If you traverse Edwards Ferry Road regularly, you‘ve probably noticed a change to the steep embankment next to the Dodona Manor driveway. Thanks to generous donations from our neighbors and local businesses, we were finally able to clear the area of invasive plants like English ivy and Rose of Sharon.
But that’s not all! With the help professional landscape designer Leslie Stutzman-Solitario of River’s Edge Landscaping, the embankment is now a pollinator haven with a wide selection of Virginia native plants. Leslie created a natural corridor for wildlife by planting multiples of each plant together in large groupings. The plantings include oak hydrangea, beauty berry, red cedar, sumac, beebalm, aster, sweetspire and milkweed. The 300-yard bank is now mulched with wood chips donated by Arbor Artist and Treesmith USA. Our garden volunteers have been diligent in watering the new plants as they take root.
It has been a true community effort, and we are very grateful to Leslie, our garden volunteers, River’s Edge landscaping, Julie at Watermark Woods and Kevin at Treesmith USA for donating time, resources and plants to this project.