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Trash Talk

Trash Talk is a bi-weekly E-News that will be sent to interested residents this summer regarding the process of bidding a new trash and recycling contract for Middletown Township residents.

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Facts About Our Current Contract

  • Middletown Township is currently in the final year of a five-year trash and recycling contract with Waste Management Incorporated.
  • Middletown has a “single hauler” contract strategy where the township serves as the contracting agency for township residents – in effect, passing through the costs for trash and recycling from the hauler to the residents. This type of program allows the residents to receive the lowest possible cost and minimizes the impact of having many haulers traversing our roadways each week.
  • Residents pay their annual trash bill as a separate line item when they receive their Township Real Estate Tax bill.
  • The current cost for trash/recycling is $401/annually for twice weekly manual trash collection, once per week recycling collection, one bulk item per week and weekly yard waste from April through January.

New Trash Bid for Middletown Township

Middletown Township is in the process of bidding a new five-year contract for trash and recycling collection services. 

Key Points:

  1. Bid Process Currently Underway: Trash and recycling service providers can now bid on the Townships five-year service contract. The bid includes an option to leave collection “as is” but it also includes several options that may help to control costs, such as moving to once a week collection and incorporating automated collection.
  2. Not a Renegotiation: This is not a renegotiation with our current service provider, Waste Management. State procurement laws require that this service be publicly bid and awarded to the lowest responsible bidder.
  3. Your Role: Stay informed and engaged. The Township will keep you updated throughout this process, and there will be opportunities for community feedback before the Board of Supervisors awards a new contract. Your input is valuable to us, and the Township encourages you to share your thoughts and concerns.

Next Steps:

  • Bid Evaluation: Bids from trash and recycling companies are due later this month. The cost per household will be determined by the bids received. A thorough evaluation process will follow, where the Township will review and compare the proposals.
  • Continued Community Engagement: More information about this process will continue to be sent out during the next few weeks.
  • Awarding the Contract: The Board of Supervisors will consider awarding the contract to the lowest bidder in August. They will be weighing all options, including cost, service and citizen feedback. Once a decision is made, the Township will promptly inform the community about the chosen provider and any changes to trash and recycling collection services.
  • Implementation: Any changes to the service and or provider will be communicated to the public later this fall.

Middletown Township appreciates your understanding and cooperation as we undertake this important process. The Townships goal is to ensure that Middletown Township continues to receive the best possible trash and recycling services at an affordable rate.

Thank you for your attention and participation in making our community better.

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Middletown Township

3 Municipal Way, Langhorne, PA 19047


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Middletown Township Board of Supervisors

Mike Ksiazek, Chairperson

Bernadette Hannah, Vice Chairperson

Dawn Quirple, Secretary

Dana Kane

Anna Payne,

Stephanie Teoli Kuhls, Township Manager