By the late 1880s, he was living in Virginia City, working as a piano tuner and prospecting on the side.
In 1895, Wedekind relocated to the Truckee Meadows, where he maintained his piano tuning and repair business, while also continuing his prospecting expeditions.
One day in June 1896, while eating his lunch he casually kicked over a small rock which appeared a bit unlike others which lay about. Upon closer examination he was convinced that it contained ore.
He had the rock assayed and it came back as being rich in silver ore. He then began the process of sinking a shaft on the site, which was about two miles north of what would become the city of Sparks, and removed ore that proved to be worth about $370,000 in today's dollars.
Words soon spread about Wedekind’s mineral strike in the hills that now bear his name and a small mining camp soon popped up, which was called Wedekind City. Within two years of the discovery, the camp had close to 30 structures including a half-dozen wood frame buildings, clusters of tents, a boarding house, post office, miners’ hall, general store, machine shop, assay office, and a mill.