Friday Newsletter

August 30, 2024

This Sunday

10 am: Family First Sunday Worship Service with Communion in the Sanctuary

11:15 am: Coffee Hour

From the Pastor's Desk

Happy Back-to-School! We will be enjoying 90+ degree weather when you read this and yet we are days away from most of our students returning to school for the 2024-2025 year. The sermon series this fall digs into the historical connection between Presbyterians and democracy and how they mutually informed one another as they were emerging out of the Protestant Reformation. The #1 thing that the religious system of Presbyterianism and the social system of democracy share in common is this: distributing power. That’s it. That one thing. Taking power any place where it exists in a concentrated form (i.e. a king) and distributing it back out (i.e. to the people). This one premise is our starting point long before we ever get to debates about policy, procedures or candidates. It is an equally important premise in our personal lives. Do we hold sufficient power to direct our own lives or have we given it over to someone or something else? I hope you’ll join me in these thought-provoking questions that many of our ancestors wrestled through. (If this topic interests you even more, consider joining the Presbyterian Beliefs class starting Sept 22). We kick off this fall series this week, Sept 1, with the help of five beloved children’s songs and some packages of wiki-sticks--it is a Family-friendly first Sunday, after all.

There are a number of wonderful events happening at Westminster in September & October so please be sure to read all the way through this newsletter and mark your calendars.

Peace is possible,

Pastor Kelly

Looking Ahead

September 8 @ 11:30: All-Church Picnic & Fall Festival

September 9 @ 6 pm: Women's Night Out at The Olive Garden

September 17 @ 6 pm: Men's Night Out

September 21 @ 2 pm: Sally Neely Memorial Service

September 22-October 27 @ 11:30 am: Presbyterian Beliefs Class

September 23, 1-6 pm: Red Cross Blood Drive

September 29 @ 4 pm: Project 2025 Discussion with Dr. Seth Cotlar from Willamette University

October 5 @ 12 pm: Car caravan w/ Citizenship in Oregon

October 6 @ 10 am: Youth Sunday and Peace & Global Witness Offering

October 10-13: Fine Arts Festival

October 15 @ 5:30 pm: Town Hall Forum

Access the full church calendar here. To add or correct something, please email

Next Generation 0-18 Updates

During this time of discernment, our youth committees are working to come together to form a “Next Generation Team” that supports all our infant, children, and older youth programs, 0-18 yrs. With this transition, there will be not yet be nursery care, Sunday school or youth programming. All ages from 0-18 are welcome to join us in the Sanctuary. As the steering committee continues to meet, we will be reaching out to all volunteers/educators who have been serving and/or wanting to serve our 0-18 programs for more information and support. 

Please stop by the Next Generation table during Fall Festival on Sunday, September 8th after our 10:00 AM service. 

Coming up!

  • Sept. 1- Family friendly worship service. We will be singing Vacation Bible Camp songs, and Pastor Kelly has an activity with wiki-sticks for all the kids.
  • Sept. 8: Fall Festival and Church BBQ.


The Pastor’s Bible Study returns on Tuesday, Sept 3 @ 10:30am. All are welcome. If you have been thinking about checking it out, this week would be a great time to come by as we gear up for the year ahead. We are following the calendar for the Narrative Lectionary Year 3 and you can find a copy of it here: WP-Narrative-Lectionary-2024-25-Luke.pdf (

Westminster’s Fall Festival event is happening! Please plan to come to Boulder Hall after worship service on September 8 to enjoy the fun. The tables will be organized by our Core Ministry Areas:

Outward Mission; Worship and Music; Community Life; Next Generation; Administrative Ministry; Building Operations. Each table will showcase the ministries, activities, and partnerships of our many committees and programs and give the congregation ways to find connections to the life of the church. 

If your committee or group would like a spot at a core ministry table and you haven't already done so, please contact Katie Nelson ( before September 4.

Don't forget the yummiest part of the Fall Festival (Sept 8)--the All-Church Picnic! Mains and drinks will be provided. Please bring a side, salad, or dessert to share if possible.

