• "Lots of great info and ideas to process!" - RS
  • "This was great fun! I learned a lot." - MP
  • "Thanks so much. I could listen to you for hours, Pat." - ER
  • "This was awesome, Pat!!!" - JF
  • "You always guide, and I always learn. Thank you, Pat!" - GH
  • "This was FANTASTIC!" - MM
  • "I have too many thoughts to formulate a question!" - AT
  • "EYE OPENER!!!!" - JF
  • "Amazing time." - DK
  • "Such an awesome and giving teacher you are, Pat." - KG
  • "Wonderful webinar. I'm grateful for you and Pat for sharing your time and knowledge." - BS
presents ...


Learn How To Deliver
What Producers Need
Legendary and Award-Winning Voice Talent
& Voice Over Teacher

"Characterization is the LAST skill that Artificial Intelligence will be able to do!" - Pat Fraley
A huge repertoire of believable voice over characters is essential in today's voice over world. In this exclusive webinar recording, Pat Fraley teaches you how to deliver what producers need, based on the TOP 20 ARCHETYPES for roles for both men and women.

You'll discover how to quickly come up with characters by:

  • using what you already have,
  • impressions of others' work, and by
  • responding to pictures of the characters producers want


  • The Top 20 Character Archetypes for men and women
  • How to define your characters by the archetypes you uniquely fulfill
  • How to break your characters down by their 6 elements
  • What is: "Evocative, Unique and Developed"

Plus, we watch and learn as Pat personally guides 4 voice actors on creating characters for provided scripts.

If you create voice over characters,
this is the learning experience you don't want to miss!
Instant Download:
Video and Audio Recordings
Plus Character Archetypes Workbooklet
All this: Just $59
one of the most sought-after voice over teachers in North America - performing and teaching for 50 years.

As a performer, he has created voices for over 4,000 cartoon characters, placing him in the top 10 of all time to be cast in animated TV shows.

As a teacher, Pat has guided more performers into meaningful voice over careers than anyone in the history of VO instruction. He lives and works out of L.A., California.

He holds a B.A. in Dramatic Arts from Whitman College, and an M.F.A. in Professional Acting from Cornell University.
"One of the most talented actors I've ever worked with."
- Mark Hamill, actor
"Pat NEVER disappoints. His techniques cover everything the pros in the industry expect you to know, but nobody else teaches."
- Nancy Cartwright, voice of “Bart” on “The Simpsons”
“Pat Fraley is such a gifted and passionate coach that immediately after taking his class I became a hand model. He's truly brilliant.
Bring your wallet.” - Brad Garrett
Presented by VoiceOverXtra, the voice over industry's online resource for voice over success - your trusted daily source for industry news, training and resources.

Questions? Please contact
John Florian @ 203-218-8981