The Bread of Life – Our Call to Serve

In this final scene of Jesus’ Bread of Life discourse in St. John’s Gospel which we have been hearing proclaimed and reflecting upon for the past four weeks, Jesus puts the bottom-line question to the Twelve: Do you also want to leave? Simon Peter’s consummate profession of faith begs the question for each of us. Are we likewise willing to declare: Lord, we have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God? Do we accept that following Christ is the only path to eternal life? Do we accept our call to serve?

Read more in this week's bulletin.

We invite you to join us for Mass this Saturday and Sunday.

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, August 24 at 5pm 

Sunday, August 25 at 7:30am, 9am (ASL), 11:15am PST

Livestreams available for Sat. 5pm, Sunday 9am & 11:15am

Order of Worship

Nursery Available

Sundays during

9am & 11:15am Masses

Children from 6 months - 3 years in age are welcome to visit the Nursery while their parents attend Mass. No registration required; visiting families are welcome. Please visit us in the OLL school building.

Questions or to Volunteer

please contact

Krista Bryant

Children's Liturgy of the Word 

Sundays during

9am Mass

All children ages 4-9 are welcome to participate in Children's Liturgy of the Word at the 9am Mass. Children are gathered after the opening prayer, and return to their families during the offertory for the the rest of the Mass.

Questions or to Volunteer

please contact

Melissa Hanifan

Mercy Teams Needs Your Support

Will You Answer the Call?

Mercy Teams of Our Lady Of The Lake needs your continued support as we supply aid to the twelve missions, churches, and outreach organizations that directly serve unsheltered individuals, through their front doors, or through street outreach. Nearly all of these "missions" request more sack lunch help from Mercy Teams than we are currently able to provide.

Our Adopt-a-Mission teams currently distribute an average of 1,200 sack lunch meals each week to these organizations and churches, every Sunday and Monday morning. However, our Drive-Through Drop-Off Sundays collect approximately 450 sack lunch donations every two weeks.

Additional sack lunch donations come directly from Adopt-a-Mission Teams, small faith sharing groups, high school service groups and youth service organizations like National Charity League and National League of Young Men. However the gap in sack lunches versus our "mission distribution" is vast.

To help be "The Bread of Life" consider a sack lunch service project with family or friends. We will be there Sunday to receive them with gratitude.

More Information & Sign Up
Register Here

Walking With Purpose Women's Bible Study

This fall, we will be studying the Gospel of John with the book "Touching the Divine." Thursday sessions are available both in the morning and in the evening and begin Oct. 3.

Register Here

OLL Children's Choir

All children 2nd grade-6th grade are invited to register for the OLL Children's Choir. The choir sings at one Mass per month, and rehearsals are Wednesday afternoons at 3:15pm, beginning Sept. 11. Register today!

Register Here

"A Season of Hope" Grief Support Group

Come join us for A Season of Hope! This is a program for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. The program will run from Sept. 10 – Dec. 10, 2024. We will meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month from 9:30-11:30am. Please sign up by calling the parish office at 503-636-7687. See more details in the bulletin.

2 weeks left!

Summer Food Drive

Most needed food items this week: hearty soups and crackers, cereal, paper towels,

and dish soap. Please place items in the donation barrels in the narthex and in front of the parish hall.

SVdP Thrift Store Seeking Donations


17108 SE Powell Blvd, Portland, OR 97236


Seven days a week, 9:00am - 4:00pm.

Drop-off located on the back side of the building - look for SVdP signs

Click here for more info

Fall Registrations Now Open

First Sacraments Registration

Children in 2nd grade and up are welcome join our First Sacraments program. Classes are held on Sundays from 10:15-11:00am in the OLL School Building, starting September 15, 2024. Parent participation is required, and classes run through May 4, 2025. Visit our website for more information and to register.

Life Kids Registration

Registration for Life Kids (Pre-K - 6th grade) classes are live! See our website to sign up today. Starts Sept. 15.

Questions? Contact Krista Bryant

Middle School Youth Group

7th-8th graders

Starts Sept. 29


7th grade and up

Starts Sept. 29

High School Youth Group

9th - 12th graders

Starts Oct. 13

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)

The Way to Explore our Faith and Become Catholic

The Order of Christian Initiation (OCIA) program is the way for adults who have not been baptized, or who were baptized Catholic but haven't completed their Christian Initiation can fully become Catholic.

Sessions will begin September 25.

Laura Patton, our Adult Faith Formation Director, would love to begin the conversation about your faith journey this summer.

Learn More
Inquiry Form

Parish Life

Last Sunday!

Sign Up

Saturday Summer Choir - All Are Welcome!

Every Saturday During Summer

4:00pm Parish Hall

Come drop in and sing with us! All skill levels welcome. Join us any Saturday at 4 pm in the Parish Hall for a brief rehearsal followed by evening Mass.

Any questions? Contact choir director Karl Hein.

Seeking Liturgical Ministers

We are looking for individuals who would like to volunteer as Ushers and/or Alter Servers. Please visit our site for more information and email Agnes Zueger if you are interested. Thank you!

Beyond the Parish

Learn More

Encounter School of Ministry Portland Campus Starting in November

Christ the King in Milwaukie | Thursdays starting September 5th

The Encounter School of Ministry is a dynamic training program designed to teach, equip, and activate you in the full supernatural lifestyle of Jesus so that you can walk with God in intimacy and demonstrate his love and power to the world around you! We believe that as you embrace your identity and live out of the inheritance Jesus won for you, your mission, ministry, and God-given dreams will flourish in every season of life.

The ESM curriculum maintains faithful adherence to the traditions and teachings of the Catholic Church. It has been reviewed and approved by a team of theologians and local bishops.

Apply Here

Funeral Announcements

May these and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

Mary Kathleen Hoff - Memorial Mass - September 21, 11:30 AM

Art Scevola - Memorial Mass - September 28, 11:30am

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Read Our Bulletin

Keep up to date with all things happening at OLL. In this week's bulletin:

  • Cover: The Bread of Life – Our Call to Serve

  • Page 3: Register for faith formation programs.

Homilies | Bulletin | Give | OLL School

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