November 21, 2022
We are grateful for the opportunity to serve and advocate for and with hundreds of thousands of our vulnerable friends and neighbors through and alongside the 23 Community Action Agencies in Massachusetts.

We are grateful for the collaboration with our many partners and allies in working to create opportunity and fight for equity.

We are grateful to work with our elected and appointed officials here in MA and in Washington D.C. to change lives.

We continue to dedicate ourselves to our mission and strive to live our core values of equity, inclusivity and collaboration.

We wish everyone a happy, healthy and safe Thanksgiving!

If you or someone you know needs help, or you want to know how you can help, please contact your local Community Action Agency.
Heating Help is Here! ¡La ayuda de calefacción está aquí!

Did you know that there is help available to pay for your heating bills and to conserve energy in your home, no matter the heat source or whether you rent or own?

Learn more and apply online at
Our Mission
To strengthen, unify, and advocate with the Community Action Statewide Network to advance economic, racial, and social justice and to create communities where everyone thrives.
Our Vision
All MA residents will prosper and thrive through equitable opportunity and resources to meet their basic needs, enjoy economic mobility, and build strong and inclusive communities.

The Community Action Network is strong and effective, known for its valuable work and excellent service delivery, and is an advocate and leading voice in the fight to end poverty and inequality.

Core Values
Equity • Inclusivity • Collaboration
Find your Agency
There are 23 Community Action Agencies in Massachusetts serving virtually every city and town in the state.  To locate the agency in your area and learn more about the programs they offer, click here.

#EndPovertyMA #CommunityActionWorks