Women's Night Out is next Monday, September 9, at 6 pm at The Olive Garden at 1302 Lancaster Dr NE. Please RSVP to Michele at 408-402-2396.

Presbyterian Beliefs Class - This is a six week class that will be led by Pastor Kelly. It is designed as an inquiry class that will cover the foundations of theology and church. Anyone is welcome to sign up who wants to delve deeper into what it means to be Presbyterian, whether you are already a church member or not. It is designed also as Part 1 to joining membership in the spring of 2025. Please mark your calendars for September 22-October 27; time and location: 11:30-1:00 in Russell Hall (Library)—bring your own lunch. There are signup lists in Boulder Hall, or contact the church office to add your name to the list. 

The Stephen Ministry Team is gearing up to teach classes for those wanting to become Stephen Ministers. The training involves 50 hours of class time, spread over 20 weeks of 2 and 1/2 hour sessions. Classes will be held here at the church from 9:30 to 12:00 on Mondays. Start date and place will be announced later. If you are interested in finding out more about what a Stephen Minister does, or are considering becoming a Stephen Minister, please talk with any of the Stephen Ministry Team. We will also be available at the Fall Festival on Sept. 8. Congregational members are invited to attend any of the classes that are of interest to them on a drop-in basis. Classes are listed on the yellow poster on the bulletin board in Boulder Hall.


The church office will be closed Monday, September 2, for the Labor Day holiday.

The Plethora of Plenty table will be available until Sunday, September 15. We’ve heard that folks have lots of tomatoes! The table will still be outside Boulder Hall in its usual place. Your produce has been most appreciated and enjoyed this year—thanks to all.

Budget & Finance announced that through your generous gifts, the Boulder Hall Loan is potentially down to a 2-year pay off window. Look for the countdown to begin this fall. 

As many of you know, the Deacon board has gotten smaller and is needing to redefine our work. The care group model we have had for many years no longer works with just six Deacons. In order to best care for our congregation, we have formed a Visitation Team led by Deacons Linda Miller and Nancy and Bill MacMorris-Adix. We have had quite a few members of the congregation join our team to support this work. If you need support or know of others who need support, please notify these Deacons ( or notify the church office. We have also formed a Memorial Service Team led by Deacons Lori Dalen, Betty Fennell and Dianne Greenlee. Many former Deacons have stepped up to support this work as well. As we work to make the Deacons a small but effective group, redesigning the job has been essential. We are open to both your involvement and your suggestions as we move forward. There will be opportunities for signing up to help on either of these teams at the Fall Festival. If you think you might be interested in joining the Deacon Board, please feel free to visit one of our meetings which are the fourth Wednesday evening at 6:30 at the church.


Our church grounds have been home to Camp Firelight Vacation Bible Camp this week! 45 kids attended five days of fun, skits, songs, games, science, Bible stories, and more fun! Our partnership with St. Paul's Episcopal was a big success. Thanks to all the many, many volunteers who made VBC possible! --Terri Crall, VBC Coordinator


For all the students, educators, and staff as schools open next week.

In the Community

We all seem to be happy that the weather is beginning to turn to a fall setting. That may mean that most folks are finished with vacations for this summer and many children are going back to school. That may mean that you are able to schedule a donation for the Red Cross blood drive at Westminster on Sept 23, 2024! 

There are only 11 appointments filled as of this week so there are many times available for YOU to donate at your preferred time! If you are a "double red" donor (two units) there are also many times available. This is for O-, O+, A-, or B- blood types which are "universal donor" blood types that can help many people.  

Please join us in giving some of that blood that others may need and that you can probably regenerate quickly!  

To schedule your appointment please call or message Bill Nelson at (503-576-1278) or Pam Garland at

We hope to see you at the Red Cross blood drive on Monday, Sept. 23rd


BN and PG

Consider joining the caravan for voting rights, equal rights and democracy! More information to come.

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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