Hello Everybody!
This weekend we will offer a special blessing for fathers in honor of Father’s Day and their important role in our lives and in nurturing our faith. Thanks be to God for our fathers, living or deceased, and for their gift of life and love!
If you haven’t already done so, this weekend is also the time to return filled baby bottles for the collection in support of the mission and service of the Little Way Pregnancy Resource Center. Thank you for your generosity and making a difference in the lives of mothers and their unborn children.
Our Vacation Bible Camp begins this evening. Please pray for our children and volunteers as they begin their adventure “under the sea” and in the “belly of the whale.” May the Holy Spirit enliven the faith of our children through the fun and enthusiasm of this adventure.
On Sunday, I will be at St. Boniface for my last weekend with them as their pastor. My heart is heavy in saying goodbye even as I have great hope for the ministry and service to them of their new administrator, Fr. David Carr, that begins on June 19. Please say a prayer for the community of St. Boniface, for Fr. Carr, and for me in this time of transition. May God, who has begun a good work in all of us, one day bring it to completion.
May God’s love grow in all of our hearts as we allow our Heavenly Father to mold and shape us into the image of his Son.
Fr. Jeff