The DOM Insider
A newsletter for staff members of the Department of Medicine
August 2024
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Navigating Career Changes with Intention |
Guest speaker Heath Hatchett, a former Salesforce leader, will be offering change insights from his own career and his current practice as an Executive Coach. He will share mindsets, practices, and tips for moving forward when opportunities arise.
Thursday, 9/5, 12:10-1:00 pm, via Zoom
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Managing Emotions when Work is Challenging |
DOM Director of Staff Experience, Aaron Tabacco leads this session to increase self-awareness & reflection, present strategies, and develop skills for managing “big” emotions that arise when we are in uncomfortable workplace situations.
Friday, 9/20, 12:10-1:00 pm, via Zoom
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DOM Welcome and Orientation |
In this Zoom session, new staff members will gain an overview of the DOM structure and resources. Led by Aaron Tabacco, DOM's director of staff experience, the goal of the session is to help you feel at home and set you up for success in DOM.
Monday, 9/9, 12:10-1:00 pm, via Zoom
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Leveraging Transferable Skills |
Feeling under-qualified for that exciting new job? In this free, 20-min LinkedIn Learning course you can learn how to leverage your transferable skills. Discover how to translate your skills more clearly to new job descriptions.
Free course on LinkedIn Learning access
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DEIB-365 Lifelong Learning Program Annual Launch | |
The DOM DEIB committee has created a program to encourage a growth mindset and increase individual awareness and skills related to diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and anti-racism. This program consists of several online-provided courses and experiences in a self-paced and self-directed manner. Participants who complete the program will receive a certificate, a commemorative gift, and recognition in the staff newsletter, as well as acknowledgment from DOM Chair, Bob Wachter. Join us to learn more about the program.
Tuesday, 9/24, 12:35-1:00 pm, via Zoom
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Virtual/Hybrid Events:
Recurring Dates, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm, Makers Lab Needlecraft Monthly Meetup (virtual). Host: Makers Lab
Tuesday, August 20, 12:00 pm-1:30 pm, Intro to 3D Modeling. Host: Makers Lab
Wednesday, August 28, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm, Ideation Drawing. Host: Makers Lab
Thursday, September 12, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm, Intro to Vector Art. Host: Makers Lab
Friday, September 13, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm, Lasting Change: Advanced Strategies for Habit Maintenance. Host: Faculty and Staff Assistance Program
Saturday, September 14, 8:30 am-10:45 pm, 17th Annual Gathering Symposium for Faith, Health, & Community. Host: Hellen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
In-Person Events:
Wednesday, August 21, 6:00 pm-7:30 pm, La Madre: A New, Adapted Play. Genentech Hall, Byers Auditorium. Host: UCSF Memory & Aging Center
Sunday, September 8, 8:00 am-12:00 pm, Courage Over Cancer 5K & 10K Walk/Run in Tiburon. Host: Hellen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Saturday, September 14, 8:00 am-12:00 pm, Northern California Brain Tumor 5K, Lake Merritt, Oakland. Host: Brain Tumor Center.
Saturday, September 14, 10:00 am-3:00 pm, KMJ Warrior Health & Wellness Expo (Sickle Cell Anemia Awareness). Host: UCSF Pediatrics and Hematology/Oncology
Saturday, September 14, 6:00 pm, Art for AIDS (art auction). Host: UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences & Dept. of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Wednesday, September 18, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm, Chancellor’s Concert Series, Cole Hall Auditorium, Parnassus. Host: Campus Life Services, UCSF Arts
Dates and times vary, DOMINOs Department of Medicine Community Events. Host: DOM. Visit the website for current offerings (VPN).
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Current Open Positions:
Director of Operations & Strategic Initiatives, DOM Office of the Chair
Project Manager, DOM Office of the Chair
Clinical Research Coordinator, Nephrology, ZSFG
Staff Research Associate I/II, Hematology/Oncology, UCSF Health
Research Finance Analyst III, Gastroenterology, UCSF Health
Health Coach, Part-Time, General Internal Medicine, UCSF Health
Program Manager, Health Equity & Society, ZSFG
Operations Analyst, Hematology & Oncology, ZSFG
Patient Navigator-Peer Specialist, Hospital Medicine, ZSFG
Staff Research Associate II, Infectious Disease, SFVAHCS
Staff Research Associate, Pulmonary, Critical Care, Allergy, and Sleep Medicine, UCSH Health
Staff Research Associate, HIV, ID, and Global Medicine, ZSFG
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We would love to hear from you! To share feedback, news, or events relevant to DOM staff,
email Aaron Tabacco, PhD, DOM director of staff experience.
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