October 13th, 2022
In this message...
  • Ella Greene-Moton for APHA President-Elect!
  • APHA - Register for the CBPH Caucus Breakfast Meeting
  • Nominate for Tom Bruce and E Hill De Loney Awards (by October 21st)
  • CBPHC's APHA 2022 Program
  • UC Berkeley Community-Based Intervention Faculty Position (deadline November 4th)
Ella Greene-Moton, CBPH Caucus Leader, Nominated for President-Elect

We are excited to share the good news that our very own Ella Greene-Moton has been nominated for the 2022 President-Elect of the American Public Health Association.
Ella is a founding member of the CBPH Caucus and the National Community-Based Organization Network. From 2005-2014, she served as the Coordinator of NCBON and Staff Support for the CBPHC Policy Work Group This historic nomination embodies the vision of the CBPH Caucus that all of us together have worked so hard to realize for over twenty years: Community Lies at the Heart of Public Health!

Check out her campaign video below!

Follow her on Twitter: @Emgree1; #Ella4PresidentElect 
Join us for our CBPH Caucus Ticketed Breakfast Business Meeting!

Tuesday, November 8th, 6:30AM-8:00AM
Boston Convention Center, Room 052B

Our Business Meeting this year is a ticketed breakfast! The cost is $40, and includes a plated breakfast with ham and spinach quiche and potatoes along with coffee and OJ. A vegan and gluten free option will be made available for guests who request during the registration process.

The deadline to purchase tickets in October 19th.

How to register:

Option A: You can sign up when you register to attend APHA 2022.

Option B: If you have already registered and would like to attend, you can add the event to your registration:

  1. Use your registration ID and email address to log in at
  2. Select the option "LI, Pre-Meeting, Optional Events and Merchandise" from the menu on the right-hand side.
  3. Select "I would like to purchase Ticketed Events."
  4. Select 1 ticket next to the "CBPHC Business Breakfast," then click "Next." This will allow you to check out.

If you have any questions regarding the Business Meeting, please contact your friendly program planners (Rachel - - and Angela -

We look forward to seeing you there!
Nominate awardees for the 2022 Tom Bruce Award and the 2022 E Hill De Loney Award!

Application packets are below.
All nominations due by October 21st, 2022

To ask questions or to submit your application, contact
Rachel Berkowitz (
The Tom Bruce Award

The Tom Bruce Award was established in 2006 by the Community-Based Public Health (CBPH) Caucus of the American Public Health Association (APHA). The award celebrates the work and the legacy of Dr. Bruce to CBPH. 

The Tom Bruce Award is presented annually to an individual who exemplifies leadership in CBPH. The award recognizes an individual who has made a significant contribution to the CBPH Caucus and the CBPH Movement.

Learn more about the Tom Bruce award and nominate someone by downloading and completing this Application:

About Tom Bruce 
Thomas Allen Bruce, M.D., is a physician, educator, and philanthropist who lives in Little Rock, Arkansas. His professional career was as a professor of medicine at Wayne State University, Detroit; head of Cardiology at the University of Oklahoma; and dean of the College of Medicine, University of Arkansas. From 1985 to 1997 he served as a program director at the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, planning new initiatives, reviewing proposals, and monitoring projects in health, leadership, and rural development. He provided direction for the national Community-Based Public Health initiative beginning in 1990. Many in the CBPH Movement have called Dr. Bruce the "Father of CBPH". His research covers intermediary cardiac metabolism, rural health manpower studies, primary health care, and community-driven health promotion/disease prevention. Dr. Bruce has received numerous tributes, including the Governor's Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Citizenship (Arkansas) and Special Appreciation (Kaohsiung Medical College, Republic of China). In 1995, he was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Science degree by the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Since retirement in 1997, he has helped the Heifer Project International expand their programming; assisted the Arkansas Community Foundation in expanding philanthropy throughout the state by developing a set of new local community foundations; coordinated the building of a new botanical garden/arboretum; and assisted two community development corporations in expanding their human services. In 2001 he left retirement to assume the position as Dean pro tem of a new College of Public Health at the University of Arkansas.
The E Hill De Loney Award

The E Hill De Loney Award was established in 2008 by the Community-Based Public Health (CBPH) Caucus of the American Public Health Association (APHA). The award celebrates Mrs. De Loney’s contributions to the development of youth leadership in CBPH.  

The E Hill De Loney Award is presented annually during the APHA Annual Meeting at the Business Meeting of the CBPH Caucus to an individual who exemplifies community leadership in CBPH with a focus on youth development and preservation.

Learn more about the E Hill De Loney award and nominate someone by downloading and completing this Application:

About Mrs. De Loney
A tireless champion for our communities who pushes far beyond the average call of duty by instilling a sense of self and community as a starting point for a healthy existence, Mrs. De Loney is a highly esteemed Matriarch of Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) and its impact on communities across the country. She has devoted her life to the betterment of the children and their families. Her philosophy is "there is no distinction between my destiny and that of another African American." Mrs. De Loney serves as the Director of the Flint Odyssey House, Inc., Health Awareness Center. She holds Masters Degrees in Guidance Counseling and Psychology. She uses that training to tailor her interest and activities using CBPR principles in adolescent health, father & sons’ relationships, infant mortality, and youth violence prevention.  She is committed to growing and strengthening the communities' ability to work effectively at creating and preserving a healthier environment. Mrs. De Loney’s work utilizing CBPR contributed to the development of the Broome Team, the Community Based Organization Partners (CBOP), the Prevention Research Center (PRC) of Michigan, and ultimately the National CBPH Caucus and the National Community-Based Organization Network (NCBON).  
Join us for the Community-Based Public Health Caucus' APHA 2022 Program!

Below is an overview of the full schedule of oral sessions, roundtables, poster sessions, and business meetings which you can download and save for your reference.

In addition, you can check out the full APHA 2022 Online Program and search for "Community Based Public Health Caucus" to see all of our events and the details of presenters for each session.
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor position: Community-Based Intervention Research to Promote Health Equity at University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health

The School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the area of “Community-Based Intervention Research to Promote Health Equity” with a potential start date of July 1, 2023. The ideal candidate will demonstrate an innovative and rigorous theory-based program of intervention and/or policy research that focuses on addressing fundamental causes of health inequities the experience and histories of minoritized and/or marginalized racial and ethnic groups in the U.S., or systemic inequities.

To apply, please go to the following link:

Deadline to apply is November 4th, 2022, 11:59PM PST.

Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging are core values of UC Berkeley. Our excellence can only be fully realized by faculty, students, and staff who share our commitment to these values, particularly those of anti-racism. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, or protected veteran status.
Learn more about the CBPH Caucus by visiting our website