June 2024

Upcoming Deadlines

A020 Data Quality Report Due June 30th!

Start correcting your data errors now!

Our next Data Quality Report Submission date is June 30th. Make sure to run, review, and submit your October - May reports in a timely manner.

Please use the HMIS@NCCEH Data Quality Report Submission Form [June 2024] to submit for your individual projects!

The NC UDE Income Detail tab still miscalculates client Income. In response, those miscalculated tables have been hidden to avoid further confusion. The Data Center continues to work on correcting that reported error.

Available resources:

Send in your feedback using the Feedback Survey form. The information submitted helps make future submissions easier!

HMIS@NCCEH System Changes

Welcome New Data Center Staff Rachelle!

We have a new member joining our team at the Data Center!

Rachelle Dugan graduated from The University of Akron with a bachelor's degree in Political Science and Criminal Justice. Rachelle is passionate about using her time, money, and voice to help others. She started volunteering in her community more than 20 years ago and is currently involved with several social justice organizations. Rachelle started her career in the Criminal Justice field. She has worked with several judges and attorneys to help low-income folks navigate the system and get proper representation in court. After moving to North Carolina, Rachelle started working for a local non-profit as a Housing Case Manager, she then transitioned to be the Coordinated Entry Lead for the NCCEH Balance of State's Region 2. Rachelle was a founding member of the BoS Lived Expertise Advisory Council where she is passionate about using her history of housing instability to advocate for change. She has also served on the Steering Committee and the Coordinated Entry Council for the Balance of State. Rachelle lives in Western North Carolina with her husband and their two cats. She enjoys traveling, reading, and spending time with family and friends.

We would like to welcome our new Data Center staff and look forward to better serving our agencies and their communities!

New Client Merge Submission Document

In order to smooth out the client merge process, the NCCEH Client Merge Request Form was created. With this document, you can Identify up to 3 client ID's to merge and which ID you would like to keep. All information from the deleted ID's will merge into the indicated Primary Client ID.

This document can be found on the About Us page under the NCCEH Data Center Forms dropdown and in the Client Profile Merge in HMIS article in ZenGuide.

Hashed CSV & EVA Training

May's training on the Hashed CSV & EVA reviewed how to run & upload the reports properly, identify specific helpful tabs, and how to analyze the outputs.

Main takeaways of the training were:

  • How to properly run a Hashed CSV Report
  • EVA Tab Navigation
  • Accessing Data Quality Section
  • High Priority Errors vs General Errors vs Warnings
  • Downloading Results

Review the Training Slides and Recording for more information

View our News Archive page for more past trainings

Program Eligibility Form for APR in Sage

HUD will now review the APR Q15 question regarding a client's Prior Living Situation in Sage. Because certain projects may only provide housing and services to clients experiencing homelessness, HUD wants to ensure clients are eligible to be enrolled in those projects.

HUD has provided the new Program Eligibility Form in Sage, which enables users to submit an explanation on a client's eligibility determination prior to report submission. This helps minimize the need for HUD to return the APR to the user to add additional information.

Training & Resource Round-Up

System Updates Meeting

Agency Admins should attend the monthly meeting on the first Wednesday to stay on top of all things HMIS. This is your Agency's monthly HMIS meeting to get updates, escalate problems, and give feedback.

Your Next System Update Meeting: June 12th!

For details and registration, go to NCCEH's calendar event.

Agency Administrators, Program Managers, and Supervisors are expected to attend. Agency representatives must share this important information internally with colleagues.

If you missed one, recordings and materials are posted on the News Archive under HMIS System Updates Meetings.

The first Wednesday of the month at 10 will be the set date and time for future System Update Meetings in 2024! We will not be revisiting the date and time for this year.

ZenGuide Knowledge Base

If you haven't yet, bookmark this link!

The HMIS@NCCEH Zenguide is where you can find tip sheets, guides, and other written tools all in one place!

There are already 103 articles published! You can find instructions on how to run your Hashed HMIS CSV & EVA reports, how to update sub-assessments like income, and how to manage households!

Featured Articles:

Please keep searching for answers - that helps us identify the next articles to create!


Save the Dates:

  • June 4-5th: 2024 Bringing It Home Conference
  • Wednesday, June 12th: HMIS Systems Updates Meeting 10-11am
  • Wednesday, June 26th: Monthly Training 10-11am (Meeting moved in order to observe the Juneteenth holiday)
  • Sunday, June 30th: A020 Data Quality Report Submissions Due
  • Wednesday, July 3rd: HMIS Systems Updates Meeting 10-11am

New to HMIS or missed a meeting?

Make sure to check out our News Archive page for links to past email updates and user meeting slides or recordings.

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NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |