As we begin the transition from winter to spring, the library will continue to blossom with programs in March. Also, our parking lot renovation will begin at the end of this month. Please take note of this closure and begin using the front entrance to access the library. Take a look at what's coming up this month. Give us a call if you have any questions.

Library Programs - March 2025

Storytime Sessions - Monday evenings & Thursday mornings

Our storytimes are held on Monday evenings at 5:30 pm and Thursday mornings at 11:30 am. Our storytimes are set up as a Family Style session where grownups are encouraged to attend and participate with their child. Sessions include stories, songs, the calendar and activities for our preschoolers, as well as board books, puzzles, and puppets for all ages (babies-5 years old). We have a lot of fun planned for this month! The Chartiers-Houston Community Library is proud to be a PA Forward Gold Star Library. For more information about PA Forward and the Five Literacies, speak with a staff member or visit the PA Forward website.

*Thursday Storytimes are set for 11:30 am and take place prior to opening to the public. For more information or to get on our participant list, please contact library staff at 724-745-4300.

LEGO Bricks Club - 3/6@ 5:30 and 3/8 @ 2:00

LEGO Bricks Club is for ages 6 and up (ages 6-9 will work best with grown-up assistance); teens are invited to try the challenge as well.

Twice a month, we will set up a specific LEGO Bricks challenge for anyone ages 6 and up to try. Generally, there is no right or wrong way to build the challenge. We want to see your perspective!

Are you up for this month's challenge: What do you hope to find at the end of the rainbow?

Adults are invited to join in our LEGO Bricks challenges. Just ask staff for the challenge materials when you visit on one of the two dates.

Teen Night - Monday, March 10th from 4-6 pm!

For students ages 10-18 only

Pop Art Pet Portraits

This is a teens only event. Please email your pet photo or picture of your favorite animal to the library so that staff can prepare them for this event. Registration is recommended in order to have enough materials for this event. Please call to register!

All Teen Nights are FREE and open to any students ages 10-18.

To register or for more information call the library at 724-745-4300.

Saturday Special Program - March 15, 2025 1-3 pm

Mirror, Mirror!

We will be having some princess (and prince) fun for this month's Saturday special. We will have some fun activities that focus on the story of Snow White. Participating friends are invited to wear their favorite character attire (from any story of your choice). Call ahead and reserve your seat for our Mirror, Mirror! Event.

Chronicles of Yarnia - Monday 3/17/2025 4-6 pm

The next meet-up for Chronicles of Yarnia will be March 17th. We have materials to work with for any beginners to the craft. Check out supplies from our Fiber Arts Collection before buying your own. See staff for more details.

This month, Heather will continue with ongoing instructions. New members are welcome to join us to begin learning a new fiber art.

Easier projects and basic stitch instructions are available for beginners. Ms. Heather enjoys working with beginners, so do not shy away... everyone can learn to crochet!

Book Club - Thursday 3/13/2025 at 5:30 pm

Book Club is held the second Thursday of the month at 5:30 pm. This month’s book is Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt. We have some great discussion questions ready!

Reserve your copy of this month's book by calling the library at 724-745-4300. Coffee, snacks, and great discussion will be provided!

Speak with a staff member, if you have any questions or have suggestions for future books you'd like to see on our Book Club list.


The D&D Adventurers League meets the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Our next battles/campaigns of the Dungeons & Dragons Club (students ages 10-17) will be held on March 4th & 18th. Registration is recommended.

This is a very casual game-play group. Play may not advance as quickly as some other groups, as these teens love the social time together. It is a perfect setting for any teen new to the game! However, all teens attending should come prepared to learn and play the game.

*If necessary, we will split out more advanced players. Please speak with Ms. Heather if you have a teen group that would like to join us.

Young Storytellers Studio - Saturdays in March - Grade K-3 - ONLY TWO SESSIONS LEFT

Students in grade K-3 are invited to our Young Storytellers Studio every other Saturday (ONLY TWO SESSIONS LEFT). Students will learn the basic components of storytelling, get tips for simple illustrations, and learn how they can enter their story in the WQED Writers Contest. Students can attend as many or as few of the sessions as they wish.

*The library will host its own contest with entries received. Winners will receive a small prize and recognition in the library and on our social media. ALL entries will be sent to WQED for submission for their Write Your Future Contest.

For more information, please speak with library staff.

Craft Night - Ages 18 and up 3/20/2025 from 4-6pm

We will have a Grown-ups Craft Night on Thursday, March 20, 2025 from 4-6pm. We will be designing Spring Fairy Light Jars. This program is for ages 18 and up. No one under 18 permitted into program.

Program is free. Small donations to help off-set the cost of materials will be accepted, but not required.

