Eastern Regional Association August 2024 Newsletter | |
Crouseville Advent Christian Church
Crouseville, ME
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"What a blessing it was to gather at the river today after service to witness the baptisms of the Churchill & Kinney families. Andy and Kolbie Churchill, along with their daughter and son in law, Emmy & Brad Kinney, and their sons Aidan and Grady were all baptized. What an amazing day for their family." | |
Beals Advent Christian Church
Beals, ME
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Friendship Advent Christian Church
Friendship, ME
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Blessed Hope Church
Springfield, MA
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We are fast approaching the time for our annual ERA Convention. This is the one time of the year that the Eastern Regional Association of the Advent Christian Church family gathers for inspiration, fellowship, workshops, and business. The dates for our convention are Friday, October 25 and Saturday, October 26. The Blessed Hope Advent Christian Church has graciously invited us to hold our convention at their church in Waterville, Maine.
Our speakers include ACGC Executive Director, Justin Nash; Sam Whiting, Staff Attorney for Massachusetts Family Institute; Ryan Goding, Anchor New England. We will be led in worship by Caleb Randall. Caleb, the grandson of Warren and Sandy Conary, led worship at Camp Washington this summer. We will have an update on the ministries of our denomination from Jeff Walsh and Justin Nash. Craig Libby, Director of Latin American Missions, also plans to be with us. Other activities include the awarding of scholarships, the Necrology report, the presentation of the ERA Servant Award, and there will be exhibits from ministries across our region. Free books and books at a reduced cost will be available. Of course, we will conduct the business of the region at which time we establish the budget for 2025 and elect a vice president and a Judiciary Committee member.
We have once again secured hotel rooms at the Fireside Inn for $116 a night. You can reserve rooms by clicking here. Be sure to adjust the dates you will be staying. The meal plan is $40 which includes two continental breakfasts, lunch on Friday, and the banquet on Friday evening. Registration is once again $25.
We hope you plan to attend as our ERA family joins together to celebrate God’s goodness to us this past year, and as we look forward to what He will be doing through us in the coming year.
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BICS Welcomes Class of 2025
We are thrilled to introduce the Class of 2025, our thirty-fifth cohort at the Berkshire Institute for Christian Studies! On August 25, we welcomed seven students — four women and three men — who have chosen to prioritize their spiritual and personal growth in Christ by joining our program. Guided by this year's theme, Our Hope Forever from Hebrews 10:23, these students will spend the year being deeply rooted in God’s Word, growing in grace, and preparing to flourish in His Kingdom. Please join us in praying for a transformative year ahead!
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Join BICS on the 2025 Turkey and Greece Bible Lands Tour
You're invited to join us for a transformative 15-day journey through Turkey and Greece with the Berkshire Institute for Christian Studes this coming spring! From March 19 to April 2, 2025, BICS students, staff, and guest travelers will retrace the steps of the Apostle Paul and visit the Seven Churches of Revelation on this tour which offers a unique blend of spiritual enrichment and historical discovery. Imagine standing in the ancient cities where Paul preached - like Ephesus, Philippi, Athens, and Corinth - and reflecting on the timeless message of the gospel in these spaces. Or imagine standing at the sites of the churches in Revelation 2-3 - like Laodicea, Sardis, and Pergamum - and reading the letters written to them two-thousand years ago. Whether you're seeking deeper knowledge of biblical backgrounds or a rich cultural experience, this trip is for you. Space is limited and registration ends in September, so secure your spot today! For more information, view the itinerary and sign up here: https://berkshireinstitute.org/bls25
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Superintendent Search Update | |
Despite busy summer schedules, travel, and ministry obligations, the Search Committee has continued to meet and prayerfully consider the matter of finding a new Superintendent for the Eastern Region. After putting out word to the region via email, newsletter, and word-of-mouth, we received suggestions from several individuals with names to consider. We have carefully considered all the names given and previously considered and have made the final list. Before August is finished, we will have begun the process of reaching out to the individuals in prioritized order and will begin meeting with those that feel led to consider serving in this position. This process will involve meeting with the individual as a search committee, talking through the job description and generalities as we have outlined them, and then, as God permits, bringing a candidate to the Regional Board for their consideration.
