Know the difference and what to do next,

Jan. 12 All Member Meeting

Do you know how to spot fake ads? Fake photos? Misinformation? Are you sure? Even the keenest eyes are quick to be fooled especially when we WANT to believe the alleged source.

We can't wait to see you on Thursday, Jan. 12, as we begin the first of a series exploring news literacy:

  • How to spot it
  • How to talk to others about it
  • How to share the information without being confrontational.

News literacy is the ability to determine the credibility of news or information and to recognize the standards of fact-based journalism, to know what to trust, share and act on. 


Presenter is Kent league member Sherry Rose. The AMM starts at 7 p.m. at Kent Social Services, 1066 S. Water St., Kent. Here is a MAP. It is open to the public. Bring family and friends!

Attending the Jan. 12 meeting? Please consider bringing nonperishable food items for Kent Social Services. A special request is for peanut butter and ramen noodles. Thank you, good people!


Member Orientation, Jan. 12, 6 p.m.

Join Membership Chair Sherry Rose for all you need to know about getting the most out of your LWV Kent membership. She also will answer any questions you may have. The All Member Meeting will follow at 7 p.m. at Kent Social Services, located at 1066 S. Water St., Kent, Ohio.

Add Feb. 11 to your LWV Kent calendar for the first Positions & Priorities planning meeting

Charge up your League energy by attending the first of two Position & Priorities meetings that form the basis of League program in Ohio and Kent.

State Positions & Priorities Meeting

Saturday, Feb. 11, 9 - 11:30 a.m.

Van Meter Hall, Kent United Church of Christ, 1400 E. Main St., Kent


LWV Kent Positions & Priorities Meeting

April 2023 - Details to come.

If you are new to League, this is a great meeting to learn about what we stand for and to meet local Leaguers over coffee.

Members! This is a great way to reconnect, say what's on your mind!

The Feb. 11 meeting will be our opportunity to review the positions for the League of Women Voters of Ohio for 2023, what we also call P&P. Positions and Priorities for our local LWV Kent program will happen in April. Click here to check out LWV Kent positions.

It is really important for all of our members to know where we stand as a state and local organization on these important issues. New members will find it helpful as they learn more about our League. At these two meetings, we review positions (state positions Feb. 11 and local in April) and submit whether we think the positions are still relevant, need updated or should be dropped. We consider new studies for positions that would allow us to take stands on issues impacting Ohio or locally. The results from Leagues across Ohio are finalized by the state LWVO board and approved at State Convention. For LWV Kent, the board also finalizes the results of the April meeting and sends on for approval at our Annual Meeting in June.

Interested in know more about the process? Click here:

Introduction: What is League Program?

Origin and Purpose of the League



Special Circumstances and Procedures

Proposing a New Study

Proposing an Update/Review

You can still sign up for virtual NAACP Martin Luther King Jr. Prayer Breakfast on Jan. 14

The Portage County NAACP has set its annual Martin Luther King Jr. Prayer Breakfast for Jan. 14 from 9 a.m. until noon for in-person attedance and 10 am to noon for virtual. The deadline to RSVP for the in-person event has passed but you can still sign up for the virutal presentation. Pastor Patricia Dennison will be the featured speaker. 


Dr. Martin Luther King Prayer Breakfast
January 14, 2023
Breakfast 9 AM (in-person)
Program (in-person & Zoom): 10 AM - 12:00 Noon
Zoom & In-Person at Kent United Church
1400 E. Main Street, Kent
$15 per individual attendee in-person
$15 per household for Zoom participation
Proceeds to NAACP Scholarship Fund for Portage County
How to Register:
NOTE: Registration is required for everyone for meal count at the event and for Zoom link for those attending virtually
Registration Deadlines: 
In-person - Jan 8 (or earlier if seats are filled)
Zoom - no deadline
Step 1: Register here (required of ALL participants, in-person & virtual)
Step 2: Pay by Credit Card (PayPal) or by Check
Questions? Email us or call (330) 657-8564.

Next in KIFA Series on Feb. 7, 2023:

How do teachers respond to the intersection of

race and education?

Save the Date!

How do teachers respond to the intersection of race and education? Hear the thoughts of a panel of current and retired teachers of students in grades K-12 from the local area. KIFA (Kent InterFaith Alliance for Racial Reconciliation and Justice) will host this public event on Thursday, Feb. 7, at 7:00 PM. 

The event will be available on Zoom and in-person at Hobbs Hall, behind the Unitarian Universalist Church at 228 Gougler Ave., Kent. More details will be available in January. Questions? Contact Kent LWV member Christie Anderson at

Here's a head start for February LWVK Book Club!

The next LWV Kent Book Club meeting is set for Wednesday, Feb.1, at 1:30 p.m. All are welcome to join. Contact Jane Preston Rose for details about the meetings. Click here to email her. 

The Feb. 1 selection is Lady Justice, Women, The Law, and The Battle to Save America by Dahlia Lithwick. The group will meet at the home of Rhonda Richardson, 1411 River Edge Dr., Kent.

KSU Martin Luther King Jr. Event 2023

Bernice A. King, J.D., a global thought leader, strategist, solutionist, orator, peace advocate and CEO of the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta, Georgia, will kick off Kent State University’s celebration of Black History Month by serving as the keynote speaker at the university’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration, which honors the life and legacy of her father. The annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration will take place on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. in the Kent Student Center Ballroom. This ticketed event is free and open to the public. Tickets will be available on Jan. 11, 2023. To redeem your ticket, visit the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration website.

SAVE THE DATE...All events are free except where noted


Jan 12 | Thursday | 6 p.m. | New Member Orientation | In Person Kent Social Services, 1066 S. Water St., Kent

Jan 12 | Thursday | 7 p.m. | All Member Meeting | In Person Kent Social Services, 1066 S. Water St., Kent 


Jan 14 | Saturday | 9 a.m. - Noon | Portage NAACP Annual Martin Luther King Jr Prayer Breakfast Click here to register for online presentation, $15.

Feb 1 | Wednesday | 1:30 p.m. | LWV Kent Book Club

1411 River Edge Blvd., Kent | Click here to email for details. 

Feb 2 | Thursday | 5:30 p.m. | KSU Martin Luther King Jr Celebration KSU Student Center Ballroom | Tickets and information here

Feb 7 | Tuesday | 7 p.m. | Second in a Series: How do teachers respond to the intersection of race and education? Kent Interfaith Alliance for Racial Reconciliation and Justice Hobbs Hall, 228 Gougle Ave., Kent

Feb 11 | Saturday | 9 - 11:30 a.m. | 2023 Positions & Priorities for LWV Ohio | Kent United Church of Christ, 1400 E. Main St., Kent

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