FATHER'S DAY - We would like to wish all Fathers, Grandfathers, Great-Grandfathers, Godfathers and father-figures a Blessed Father's Day. A special treat will be given to al men of our parish following worship. May you enjoy this day with loved ones and friends, and may our Lord give eternal rest to all who have fallen asleep!
COFFEE HOUR TODAY - The Anagennesis Ladies Society is sponsoring coffee hour in honor of all fathers, Godfathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers and father figures.
SATURDAY OF SOULS - The final Saturday of Souls for this Liturgical year will take place on Saturday, June 22 (Matins 830am, Divine Liturgy 930am). You may email the names of loved ones (Christian name NO Nicknames) of deceased loved ones so that they may be remembered during the Memorial Service. Click here to email the names
GLENDI MEETING- All are welcome at the GLENDI meeting on Wednesday, June 26 at 6pm in the Library. We look forward to a representative from each area attending
VACATION CHURCH CAMP – Save the date of July 22-26. See flyer below with all information and how to register!
UPCOMING MEMORIALS – June 30: Demetrios John Kanellos (1 year), Thomas Dionis (2 years)
SPONSORED COFFEE HOUR – June 23 in memory of Alexandru Cernolev (40 days), June 30 in memory of Demetrios Kanellos (1 year)
SUMMER BREAK - Bible Study and Tuesday Library Photo ID Zoom Sessions will resume after summer break.