"When I got to prison, I was miserable, angry, confused and without any hope. Soon after being accepted into the PPP Program my feelings of anger and hurt were replaced with peace and love while working with the dogs. Caring for and training the dogs gave me a sense of purpose and healing. I loved them and they loved me back unconditionally. 

Now I am 500 miles away, living in my own two-bedroom apartment, and thriving. Although I am not working in the pet industry, I am successfully managing a restaurant. 

I am proud of who I am today and what I have accomplished. Dogs change lives. PPP changes lives and opens the door to see what life could be like on the outside. Every single day that I wake up, I'm at peace." -Jeania
"During my employment at PPP I worked as a kennel worker, office clerk, dog trainer and groomer. PPP was committed to supporting me before and after my release in a way that none of the other programs I was involved with were. Thanks to the skills I acquired through PPP and the toolset that they provided for me; I was able to obtain full-time employment as a dog groomer shortly after I was released.

As an experienced groomer, I have been able to earn a living wage and be fully financially independent. I love the shop where I work, and I love my job. Every day I am thankful for PPP’s contribution to my success. Words can never express the amount of gratitude I will forever have in my heart for PPP." -Starr

"Starr is the second PPP graduate that I have had the privilege to work with. The training they receive is top notch and fits beautifully with what we offer to our customers at Grateful Dogs.
Starr came to us with a big heart, a love for animals and an incredibly strong work ethic. It has already been almost a year and her skills and value to this company and community continue to grow.

The clients adore her, and she has more request customers than anyone here including me!
I love what PPP is doing and am always ready to meet and work with another graduate. You guys are the best. Thank you." 

-Jason Grant
Owner, Grateful Dogs Grooming and Daycamp
PPP transforms lives. We need your help to continue our work in reentry programming. Visit to give today or commit to donating a gift May 3-4. Every dollar counts. Your support will help us reach our goal of:

What is GiveBIG?
GiveBIG is a statewide fundraising campaign May 3-4 where individuals and organizations come together across Washington to invest in our communities. This is your opportunity to support a local organization that changes the lives of incarcerated individuals, animals, and persons with disabilities.
What are other ways to support?
  • Start a fundraiser of your own through GiveBig. Visit, click "Fundraise" and invite your friends, family, and networks to donate to your fundraiser for PPP
  • Participate in Peer-to-Peer fundraising. Ask 10 friends to donate $10 and to ask 10 of their friends to donate $10 and keep it going!

Thank you for supporting the oldest Prison Pet Program in the United States.