Weekly eNews

June 23, 2023

Outdoor Worship & Picnic

This Sunday, June 25

Join us this Sunday, June 25, as we enjoy our beautiful outdoor space for worship at 10:30 AM followed by a parish picnic at 11:45 AM, hosted by our BBQ Guild. Bring a chair and enjoy wonderful food and fellowship. (Suggested donation $5 per person / $20 per family.) No RSVP needed. In the event of rain, we will move worship and the picnic inside.

Summer Check-In with Matt

This Sunday, June 25

9:30 - 10:00 AM

Join Rev. Matt Holcombe this Sunday, June 25, at 9:30 AM in the Parish Hall for a brief summer check-in. There is so much happening in the life of St. Michael's, written communications do not always suffice. Bring any questions you have and Matt will do his best to answer them! Unavailable this Sunday but want to connect with Matt? Contact the church office or email to schedule an appointment.

Update on Deacon Gary Darress

Thank you for the outpouring of love and prayers for Deacon Gary as he recovers from the stroke he experienced last week. Gary was released from the hospital last Saturday, is home resting, and is in great spirits. He has a few doctors appointments scheduled, and we expect Gary to return to reduced ministry duties in July. Keep the prayers coming!

Creating Space

This Saturday, June 24

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Creating Space will be meeting this Saturday in the Conference Room from 9:00 AM until noon. This space and time are for you - stay for as little or long as you'd like and bring any project of your choosing. During the first hour, Mary Hattick will be demonstrating a simple bookbinding technique for all those interested. Questions? Contact Mary Hattick at, Sandra Willey at, or text Jan McLaughlin at 719-237-9279. Creating Space will be meeting on the fourth Saturday of every month.

Parish Retreat & Family Camp RSVP Deadline: July 1

We have been advertising St. Mike's dual Parish Retreat & Family Camp on August 4-6 at YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park for quite some time, and the final deadline of July 1 is now only a few days away. Our initial 23 rooms are fully booked, but we have reserved 3 more rooms for those who may have last minute interest. Please CLICK HERE to register. Email with questions.

Have a few hours to lend a hand or looking for a way to help around church? We have numerous opportunities for you to share your time and talents in the next several weeks ....

Cookout Sunday Volunteer, This Sunday!

Can you help clean up, set up or serve food this Sunday, June 25, for our Parish Picnic? CLICK HERE to let us know you can help. Questions email

Gardening Help Needed, Today (Friday, June 23)

Can you help with a few gardening and landscaping projects? Bring your work gloves and meet on the plaza today, Friday, June 23, 9:30 - 11:30 AM. Questions? Contact Susan Maltby,

Adopt-A-Trail Clean-up, This Summer

Thanks to those who have already volunteered to help care for the 2-mile stretch along the Santa Fe Trail adopted by St. Michael's. If you enjoy walking and you love our amazing parks and trails, this is a fabulous way to give back. CLICK HERE to learn more and to sign up.

Lawn Rangers Needed, This Summer

Can you help cut the grass or trim once a month? Our Lawn Rangers need two volunteers to help this summer. With all the rain we've had, we need more "lawn order". To learn more or to join the crew, please contact Rod Sato at

Vacation Bible School Set Up!

We are thrilled to have so many children registered for this year's Vacation Bible School experience, and we are grateful to those who have already assisted at one of our build days. There are still two more opportunities to help in advance transforming the space on June 24 and 25. CLICK HERE to sign up.

This Sunday, June 25

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Nursery Care Available for Children 5 and under 10:15 - 12:00 PM.

Join us for coffee hour and fellowship after each service.

Parish Picnic following the 10:30 Service.

Worship with Us

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist

10:30 AM Holy Eucharist Outdoor

- Watch on YouTube

- Watch on Facebook

- Worship Bulletin

Volunteers Needed

Can you be an usher, greeter, lay reader, or help with coffee hour?

Click below to sign up today & thank you!

