A message from the Arizona Auditor General:
We have issued the fiscal year (FY) 2024 charter school annual financial report (AFR) in conjunction with the Arizona Department of Education (ADE). Specific instructions for completing the forms are provided within each file, and significant changes are identified in the forms and any related instructions with yellow highlighting.
The school-level AFR form is a required part of the AFR. The AFR zip file includes 2 forms based on charter size. Choose the appropriate file based on the number of schools in your charter and extract only that file to C:\CSFORMS with your applicable AFR forms, prior year AFR forms, and budget file.
Significant changes
Page 8—Removed object code 1457—Results-based Funding (A.R.S. §15-249.08, repealed Laws 2023, Ch. 142, §2). Charters should identify Results-based Funding activity as 1470-1499-Other State Projects in the accounting data tab.
Project balance reserve—Modified the page layout based on feedback we received during and after our March 2024 virtual meetings.
School-level reporting (SLR) AFR
BSA-21—Added this page for charters to copy and paste their most recent FY 2024 BSA-21 report to calculate FY 2024 student-count revenues.
Formula corrections
We have posted a FY 2024 AFR Formula Corrections file along with the AFR package because required formula corrections are occasionally necessary due to the complex formulas included within the AFR files. If we become aware of any required formula corrections, we will describe the change in the formula corrections file and post an updated AFR package. Charters will generally have the option of correcting the formula or downloading a new file. Charters must review the corrections file and make any corrections as directed before finalizing and submitting AFR files.
If you have any questions, please contact Michael Carnahan or Tijana Djordjic at asd@azauditor.gov or (602) 977-2796, or ADE’s School Finance Budget Team at SFBudgetTeam@azed.gov or (602) 542-5695.