Feeling Lost?

Light in the Window - August 29, 2022

“The Son of Man came to seek and save the lost.”

Luke 19:10

Dear Covenant Family,

The campus is coming alive this week as students begin classes. The buzz of ambition, intellectual curiosity and copious amounts of caffeine bring energy to the buildings and sidewalks that is enlivening. This morning I encountered a first-year student in the back hallway of our education wing. Apparently, his GPS sent him through the church to get to Mather Hall. On the way back from the walk to the correct building, I met another student on the church steps just as our custodian, Damytrez, was putting out a welcome sign. She was looking for her art history classroom since the room on her schedule turned out to be empty. I invited her in to use Wi-Fi and find her way. Just a few minutes later, a third student came to the office looking for a Bible. He left his at home and couldn’t find one anywhere nearby. I gave him a Bible from my office collection (pictured above), but if anyone has more modern translations sitting around gathering dust at home, please send them my way in case other students wander in.

One of the young guests at the Chuck Wagon dinner last week told a story of walking into this church several years ago when he was “completely lost”, in the throes of addiction. He said it was intimidating at first to enter this beautiful building, not quite believing he belonged. He stood in the parking lot building up his courage. As soon as he walked in, he noticed a sign for an AA meeting happening right then, and so began his journey of recovery. He was met with grace and kindness in both in his 12-step meeting and in worship and talks about Covenant as a sacred place where God shows up.

The feeling of being lost can be overwhelming and disorienting. Sometimes the electronic devices on which we rely let us down, and we just need someone to show us the way. Sometimes our coping mechanisms are unhealthy or no longer work. Church of the Covenant has a unique place on campus and in our community where we are encountering people daily who feel physically or spiritually lost. As we make improvements to our building and our ministries to engage the community around us, we must never forget the attention Jesus paid to those who feel lost and alone.

Join me in praying for the students on campus and all our young people facing big decisions and new environments. God has a way of finding us just when we feel we’ve lost our way.


Pastor Jessie

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