Proclaim, Equip, Mobilize
And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written,
“How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”
Romans 10:15
August, 2019

Dear Friends,

Shalom and blessings in Jesus our Lord. By God’s grace summer has been busy doing the work of evangelism in proclaiming, equipping and mobilizing churches in the Northeast U.S. It is such a blessing to serve the body of Jesus, working together to do evangelism.
The spirit of secularism and liberalism are strong here and believers struggle to bring the hope in Christ alone. As evangelists our role is to encourage and stir the body to bring the Good News of Jesus (Ephesians 4:11-12).
Praise Reports - Eternal Fruit

Please pray for Daniel, a Jewish man from upstate New York. We shared the Gospel with him and he made a decision for Messiah Jesus unto salvation.  Daniel visited us at Bible camp and it was a blessing for him to meet other Jewish believers in Jesus as well as Gentile believers. Pray he will grow in his faith.
We visited Eric, a New York Highway patrolman who came to Jesus 2 years ago. Please pray for his growth. He is open for the next step to do water baptism in obedience to our Lord Jesus. Please also pray for his wife’s salvation. We were so blessed to see him again and encourage him in Jesus.
We have had many divine appointments here in the States this past 5 weeks. We have shared with Jews, Muslims, Hindus and secular people. Even orthodox Christians. It has been so insightful to hear what people believe and put their faith in, and to share what the Bible says. Just yesterday we shared with a religious Armenian couple who were not sure where they would go if they died. Praise the Lord that they understood the message and they both prayed to accept Jesus. To God be the glory. Already we have given their names to a local Pastor for follow-up.
Prayer Requests and Needs - Your prayers availeth much

• For the Lord to bring many Jewish people to the banquet on Sept 6 in northern Tanzania to hear the Gospel. That the Gospel message will be presented clearly. That the Lord will prepare the hearts to receive the Gospel. Pray for salvations. Pray for the follow-up in Israel. Please put this in your calendar. We need lots of prayer.

• For the Lord to bring many unsaved Tanzanians to hear the Gospel on Sept 7-8.  That many churches will participate in this evangelistic outreach and the follow-up of new believers.

• For the house to house evangelism with our orphans in southwest Tanzania.

• For the Muslim outreach in Zanzibar on Sept 21-22 in East Tanzania. This will be a challenge as Christians are persecuted by Muslims. The churches want to express the love of God and to present the hope only found in the Gospel of Jesus. Pray for unity in the team and protection. Pray also for favor with the government.

• Please can you pray and consider a donation to cover the expenses for the work of the Gospel among all these people. We need an additional $7000. It is summer time and donations are always low during this time. We trust the Lord Jesus for all. Thank you.

• For the team - safety, unity, and love.

May the Lord bless you and your family. We are very thankful to God for you. We pray that together this will be a very fruitful mission with lots of blessings. All for God’s glory and honor.

Much Love and Blessings in Him,

Henry and Darlene