Parish Weekly- August 29, 2024
Mission: St. Thomas' Episcopal Church is a welcoming spiritual community dedicated to following the teachings of Christ Jesus. We grow through learning, celebrate joyful worship, and serve our neighbors.
Vision: We open hearts and minds to create community in Christ.
Summer Parish Office hours continue through September 6. The office will be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday.
The office will be closed on Monday, September 2 in observance of Labor Day.
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Amma Leslie+ Returns from Sabbatical | |
Save the date! Amma Leslie+ returns to St. Thomas' on September 15. A welcome celebration is in the works. Details will be shared soon! | |
What an exciting time of year as we enjoy the final weeks of summer, and look ahead to upcoming joys: Amma Leslie's return on September 15, the Adult Choir on September 8, and our special Jarvis Sunday, October 20.
Here is the summary to keep you updated:
- We have been blessed with special music from parishioners this summer. I extend my sincere appreciation to the following musicians who have shared their time and talents with us this summer: Linda Blair (flute), John Kapusta (tenor), Candy Leonard (alto), Ellen McCauley (alto), Charlie Zettek (piano), and newcomers Michael Brown and his son David who sang with our Adult Choir members for the Summer Choir on August 4.
- I also give thanks to three guest organists who helped us cover five funerals this summer: Andrew Barbour, Charlie Francis, and Ali Santos.
The Adult Choir resumes September 8, with rehearsals beginning that morning and singing during Mass. For September, the Choir will rehearse Sundays at 8:45 a.m. and Wednesdays at 7 p.m., as we prepare to sing movements from Schubert's Mass in G, with guest musicians, the morning of October 20. All teens and adults are welcome to join -- weekly, for a season, or a special occasion.
If you have feedback, questions, or would like to discuss choir options, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.
With gratitude,
Rhonda Wright
Organist and Choir Director
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Community Engagement News | |
Brighton Food Cupboard Updates
Our third annual Community Food Collection is Saturday, October 5 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Volunteers can help for an hour, two or more. Drivers are needed to take donations on Monday morning to Brighton Food Cupboard on Elmwood Ave. Please sign up to volunteer.
We're asking for donations of peanut butter, jelly, cereal, shampoo, and bulk-size toilet paper. Please donate & volunteer as best you can, as FoodLink is losing major sources of funding in 2025. Thank you for caring.
September donations are morning staples, peanut butter, jelly, cereal.
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Altar Flowers
If you enjoy the beauty of altar flowers, have an occasion to give thanks for, want to celebrate an event, or remember a loved one, you can sponsor flowers for our weekly worship. We have many openings for the coming months that offer you the opportunity to donate. Signing up is easy and fast! Click here or you may call the parish office at 442-3544.
Questions? Please contact Vicky Rupley at or by calling
(585) 233-2546.
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Weekly Financial Report 08/29/24
Budget Pledges Year to date: $252,924.00
Actual Pledge Payments Year to date: $228,057.24
Year to Date Financial Report to 08/29/24
Year to date Revenue: $431,948.57
Year to date Expenses: $471,447.23
Net loss to date: ( $ 39,498.66 )
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Children and Youth Ministry
Save the date! Sunday School and Youth Group start on September 15!
All of the children and youth will do a project together celebrating the start of the church year, and we will have our traditional blessing of backpacks.
Also, look for a gift bag to be delivered to your home the week of August 26 or September 2, which will include fun family activities that will work with this year’s theme, as well as a Sunday School/Youth Group registration form that parents.
Parents should drop off the completed to St. Thomas' by September 15.
Have questions or need further information? Please contact us!
Sunday School: Maggie Detty-
Youth: Paula Gitlin
See you soon!
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Get Ready for Sunday
Read the Revised Common Lectionary for The Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost.
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Parish Weekly Deadline
The deadline for submitting articles for the Parish Weekly is Monday at 2:00 p.m. Please send articles to Patty Corvaia at
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- Sunday Live Stream Service at 10:00 a.m. is available on our YouTube channel - St. Thomas Episcopal Church of Rochester, NY. This can be viewed any time after 10 a.m. throughout the week.
Daily Devotional (Forward Day by Day): click here for link.
For prayer requests click here or on the gray box at the right of this page.
The Monroe County Department of Health recommends the following:
- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Practice physical distancing and stay home when sick.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Cover your cough or sneeze using a tissue or your sleeve.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched services.
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Emergency Contacts
- New York State Mental Health provider hotline: (844) 863-9314.
- Rochester AA support: (585) 232-6720.
- Rochester Domestic Violence hotline: (585)222-SAFE.
- National Child Abuse hotline: (800) 342-3720.
- National Suicide Prevention: 988.
- The Trevor Project (for LGBTQ youth (13-14): 1-(866) 488-7386.
- Interpersonal Violence Hotline: (585) 275-HEAL
Centers for Disease Control:
Monroe County Department of Health:
Episcopal Relief & Development, faith-based response to epidemics:
NYS Office of Addiction Services:
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St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church of Rochester, New York stands behind the “Racism is a Public Health Crisis” declaration by the Greater Rochester NY Black Agenda Group. As a community of faith and followers of Jesus Christ we believe that every person is continually made in the image of God beautifully and wonderfully. We are committed to do the hard work of love. We are dedicated to the practice of growing and learning how to know and love our neighbors as we seek to create community. We hold the hope that love does win through forgiveness, kindness, and transformation. We desire to be a people who work for the equity of all. We work to acknowledge our complicity and part in racism, and we are committed to work together to tackle injustice in our life, in our church, in our community and in the world. We are proud to stand with the Greater Rochester Black Agenda Group and its declaration that “Racism is a Public Health Crisis".
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Copyright ©2014 St. Thomas' Church of Rochester, NY. All rights reserved.
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