For more information or to register, please contact the library at 724-745-4300 or speak with staff.

Pi Day Family Night Event - Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Pie In the Faces of Staff @ 6:00 pm

Our annual Pi Day Family Night to celebrate the success of our Pi Day Fundraiser will take place on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 from 4-7 pm. Pie Peddlers names will be drawn at 5:45 pm and pies will be administered in the faces of staff at 6:00 pm. This portion of our event will be live-streamed on our Facebook page for those who cannot attend. Get your donations in before March 14th in order for them to count! We have reached our initial goal and Mrs. Susan will be getting a pie in the face. Can you double it and get a pie in Ms. Heather's face again this year, too?

Donations can be made by cash or check payable to the Chartiers-Houston Community Library. Please mare your donation "Pi Day." All funds raised during this event will be used for our summer programs.

Registration is not necessary, but would be greatly appreciated. To register, please stop in or call the library at 724-745-4300.

TEEN SCIENCE CAFE - Upcoming Cafes!

In March, the students will host the Carnegie Science Center with their Fab Lab; and in May the leadership team has invited the Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium in to learn about zoo related occupations. Hands on activities will take place at all sessions.

Our leadership team is working hard to make this new program successful. We need all teens to attend as participants. Registration is necessary so we have enough food prepared for each session. Please call and let us know your high school student will be joining us in March. Teens from any/all school districts are welcome to join!

*Our Teen Science Cafes are made possible through a grant received from the national Teen Science Cafe Network program. The Chartiers-Houston Community Library was selected for a $2500 grant and training to become Teen Science Cafe Fellows. Future opportunities will be available for student training as well. If your teen is interested, all they need to do is attend a cafe or contact library staff!

If you have any questions, please contact the library directly at 724-745-4300.

Maker Monday for All - 3/31/25 4-6 pm

We are getting ready to 'spring' into April with cute chenille creatures this month! Materials will be provided and set out while supplies last.

Maker Mondays are held the last Monday of each month. No registration is necessary; supplies/materials will be available while they last.

Afternoon Tea! - NO MARCH MEETING

Due to parking lot renovations beginning the last week of March, we will not host a session this month. Please watch for details on April's session coming soon!

This group meets the last Wednesday of each month from 2:00-4:00 pm. New members are always welcome.

Call the library for more information. 724-745-4300

Spring Book Sale



*Please read this post in its entirety. We will only accept certain items for this year's sale due to space limitations.

Our Book Sale will take place in March. We will not accept any book donations until March 3rd. Please do not leave boxes of books outside of our building when we are closed. Those items must immediately go into the trash, as we cannot bring them inside once left outdoors.

We will ONLY accept books that were published within the last ten years (2014-2024). If the books are older than that, please do not donate them here, as they will not sell and then must be put in the trash.

We will ONLY accept DVDs.

We will NOT accept textbooks, VHS, music media, or damaged/moldy items.

Donations will be checked by library staff. Any items that do not meet our criteria will be handed back to the owner immediately.

Our library is small and space is very limited. Therefore, we ask that you follow these donation guidelines.

All funds raised during our book sale will go to the library's general fund. Thank you for your continued support of the library!

New Seed Library - Located in our old card catalog

We are happy to announce our new Seed Library! One of our storytime moms has graciously volunteered to set up and maintain our seed library. The idea is to have seeds continually donated at harvest time in order to keep the seed library self-sustaining. We have a starter kit that can be checked out from the library that includes a hand trowel, hand rake, knee pad and garden gloves. When you are ready to start your indoor seeds, stop by and see if we have what you are looking to plant.

Teen Volunteer Opportunities

TEENS (13-17) ONLY:

Our teen volunteers work hard on preparing items for programs, setting up for events and holidays, and just lending support where needed. We can always use a few extra young hands and ideas here at the library. Teens who need hours for school or other organizations can work their time at the library. We have some wonderful young adults in the Chartiers-Houston Community! Would your teen like to join them here and have fun while helping out?

If you know of a teen who would like to join our group of volunteers and/or Teen Advisory Group, have them get in touch with Mrs. Susan or Ms. Heather at (724) 745-4300 or email

Teens who need legal community service hours are also welcome to contact the library. Please speak with Mrs. Susan about the paperwork required to sign up for volunteer time.

Can't get to the library during our regular hours? Try our locker service for item pick-up. Did you know your library card offers many free online resources? Just head to our website or Power Library and log in with your card number.

Curbside services and our Locker Service are always available, we can bring the library to you!

Call 724-745-4300 for curbside pickup or for use of a locker for your library materials.

A wide variety of eResources are always available at the 24/7 eLibrary at


Chartiers-Houston Community Library

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