June - August Volunteer Sign Up

Summer Choir

(This & every Sunday)

10:30 AM Service

The Summer Choir will be singing during this Sunday's 10:30 AM outdoor service, and anyone interested should meet in the Choir Room at 10:00 AM for a brief rehearsal. Questions? Contact Amalia at

Summer Yoga & Lunch 

Resumes Tuesday, July 11

Yoga 11:15 AM / Lunch 12:00

Summer yoga and lunch will not be meeting on Tuesday, June 27 or July 4. Amalia will resume as usual on July 11 with yoga at 11:15 AM in the Multi-Purpose room followed by a "bring your own" community lunch. No RSVP is required, and all levels are welcome.

Vespers in the Garden

Save the Date & RSVP

July 13, 7:00 PM

All are invited to come enjoy a time of prayer and fellowship during our first annual Vespers in the Garden with desserts and wine. The term vespers is from the Latin word for evening, vesperi, and Vespers has been called the "evening sacrifice of prayer." This is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with friends, meet newcomers, and offer God thanksgiving and praise. CLICK HERE to let us know you are coming. Questions? Contact our Newcomer Coordinator, Linda Kean

Creative Arts Festival

Share Your Gifts

You are invited to participate in St. Michael's first ever Creative Arts Festival on August 13. Share your creative endeavors and how your prayer life, spiritual practices, and relationship with God are enriched through these. To participate and showcase or to learn more CLICK HERE. Display the fruits of your creative activities on a table and share with those who visit you how they impact and enrich your spiritual life. If you have children who are creative, they are most welcome to join you and share how God is in their activities as well.

Saint John's Bible Ambo

If you haven't had a chance to see the beautiful new ambo holding the St. John's Bible in the sanctuary, please be sure to make a point of doing so soon. This incredible work of art is a custom creation handmade by Rich Page, a St. Michael's parishioner, so please thank him for this labor of love when you see him. [From the Greek word meaning elevate, an "ambo" is a raised stand used to proclaim the Word of God and was a common fixture in the early church beginning in the fourth century.]

This week at a glance... (All blue links are clickable)

Friday, June 23

6:00 PM - Celtic Potluck in Chapel

7:30 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer

Saturday, June 24

9:00 AM - Creating Space in the Conference Room

10:00 AM - Regional Confirmation, Boulder

11:00 AM - Funeral Claudia Watkins (Watch on YouTube)

Sunday, June 25

10:15AM - 12:00 PM Nursery is Open for children 5 and under.

8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist

9:00 AM - Coffee Hour

10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist Outdoor

11:45 AM - Parish Picnic

Monday, June 26

9:00 AM - Laundry Love Offsite

9:00 PM - Thrift House Board Meeting in Parish Hall

Tuesday, June 27

8:00 AM - Virtual Men's Fellowship

9:15 AM - Staff Meeting

1:00 PM - Pastoral Care Meeting in the Chapel

5:30 PM - Vacation Bible School in Various Rooms

8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Wednesday, June 28

12:00 PM - Healing Service and Eucharist in Chapel

12:30 PM - Bible Study in Chapel

2:30 PM - Virtual Contemplative Prayer

3:00 PM - St. John's Bible Think Tank in Chapel

5:30 PM - Vacation Bible School in Various Rooms

7:00 PM - Virtual Pilgrimage Bible Study

Thursday, June 29

5:30 PM - Vacation Bible School in Various Rooms

8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Friday, June 30

1:00 PM - Friday Book Group in Chapel

7:30 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer

Saturday, July 1

9:00 AM - Kairos Ministry Men in Parish Hall

2:00 PM - Caregivers Support Group in Chapel

Birthdays This Week:

June 25 - Rich Page

June 27 - Gabe Capell

June 27 - Sue Caruthers

June 28 - Barbara Dierks

June 28 - Carol Pierce

June 29 - Ryan Fenton

June 29 - Rose Numair

June 29 - Bill Oliver

June 30 - Sherri Anderson

July 1 - Ryan Calhoun

July 1 - Victoria Fleischmann

July 1 - Bill Hyland

July 1 - Bernie LaCroix

July 1 - Chad Stoller

Anniversaries This Week:

June 25 - Joe & Mary Hattick

June 25 - Joel & Lisa Pugh

June 28 - Kristy & Scott Callihan

June 28 - Jacque & John Paul

June 30 - Janet & Rene Perreault

June 30 - Dan & Debra Zarecky

July 1 - Diana & Michael Fink

St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

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