Spring Book Sale
*Please read this post in its entirety. We will only accept certain items for this year's sale due to space limitations.
Our Book Sale will take place in March. We will not accept any book donations until March 3rd. Please do not leave boxes of books outside of our building when we are closed. Those items must immediately go into the trash, as we cannot bring them inside once left outdoors.
We will ONLY accept books that were published within the last ten years (2014-2024). If the books are older than that, please do not donate them here, as they will not sell and then must be put in the trash.
We will ONLY accept DVDs.
We will NOT accept textbooks, VHS, music media, or damaged/moldy items.
Donations will be checked by library staff. Any items that do not meet our criteria will be handed back to the owner immediately.
Our library is small and space is very limited. Therefore, we ask that you follow these donation guidelines.
All funds raised during our book sale will go to the library's general fund. Thank you for your continued support of the library!