May 5 - 7 -OR- June 2 - 4

Team Work
Dad and Daugher 2

We at HATS are so excited about the 5th grade dad and son canoe campout! 


We will be at the Corps of Engineers Lofers Bend East Park, near the dam at Lake Whitney. This is located by taking I-35 south to Hillsboro, then west on Hwy 22 to the park, about 1 1/2 hours from Dallas. 


We have canoes reserved. We will be spending Friday, Saturday and Sunday on Lake Whitney, teaching the dads and sons what would be the equivalent of the Boy Scout canoeing merit badge! This will be a great weekend of fun, learning, and dad & son bonding with canoe instruction, paddling techniques, and canoeing games!


The theme this weekend is 'Learning to communicate without words!' You and your son will be playing games that relate to non-verbal communication, the use of facial expressions that communicate your feelings, what your body language is saying for you. Most important of all is the communication you learn with your son in steering your canoe!


The investment is $309 per team, which includes the camp sites, canoes, and canoe gear. As with all HATS campouts, each dad and son team brings their own meals, with a group campfire Saturday night

Register Now!
You can access sign ups by logging into
HATS MKT > My Account > New Forms > Spring Sons's Campout Sign-ups
You must pay your dues before you can sign up for campouts.

Video Pre-Campout Meeting

 Monday, April 24


We will send an email when maps, direction, gear lists, and campout schedules, have been posted to HATS MTK.


We will email out maps, direction, gear lists, and campout schedules, closer to the pre-campout meeting.


This will be a great beginning for your HATS canoeing adventure with your son! Please hit the "REGISTER NOW" button above to register for the campout, as we have to put deposits down to hold the canoes.

Please contact Megan if you have any questions. We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday!


With you in the Adventure,

The HATS Leadership Team

High Adventure Treks

(214) 529 - 2292



Dad and Son Canoeing
Dad and Son canoeing
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