January 20, 2023

Upcoming NJ ACTS, Rutgers, Princeton and NJIT Events

NJ ACTS Workforce Development Core

Clinical Research Management Collaborative Training Series

Community Conversations

Diversity and Inclusion in Site Identification (Part 2)

Join us as we engage in a dialogue about diversity, equality, inclusivity and accessibility of clinical trials for patients in clinical trial centers. The Panel will also share insights on the impact of adopting decentralized clinical trial methods in the quest to address the disparity in patient populations and investigator participation in clinical trials.

January 25, 2022

5 - 6:30 pm

View Flyer

Register Here

NJ ACTS Special Populations Core 2023 Seminar Series

Advancing Patient Safety for Antipsychotic-Treated Children:

Examining State Implementation of Safe Use Practices

Greta Bushnell, PhD, MSPH

Rutgers School of Public Health

Jim Lloyd, JD, MPP

Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research, Rutgers

January 31, 2022

12 -1 pm

View Flyer

Join on Zoom

Clinical Trials Office

Clinical Research Workgroup

Announcing our first ALL-RBHS clinical research workgroup call!

Topics including:

  • Updates in the Rutgers Human Subject Protection Program
  • New ClinCard tax functionality and consent language
  • And much more! 

Guest Speaker

Hila Berger

Assistant Vice President for Research Regulatory Affairs

February 2, 2022

12 - 1 pm

Join on Zoom

NJ ACTS Virtual Seminar on YouTube

Team Science Across the NJ ACTS Consortium Virtual Seminar Series

The Corona Cohort

Join the leadership of the Corona Cohort Study to learn how they assembled a large, multi-disciplinary team from across Rutgers to launch a study within weeks of the start of the pandemic to study healthcare workers' risk and susceptibility of developing COVID19. Speakers include: Daniel Horton (RWJMS), Emily Barrett (SPH), Jeffrey Carson (RWJMS), Maria Gennaro (NJMS), Martin Blaser (CABM) and Reynold Panettieri (RWJMS). 


The seminar provides a high level overview of the study as well as the panelists' view points on the advantages and disadvantages of interdisciplinary research, critical competencies for leading research teams and useful strategies for facilitating effective collaboration. 

New Tool Available

New Quality Assurance (QA) vs.

Human Subjects Research (HSR) Flowchart

Does your quality improvement project require IRB Review?


A new flowchart was recently developed under the direction of Dr. Ethan Halm, RBHS Vice Chancellor for Population Health, by a multidisciplinary group including HRPP and NJ ACTS staff. 

This self-service tool is designed to help researchers determine whether their proposed quality improvement project requires IRB review or notThis tool can be found on the IRB website, under Quality Activities in the section on HRPP Guidance Topics.

View the Flowchart

NJ ACTS Badge - Registration Now Open!

Interested in an Entry-level Position

as a Study Coordinator?


This 6-week online and asynchronous academic badge can prepare you for a new career. Developed by the School of Health Professions in conjunction with the New Jersey Alliance for Clinical and Translational Sciences (NJ ACTS), the badge is especially designed to introduce individuals to the responsibilities, knowledge, and tasks performed by entry-level Clinical Research Coordinators. The badge is open to clinical research staff, novice investigators, and students with little to no clinical research or pharmaceutical experience who would like to participate in clinical research at an Academic Medical Center (AMC) functioning as a “study coordinator”.

Participants will be assessed on competencies related to five domains outlined by the Joint Task Force for Clinical Trial Competency. The course is self-paced, takes about 20 hours to complete and is structured to fit into the busy schedules of working professionals while maintaining the highest degree of academic rigor. 


Free to students, faculty and staff at Rutgers, Princeton, and NJIT, minus a non-refundable $5.00 administrative fee.


A 6-Week Program Covering the Following Training Areas:

  • Scientific Concepts and Research Design
  • Ethical & Participant Safety Considerations
  • Investigational Products Development & Regulation
  • Clinical Study Operations and Site Management
  • Data Management & Informatics


Register Here


For more information about the Clinical Research Coordinator Level-1 Badge visit:


Any questions and concerns?