We continue to ask for your prayers, specifically for wisdom and discernment during this process.
May the Lord continue to lead, guide, and direct His church!
Joshua Rice, On behalf of the Superintendent Search Committee
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Harbinger Bible Conference
Harbinger Bible Conference held their summer camping retreat 7/25-28 with over fifty people in attendance. Some of the people stayed in the eighteen guest rooms, others in their campers, locals from the surrounding area, and visitors that traveled a couple of hours to hear the guest speaker. It was a great time of fellowship around meals, board games, outdoor badminton, Bible Studies, and worship services. It was a blessing to have Steve Grohman from A Creation Seminar (https://creationseminar.net/) as both the Adult Bible Study Teacher and guest worship speaker. Our faith in God’s Word was strengthened and Steve provided all of us with a significant amount of Biblical and scientific evidence. He easily held everyone's attention of those in attendance from eight years old to the oldest person there with his presentations. We invite anyone to attend our Fall conference weekend Sept. 26-29. There is no charge for staying in the rooms on the grounds, parking campers, or meals. Harbinger runs on faith, offerings and gifts throughout the year. Please call Barb 603-809-1954 to reserve rooms or for more information about attending the Fall camp meeting weekend. All are welcome!
In His Service,
Jeff Gilman (President)
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Camp Marion
The 163rd consecutive Camp Meeting at Marion finished on a second coming crescendo as Pastor Dave Ross called the people to hope in the promise of our Lord’s return. With trumpet echoes wafting through the tabernacle and the prospect of the quahog chowder and “stuffies” on the half shell followed by a roasted turkey feast in the cookhouse, people left the grounds with expectations of better days to come because of the promises of God.
The nine-day session (July 20-28, 2024) began with a first-ever Ladies Tea. Women from the town of Marion joined with ladies from the campground for a biblical challenge to trust God in troubled times. After a chicken BBQ, folk singer Sue Choquette led a team of musicians in a worship concert to prepare the people for the ministry of Willie and Debbie Batson who led three workshop-style sessions on Building Better Relationships.
Sam Cobb, Minister of Christian Education at Hope Church in Lenox MA, led the daily Bible study in the Book of Acts looking for keys to establishing the church today. Thanks also to Paul and Glennis Carter for leading a “King’s Kids” program Monday through Friday mornings.
Dave and Shirely Ross and the Brittin family from Sandy Hook CT joined the program mid-week to lead us in preaching and music in the traditional camp meeting style.
In addition, Marion has a long tradition of youth ministry. This year’s program features three weeks of camp for junior, intermediate and senior level kids.
Check out the Camp Marion website and Facebook pages for more of the “Camp Marion by the Sea” story in 2024.
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Our 135th Year! Camp Meeting 2024 We were very blessed at camp meeting this year. God was there!
(Click the images below to read the update)
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Washington AC Campmeeting 2024
Camp Washington had an exciting and full 2024 year with the building of two new camper cabins, the largest camper turnout for both Jr and Sr Camp since 2020, and four well attended retreats (Youth, Family, Men's and Women's) in the spring months.
While our Senior camp had over 40 campers, our Junior Camp week took the gold with 71 campers. This is the largest our current youth director has seen in her twelve years.
Our family camp meeting was well attended with many regulars and a few new faces as our campground continues to grow with young families. This meant that our VBS for (Pre-K to 5th grade) was filled with lots of little faces each day! We enjoyed a wonderful week of Scripture, with different pastors taking the pulpit each night and morning Bible teachings with Rev Alan Chamberlain from Friendship.
Thank you for your prayers over our camp meeting this year, we felt them. We have a few fall retreats scheduled before closing up the grounds to close out another great season!
Christina Goss
WACC Secretary
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Annual William Miller Chapel Service
The Annual William Miller Chapel service will be held on Sunday, September 15 at 4:00 PM. Rev. Andy Rice, President of the Berkshire Institute for Christian Studies will be the speaker. Carrie Rice, Music Director for Hope Church, Lenox, MA will lead worship. All are welcome to attend the service. The William Miller home and farm will be available for touring prior to the service. Don’t forget to go out behind the chapel and view Ascension Rock.
