA's Focus on 55 Program, including official rules and eligibility, visit or click here to enroll your business today.

About the Project

OCTA, in cooperation with Caltrans, is improving 4 miles of SR-55 between I-405 and I-5. The project will improve traffic flow and reduce travel time by adding one regular lane and one carpool lane in each direction. Also, the project will add merge lanes between several interchanges and stripe carpool lanes for continuous access, augmenting safety on the freeway by making merging easier. These enhancements are expected to create a better, smoother driving experience for motorists.

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