Contact Yasheca Ebanks, NJ ACTS Project Manager at

NJ ACTS Services

Check Out the New Additions to the NJ ACTS Toolbox!

Topics Include:

Part 11 Compliance (Electronic Signatures and Data Compliance)

eConsent (Modernizing the Informed Consent Process)

SRB vs IRB (Scientific Review Board vs. Institutional Review Board)

Informed Consent (for Clinical Trial subject Recruitment)

Research with Genetics (conducting Genetics and Genomic Research)

Blood Draw Considerations (Human Subject Protection and IRB Consideration)

Enrollment Note (for Informed Consent)

Compensating Subjects (Guidelines for Human Research)

Special Populations (Characteristics of Special and Vulnerable Populations)

Waiver of Informed Consent (IRB Waives the Need to Obtain Informed Consent)

Registries and Repositories (Storage of Information and Biological Specimens)

Dataset Selection (Determining Appropriate Data Type and Source)

More Topics Coming Soon!

Funding Opportunity

The Team Science Leadership Scholars Program (LSP) in

Women’s Health, Autoimmune and Immune-Mediated Diseases 

A pilot program to support and train research scholars by helping them acquire and hone team science leadership and mentoring skills.

The Accelerating Medicines Partnership® Autoimmune and Immune-Mediated Diseases (AMP® AIM) program, which sponsors this program, is a collaborative effort between the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH), pharmaceutical companies, and non-profit organizations. The LSP is a joint initiative that aligns the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases’ (NIAMS) goal of supporting team science and collaboration with the Office of Data Science Strategy (ODSS) and the Office of Research on Women’s Health’s (ORWH) vision of preparing leaders in women’s health research.

Ideal candidates for this award are mid-career investigators, as defined as being full-time associate or new professor level faculty or the equivalent at a research institute.

Read More and Apply Here

Listen to the Princeton Pulse Podcast

The Princeton Pulse Podcast

“Measuring the Good Life –

Alternative Metrics for National Wellbeing.”

Gross domestic product (GDP) has been the longstanding indicator for evaluating a country’s performance and prosperity. But there is a growing movement to look beyond GDP, which only accounts for goods and services. Listen to Professor Heather Howard discuss the issue with her distinguished guests.

You can find the episode on the CHW websiteApple PodcastsSpotify, and other podcast platforms or on CHW’s social media channels: FacebookTwitter, and Instagram

CTSA News and Events

Association for Clinical and Translational Science (ACTS)

Call For Papers

The Journal of Clinical and Translational Science: The Official Journal of ACTS and CR Forum (JCTS) is issuing a Call for Papers for a special themed issue which will focus on the use of diverse sources of Real-World Data1 (RWD) and Real-World Evidence2 (RWE) to Advance Translational Science. The goal is to assemble a set of manuscripts that highlight the translation of RWD from a range of sources into RWE that can enhance the full translational science continuum, ultimately improving the development, approval, adoption and use of safe and effective medical products.

For more information:

Advancing Translational Science through Real-World Data and Real-World Evidence

Deadline for Submission: January 31, 2023

For a full description and information on the submission of manuscripts, journal policy and journal style, please visit the JCTS Instructions for Contributors on Cambridge Core. 

National Institutes for Health (NIH)

Free Crash Course in NIH Funding

2023 NIH Grants Conference

Are you new to NIH grants and looking to better understand the processes and policies behind NIH funding? Or are you experienced and want to brush up on the latest policies and information? During this 2-day live event, NIH and HHS experts will share policies, resources, guidance, and case studies in informative and engaging sessions. 
Registration is free and includes your personal “All Access Pass” to the virtual NIH Grants Conference 2022-2023 season.
Once registered and logged into the conference site, you are free to explore the 2-day agenda, on-demand library of related resources (including the Loan Repayment Programs session), and create your personal schedule.

