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  • September 17-OEA-R Virtual event-Meet the OEA-R DNC delegates
  • September 25-OEA-Retired Virtual Fall Conference
  • September 28-OEA Public Education Matters member event
  • October 10-Deadline to hold an election for OEA Delegates
  • October 14-Deadline for deposits/reservations to ECOEA Fall Roundtable
  • October 15-Deadline for applications for ECOEA Executive Director
  • October 15-Deadline to report your OEA Delegate Elections to OEA
  • October 21-ECOEA Fall Roundtable-A Legal Update, Hartville Kitchen
  • November 1-Deadline for PR Grant Applications, Augusta Unit Scholarship Applications
  • November 16-ECOEA Fall Delegate Briefing, Zoom
  • December 7-OEA Fall Representative Assembly, Columbus
  • January 25-ECOEA Winter Finance Workshop on Zoom! STRS, SERS, and more!
  • January 25-OEA Educator Night at the Cleveland Cavaliers

Please share this newsletter with your new members! We will not have their emails in our files until later this fall when all membership forms are processed by OEA. We don't want anyone to miss the benefits of membership. We hope to see you at our Fall Roundtable on October 21!

Executive Director Search

If you are looking for a very flexible part-time position, some travel and weekends, lots of people contact, organizing events and meetings, newsletter production, website maintenance, work from home and the office, then maybe you'd be a good fit for the Executive Director position (same job, new title). Apply by October 15 and let's talk.

Executive Director Job Description

Enjoy the Public Education Matters event at Cedar Point (it's HalloWeekends!) or Kings Island on Saturday, September 28, and celebrate public education! At each location, there will be up to four tickets available for the first 350 members and some OEA swag, too! Discount tickets are available for larger groups and a discount code for parking. Use the QR above or this link for complete information and enjoy a day at the park with your OEA union family!

Your local is part of the governance system of OEA and is entitled participate in the OEA Representative Assemblies held in December and May. Elected delegates are in proportion to the size of your local, but every local is entitled to at least one. The elected delegates are the voice of the membership and vote on changes to the Constitution and Bylaws, Legislative and Resolution platforms, approve the budget, debate New Business Items, and elect officers. If your local does not elect a delegate, you are letting other people make decisions without representation.

Be involved! The delegates you elect to OEA also automatically serve as delegates to the ECOEA Fall Delegate Briefing on November 16, and the ECOEA Spring Representative Assembly on April 5. Locals that elect and send delegates are eligible for ECOEA Public Relations and Internal Organizing Grants. Use your local voice by electing delegates by October 10 and reporting to OEA by October 15. Elections matter!

All members are welcome to attend our annual Fall Roundtable at the Hartville Kitchen on Monday, October 21, beginning at 5:30 PM. After a traditional turkey dinner and some yummy pie, OEA Attorney Rachel Reight will present a Legal Update, sharing current legislation and court cases that affect you in your job. The event is FREE to all members who will receive a one hour PD certificate for attending. There are door prizes, too!

A $25 deposit is required to hold your reservation. All reservations and deposits must be received in the ECOEA office no later than October 14. Guests and OEA-R retired members pay a $25 fee to attend with OEA-Retired members receiving a $10 refund.

Deposits can be paid to ECOEA by cash or check, or by credit card, and will be returned to active ECOEA members when they attend.

Complete your reservation today at this link:

David Augusta Unit Scholarships

Each fall, ECOEA awards three scholarships of $500 to members for continuining education. The scholarships are named for long-time public education advocate David Augusta, Louisville EA, and former ECOEA Executive Director, who was instrumental in the implementation of these scholarships.

One scholarship is awarded in each of the three ECOEA voting units by lottery drawing from all applicants. This scholarship is open to all ECOEA members. Deadline to apply is November 1. Use the link below to apply.

ECOEA Public Relations Grants 2024

Qualifying locals are encouraged to submit an application for a Public Relations Grant of up to $500 for a project to enhance the image of your local as a community partner. To qualify, a local must have elected and sent delegates to the ECOEA Fall Delegate Briefing and/or ECOEA Spring Representative Assembly. Twenty local associations have qualified for 2024-2025 for their participation in governance last year. Application deadline November 1.

Apply here:


Kathleen has a Septembert Newsbrief for our OEA-Retired Members at the button below.

The OEA-R Fall Conference registration is open! Join OEA-Retired members on September 25, for a day of virtual sessions that Inspire to Retire, with outstanding featured speakers. More information and registration at this link:

See the flyers below for more information on upcoming OEA-R events.

Kathleen's September Newsbrief


Join us on September 30 at 6:00 p.m. Eastern or October 1 at 4:30 p.m. Eastern on ZOOM and learn the latest about student loans and loan forgiveness.

To join either session, click here ->

Join Zoom Meeting

Or use this URL:

MEETING ID 897 6556 5036 and PASSCODE 341426.

NEA Member Benefits will help make sense of loan repayment & forgiveness, the current administrative forbearance and options borrowers have, rule changes coming in October and more. Learn about the NEA Student Debt Navigator and how it can help NEA members manage their student loans and forgiveness options at no cost. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the confusion, these Zoom sessions are for you!

Education Appreciation Night at the CAVS

Get your tickets now for OEA Educator Appreciation NIght where the Cavs will face the Houston Rockets on Saturday, January 25. Read more about this fun night and other available reduced ticket games at the link below. Let's go Cavs!

Cavaliers Discount Tickets

Free chairs

We have eleven chairs in good shape looking for a new home. They are available to any member who has a use for them. Please call or email the Business Manager at the ECOEA office for pick up. ECOEA contact info is at the bottom of the newsletter. First come, first served!

Your ECOEA officers and staff:

President Juliann Doerschuk, Canton Professional EA

Vice President Heather Zuniga, Malvern EA

Recording Secretary Leora Troyer, East Holmes TA

Business Manager Valerie Heban, OEA-Retired, North Canton EA


ECOEA Office Phone (330) 499-8587