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Harbinger Bible Conference
Fall Rally with Dr. Sam Warren - Sept. 26-29
(Rooms and Meals provided at no cost)
To donate please click here
378 Mountain Rd, Dalton, NH
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ACGC International Missions Update | |
Click the image above to read the most recent prayer points. | |
2025 AC Leaders' Conference
The 2025 AC Leaders’ Conference will be held February 4-6 at the beautiful Advent Christian Village in Dowling Park, Florida. The theme is “Rest for Your Soul” and the event will explore building healthy habits and rhythms for longevity in pastoral ministry. Our speaker is Rev. Andy Addis, the Lead Teaching and Vision Pastor at CrossPoint Church in Hutchinson, Kansas, author and host of the Rural Pastor Podcast (theruralpastor.com). Please plan to join us for this time of spiritual renewal and refreshing where you can gather with old friends and make some new ones. Please click the link below to find more info and to reigster. We hope to see you there.
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Scholarship Opportunities
DuBois Scholarship - Sponsored by the Maine State Conference, amount awarded depends on number of applicants and funds available; This scholarship is given in loving memory of Rev. Wendell DuBois, Tammy DuBois and Virgene Hughes. It is designed to assist those seeking a call to vocational ministry in achieving their academic goals. The application needs to be postmarked by August 31 to be considered. The scholarship monies will be disbursed during the 2nd semester of the academic year.
Berkshire Christian College Scholarship Fund - Scholarship amount varies depending on the program of study. The purpose and description of the scholarship is:
- Seminary education in partnership with Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary at four campuses - two in Mass., one in Fla., one in NC. (www.gordonconwell.edu) Advent Christian students receive up to a 50% tuition reduction. (Additional scholarship assistance may also be available.)
- Theological formation through the Ministry Training Institute (MTI). Students enrolled in MTI are eligible for scholarships through Berkshire Christian.
Castle Hill Scholarship Fund - The Castle Hill Advent Christian Church closed its doors in December of 2019 due to declining numbers and the difficulty of finding pastoral leadership. Through a generous donation, a Ministry Scholarship will be established in their name. It is their desire that this ministry scholarship be established to help fund individuals who are seeking vocational ministry training either from a ministry training program within the Advent Christian constituency, or if a person chooses to seek to prepare for vocational ministry outside of the Advent Christian constituency, the Christian institution must be accredited.
Applicants are required to fill out the application and have all of the required information turned in to the Superintendent’s Office by September 15th in order to be considered by the Eastern Regional Board of Directors. The Board will present scholarships to qualified applicants by dividing $2000 dollars among them per year. If only one applicant applies, the cap for an individual scholarship is $1000 dollars made out to the school of their choosing.
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Previous copies of the monthly newsletter are on our website. | |
Online Prayer Meeting Tuesdays from 9-10 AM | |
ERA Board of Directors
Rev. George Karl, President - sumkarl@yahoo.com
Rev. Dwight Dean, Vice President - fsufandsd@gmail.com
Pastor Jonathan Price, Clerk - jonathan@faithchurchac.org
Mr. John Jones, Treasurer - pastorjoj@gmail.com
Rev. Doug Tourgee, Heritage Conf. President - dougin401@aol.com
Rev. Tim Soucy, Maine Conf. President - bangoracc@gmail.com
Rev. Josh Rice, Maranatha Conf. President - jrice@emmanuelacc.net
Rev. Derek Irvine, New Life Conf. President - drick1221@gmail.com
Mr. Adam Facteau, New York Conf. President - afacteau@twcny.rr.com
Rev. Ken Perkins, Nova Scotia Conf. President - Ken.perkins@EastLink.ca
Mrs. Deb Reed, ERA Representative to ACGC - deborahjoreed@yahoo.com
Rev. Justin Nash, ACGC Executive Director - jnash@acgc.us
The Eastern Regional Association Newsletter is published as a ministry of the Eastern Regional Association of the Advent Christian General Conference.
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Eastern Regional Association
P.O. Box 214 Winchester, NH 03470
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