February 1 - 2, 2023

National Center for Advancing Translational Science (NCATS)

Upcoming Events

Center for Leading Innovation & Collaboration (CLIC)

Leveraging Big Health Data to Answer Questions about Program and Policy Effects

Understand the impacts of different forms of violence on health and health disparities in California, and the effects of programs and policies that may influence violence.

Dr. Jennifer Ahern, PhD MPH

Associate Dean for Research and Professor of Epidemiology

University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health

January 20, 2023

12 - 1 pm

Watch on YouTube Live

Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative (GREI) Workshop

When investigators cannot locate a repository for their discipline or the type of data they generate, a generalist repository can be a useful place to share data. Generalist repositories accept data regardless of data type, format, content, or disciplinary focus.

The workshop will focus on GREI's vision of developing collaborative approaches for data management and sharing through the inclusion of the generalist repositories in the NIH data ecosystem, and to better enable the search and discovery of NIH-funded data in the generalist repositories.

January 24-25, 2023

Day 1: 11 am - 4 pm

Day 2: 11 am -3:30 pm

Register Here

NJ ACTS Publications

Humanized mice reveal a macrophage-enriched gene signature defining human lung tissue protection during SARS-CoV-2 infection. Kenney DJ, O’Connell AK, Turcinovic J, Montanaro P, Hekman RM, Tamura T, Berneshawi AR, Cafiero TR, Al Abdullatif S, Blum B, Goldstein SI, Heller BL, Gertje HP, Bullitt E, Trachtenberg AJ, Chavez E, Nono ET, Morrison C, Tseng AE, Sheikh A, Kurnick S, Grosz K, Bosmann M, Ericsson M, Huber BR, Saeed M, Balazs AB, Francis KP, Klose A, Paragas N, Campbell JD, Connor JH, Emili A, Crossland NA, Ploss A, Douam F. Cell Rep. 2022 Apr 19;39(3):110714. PMID:35421379 PMCID:PMC8977517. DOI:10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110714. Epub 2022 Apr 4.

Portable air cleaners and residential exposure to SARS-CoV-2 aerosols: A real-world study. Myers NT; Laumbach RJ, Black KG, Ohman-Stickland P, Alimokhtari S, Legard A, DeResende A, Calderón L, Lu FT, Mainelis G, Kipen HM. Indoor Air. 2022 Apr 19;32(4):313029. DOI: 10.1111/ina.13029. PMID: 35481935.

Click Here for More NJ ACTS Publications
In Case You Missed IT

NJ ACTS Community Engagement Virtual Salons (CEVS) - CEVS bring researchers together with patients, community members, and health care stakeholders to actively participate in cross-talk. If you're interested in working with the Community Engagement Core, click here to learn more.

Translational Science 2023 - is looking for new ways to innovate translational science for research. Submissions are now open for poster and scientific session proposals! 

Clinical Trials Office - Join the Clinical Research Investigator Registry. The purpose of this registry is to match investigators with potential clinical trial opportunities that we are informed of through our industry and academic partnerships. Fill out a Brief Form to Register and Learn More about the Clinical Trials Office

Build a Successful Collaboration with NJ ACTS Team Science - The Team Science Core offers general and project-specific consultations on building and maintaining successful research teams and collaborations. To set up a consultation, please fill out the intake form. Read more about the Team Science Core.

View NJ ACTS Services
Click Here for NJ ACTS Newsletter Archive

NJ ACTS is a partnership between Rutgers, NJIT and Princeton. NJ ACTS advances clinical and translational science to develop new therapies and treatments and improve population health.

View NJ ACTS Calendar
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This newsletter is supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under award number, UL1TR003017 to Rutgers University. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not represent the official views of the NIH.
New Jersey Alliance for Clinical and Translational Science
89 French St., Suite 4211
New Brunswick, NJ
Copyright 2020 New Jersey Alliance for Clinical and Translational Science, all rights reserved
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